Creating Peace Begins At Home

“If I could bring relief to your stress filled days, the blessing it creates would be shared by all.” 
Stress is an all too familiar feeling. A feeling that weighs upon our hearts and feels impossible to shake. However, neur0-scientist, Dr. Joe Dispenza, purports suffering caused by stress is not a natural condition. Rather it’s an altered state. Happiness, joy and enthusiasm are our natural states of being. So the question arises, can there be a reprieve from stress? Then what might that antidote be? In my conversations with clients the unspoken word in their hearts is peace. Peace is the antidote. Peace create the gateway ro wholeness. It is the balm that calms the minds and invites hope to the table.

Invoking peace through Feng Shui. If you’ve been shaken by recent world catastrophes; shocked by devastating actions that continue to spin out of control, begin with the energy in your home. It is your sanctuary and with the help of Feng Shui design you may begin to create a haven that has a positive influence on your family, with your neighbors and in the world.

Creating peace takes many forms. Ones you would never suspect. Creating peace has many levels and outreach: creating it in your life, world peace, in a household, amongst employees or peace on the streets in places where there is little peace. I composed an out-of-the-ordinary list to support you and those you love.

• Infusing a space with one of the three color systems raises it to a higher vibration for color can bring a listless room to life; a depressed person hope; it can make a sanctuary out of a stark environment. Color not only creates beauty but also peace. You could use the Five Element System (black, green, red, yellow white in this sequence), the Six True Words color system (white, red, yellow, green, blue, black in this order) or the rainbow color system (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple. This spectrum represents the endocrine system and the chakras – our link to the cosmos). Or use the color, green, because it is a peaceful color.

• Planting bamboo in your yard, in your community or in a place where there has been flooding or damage to the environment revitalizes the Ch’i. We need Ch”i to feel at peace. Bamboo, being both hollow and soft inside, symbolizes humility. “Hollow” in Chinese means “humble”. The Chinese would watch bamboo bow in the wind believing it had supernatural qualities that could soften a human’s heart.

• Imaging Quan Yin Shi Yin Pusa, the Goddess of Mercy, She Who Hears The Cries. Whether a painting or a statue, her presence will bring waves of peace wherever she rests.

• Hanging the 12 Chinese Zodiac Animals in your home can bring harmony into your space. Begin at the root of relationships. Go to the far right corner of your home. There you will find the Relationship gua. Placing the 12 Chinese Zodiac Animals here will bring harmony to your  relationships, creating peace in your life.

• Facing a wall while you stand at the stove could blind sight you or you may become easily frightened diminishing your peace of mind. When you don’t have command of the Ch’i, you could be taken advantaged of. Place a mirror so you see your image while you are facing the stove.

• The eight trigrams were created as a representation of the ten thousand things in the universe. Yet, they still cannot cover everything. So, what is not covered, is in the center. Go to the center to find what you cannot find elsewhere. Go to the center to be “totally covered”, go to the center to create peace. Adjust the center.

A special note about performing Black Sect Feng Shu cures: envision that you are at the juncture between heaven and earth and thus will receive universal Ch’i to help you overcome all your obstacles.

May peace be with you.

Allow me to help you arrange your home where you feel fully supported. I am available for a full consultation service or for an hour telephone conversation. Details are at this link Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

Feng Shui Design For Better Immune Health

“You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control  what goes on inside.”
–Dr. Wayne Dyer

Staying healthy is a premium during this Covid-19 quarantine. Immune health isn’t necessarily a goal we connect with our homes but in reality our spaces are the barriers against illness. I have been contemplating what will be useful to you during this extraordinarily difficult time. I have curated ten adjustments and ceremonies (a qigong practice too) to help you minimize stress, strengthen your immune health and a Feng Shui tip for the front door to get clarity about what course of action to take.

Defense against stress
Over the past 20 years scientific studies have reported stress is the number one causes of illness besides inflammation. If you are working from home and if you are looking after your children, place three lush, green plants in every room where you work and also where you supervise your children. Plants enhance concentration, abate air toxicity, minimize tension, increase your immune health and lift your frame of mind.

Light the front entry (the brighter the better), both the outside and the inside of the front door. The front entrance represents your head besides your health, the light brings more clarity to your brain, helping you choose the right course of action to take.

Worried about the future? Adjust any dark small or narrow area near the front door or the door you enter often. Add sound here. Hang a bell on the door or a wind chime from the ceiling. Clean up any untidy plants at the front door.  Adjust the Helpful People area with a statue or an image of someone who is a mentor, teacher, someone you highly respect. It can also be an image of a deity. If a statue of a deity make sure it is up off the floor. Or place an image or statue of a dragon, (not red, that is a cooked dragon). They are mythical creatures who have benevolent intent to help humans. 

Lost your job during this time? Check to see if one of your doors, particularly the front door opens to a wall. This is known as a contrary door. Your shoulders may be starting to weigh upon your heart and lungs, depleting your pulmonary system, weakening your ability to ward off virus and illnesses. Adjust this feature by hanging a mirror (be sure not to cut off the top of your head nor chin) on the wall that you see as you enter. This wakes up your Ch’i .

SARS outbreak of 2003, scientists discovered the infectious disease spread like wildfire throughout an apartment complex via the sewage pipes. Clean your sewage pipes. If you live in an apartment building contact your landlord.

Harmonize Your Energy
Dried orange peels were used for centuries in ancient China. They were an important part of traditional Chinese medicine. Perform a ceremony with nine whole oranges. Cut nine circles out of each orange for a total of 81 circles. Break those down on a plate and while doing so see the light of 10,000 Buddhas being infused into the peels. Start at your front door and walk around your home (either clockwise or counter clockwise) casting the peels onto the floor. Visualize the light of 10,000 Buddhas is removing any sick Ch’i, bad luck Ch’i and bankruptcy Ch’i, instead happy Ch’i, wealth Ch’i and abundant blessings have come to nest in your home. Best to do this at 11:00 p.m.

Acrid odors have been used in China for centuries to stave off illness. Hang one of the following in your space. Be sure it is visible to everyone. You are adjusting by the sense of smell.
Cloves of garlic
Curry, dill or duren
Garlic chives
Red pepper
Raw onions
Orange peel

Besides cleansing your surfaces, take the opportunity to cleanse your lymphatic system. “This system builds immune health by making special white blood cells called lymphocytes that produce antibodies which are responsible for immune responses that defend the body against disease.” (Unity Point) Tai Chi Forest qigong shares a calming, clarifying short video on tapping the lymphatic meridians. 

According to Thich Nhat Hanh, “a mantra is a magic formula that, once it is uttered, can entirely change a situation, our mind, our body or a person. But this magic formula must be spoken in a state of concentration-that is to say, a state in which body and mind are absolutely in a state of unity.” Tara is the “Mother of all the Buddhas” and she protects the welfare of all beings. Find an image of Red Tara to help you focus. Red Tara eats up illness. Her right eye reflects the sun and kills the virus. The left eye reflects the moon. An elixir pours out of her eyes healing those afflicted. As you face her she connects to your heart and the light sends to you comes from your heart and circles the planet. As you visualize the above, chant, “Om Tara Tuttare Ture Soha” 108 times.

Kindness matches the same vibration as abundance. Perform one good deed a day for 27 days or 9 good deeds a day for nine days to improve your luck and strengthen your cures.

I wish for you good health, peace and hope.

Allow me to help you arrange your home where you feel fully supported. I am available for a full consultation Service or for an hour telephone conversation. Details are at this link Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

Feng Shui Acts of Beauty

Beautiful are those whose brokeness gives birth to transformation and wisdom.
– John Mark Green

Stress is no longer the by-product of a busy life, it’s a 24/7 affair. If you’re feeling it’s a life sentence you have the power to turn this around with a lifestyle change. Feng Shui acts of beauty create a stress free zone that allow only the good stuff in where the possibilities for something extraordinary can happen. In this blog I shed light on how design decorates our emotions in our partnerships and offer solutions that suggest a “transformational power where this power changes the feelings in our bodies” and links us to positive change in our relationships and the world.

Feng Shui Acts of Beauty
We may not see beauty as functional however it has a very important function. Creating acts of beauty eases our suffering. For couples whose love has gone sour it refreshes their relationship. It’s effective in softening conflictive opinions in the house when partners are at odds.

Pillow Talk
Minimize arguing by placing a mirror on the wall at the head of the bed. The nuance: hanging a round mirror invites soft words between partners.

Pear for a Pair
Let Nature help! If you and your partner cannot share–life, bank accounts, whatever it is, plant a pear tree in the yard. Pear in Chinese sounds like partnership, it symbolizes the act of sharing. 

Stairway to Happiness
A stairway in the middle of the house can magnify differing of opinions. It’s not just health issues that slip and slide but opposing viewpoints. Solution is a Feng Shui act of beauty: hang a 50 mm crystal ball at the top of the stairs to lift the Ch’i of the fluctuating energy and lift your hearts.

Fresh Starts
If vitality is lacking in the bedroom, add the color green, place flutes above the bed at the angle of Wealth and Partnership or use plants with flowers and fruit in the bedroom. A plant that bears fruit means that the growth of the plant has seen results and your efforts will bear fruit. Flutes have an uprising force so you are taking the next step ( Green is associated with springtime, a fresh start, vitality and hope. It is a prevalent color in nature from grass and trees to vegetation. You can look at green for a long time and not experience eye strain. Purchase sheets, a duvet cover or curtains or all three.

Partnership Perplexity
If your partner speaks their mind and you choke on your words. If you cannot cannot speak up when you have relationship troubles, purchase the Yundrung necklace from the Yun Lin Temple in Berkeley, California. The thunderbolt releases “Choked Ch’i”.

Fire Danger
Is love is simmering outside and your partner is cooking in someone else’s kitchen? A fireplace in the center can be the suspect. Add water like a mirror (above the fireplace) to put out the fire or place water in a jug close to the fireplace. Be sure to keep it fresh and do not let it evaporate.

Love Chimes
Has your partnership gotten to the place where one of you is holding back and now you are feuding? Try an act of beauty with sound. Placing a wind chime in the house can help get the reverberation of conflict and dissonance out of your systems.

For our mental health and emotional well-being we really can no longer afford to bring more stress into our lives. If this blog has triggered an avalanche of emotions, if you are curious about more acts of beauty for you home, I am available to help you with either a full consultation or an hour telephone conversation, Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

Photo credit: House Beautiful

3 Ways To Transform Stress In Your Home

“As we head into the dark time of year, let’s take a moment to check in with our practice of compassion, for ourselves and others. Let’s notice our reactions as we encounter pain and suffering, our own and that of others. Notice when we open our hearts and make friends with the discomfort and when we go into fear, anger, resistance or stuckness. Our heads might not know where we are at, but our bodies can give us loads of information.”
Sacred Circle Dance

We are experiencing an unprecedented exposure to media, download of EMFs and anxiety over global events. These kinds of stress undermine our sense of safety and control in the world. If you are having difficulty sleeping; concerned for your family’s safety; wondering how to minimize conflict at home, on the road and in the workplace, there is a way to help your life go right. Not only compassion transforms stress, creating your home as your center of strength can help you act with confidence in an uncertain world. If you are ready to make-over your home, here are three key areas that will help you revolutionize your inner state and create a sense of safety.

Begin with those who make life easier.
Look to the front right corner as you face into the house, this is Chien, Helpful People help us accomplish what we set out to do. In the I-Ching this area is represented by Heaven. Heaven Ch’i is effortless in its ability to manifest.

  • Activating this niche with a Feng Shui adjustment draws Heaven onto Earth. Placing a sacred object here invites the people and sets up the events that come to your aide. An image or statue of dragon (no red dragons for that is a cooked dragon), horses, a goose, lion or elephant represent this area. You could hang an image of a special place that you have traveled to or long to visit. Or mount a wall clock for this gua is associated with time. How we manage our time is a mark of success. Make your visualization precise.

Hold your family together.
Locate the center of your home. A strong center can contain you and your loved in the thick of the intricacies of everyday life. If the center of your home is weak, your life can spin out of control. Check for the following details.

  • A stairway in the center creates instability which can lead to worry and restlessness. Loss of Ch’i can destroy your sense of peace and leak energy from the entire house and your energy too. Hang a wind-chime or a mirror at the top of the stairway. Or paint the railing green.
  • A bathroom in the center will deplete all the life situations that the Bagua contains. Your life’s resources will either vanish slowly or be depleted in an immediate surge down the drain.
    Place a mirror on the outside of the bathroom door. This “transcendentally” removes the bathroom by reflecting what is in front of the mirror, hence the bathroom “disappears”.
  • Other details that should be avoided in the middle of the house: boiler; motor; electrical service box – your main disconnect; oven; fireplace; generator. If something electrical or hot exists in the middle of the house, you can paint it green or decorate it with a green plant or place a green plant on top of it.

Avoid dissonance and exhaustion.
Walk to your bedroom. Check to see if your bed is placed on the edge of a “cleaver” shaped room.

  • If the master bed is on the edge of the cleaver, words may be cutting and sharp. This creates dissonance among family members that can spread beyond the walls of your home and impinge upon your life in exhausting ways. If you have a cleaver shaped bedroom, place a mirror on the wall opposite the bed to pull the bed off the knife edge. 
  • Subscribe to my blogspot for more bedroom help. Receive 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind.

If you want more information about design that contributes to stress, lack of safety, ill health and conflict, check out Floor Plans Matter. I describe one design feature in each of nine floor plans. My hope is that you start to think of your home as your source to regenerate your energy where you can face the world with good humor, trust and feel empowered to make a change for your own good.

Have you decided this will be your year? “Boldness has genius”… start with one hour of Feng Shui A La Carte. One hour with me can transform your current situation. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

Photo credit: LoveFairyGarden,

Take Command Of Your Sleep, Start With Feng Shui Design

“By helping us keep the world in perspective, sleep gives us a chance to refocus on the essence of who we are. And in that place of connection, it is easier for the fears and concerns of the world to drop away.”
– Arianna Huffington, The Sleep Revolution

In July I shared with you I will be part of an anthology, Recipes For Living Coloring Journal. It’s no surprise my chapter is devoted to how Feng Shui bedroom design helps you sleep better. I truly believe the bedroom is the most important room in the house. So when I read Arianna Huffington’s account of her “wake up call” in The Sleep Revolution, I knew that the benefits of Feng Shui design need to spread throughout the world.

“We are in a sleep deprivation crisis,” writes Ms. Huffington. “I experienced firsthand the high price we’re paying for cheating sleep when I collapsed from exhaustion.” She goes on to say, “If we look at our lives as a spiritual journey, sleep becomes a key paradox: when we completely identify with our persona in this world–with our job, our appearance, our bank account–we are asleep to life’s deeper dimensions….We are living in a golden age of sleep science–revealing all the ways in which sleep and dreams play a vital role in our decision making, emotional intelligence, cognitive function and creativity. And how lack of sleep is often the culprit behind anxiety, stress, depression and a myriad of health problems.” (Harmony Books, The Sleep Revolution)

Consulting with my clients I have discovered a similar loop. Usually it takes the form of an underlying anxiety that monitors their decision making where their choices are based on a stress response. For nearly everyone of them this stems from an exhaustive bedroom design.

Sleep not only helps you work efficiently but be a productive part of society. Yet productivity is but one piece of the well-being matrix. Living fully and consciously means tapping into your creativity, your rich well of emotions and you soul’s purpose.

Of all the Feng Shui design advice I give on the bedroom, I have found “placing the bed in command position” carries the most weight in addressing productivity (yang) and creativity (yin) of our everyday lives. And for those who constantly deal with anxiety, worry and depression, it is a gift for the soul. Bed placement creates a palpable shift in your emotions and I have seen a positive attitude change as a result. Choices come from confidence rather than the seat of the pants. Clarity eliminates self-sabotaging behavior that cycles into stress. Inspiration flows freely as the brain functions at its optimal capacity rather than run on auto-pilot.

If you’ve had doubts why changing your bed position is a good idea, I’ve included a short list. You may be surprised how it influences your health and peace of mind.

  • Heart troubles. Where your bed is positioned can place stress on your emotional heart. Prolonged stress can develop into physical heart troubles including a murmur and arrhythmia.
  • Illness along the midline. Your major organs from your brain to your kidneys can be affected.
  • Insomnia and restless sleep. Our brain is responsible for our survival. It we’re too close to an entrance, either facing it, to the side of it or behind it, this placement triggers the amygdala (the fight-or-flight mechanism). Our brain never shuts off and this weakens the immune system which depends on releasing toxins and building tissue in sleep.
  • Missed opportunity. If you sleep in line of the door your body never lets down at night to rejuvenate. During the day you may be preoccupied with a low grade headache which will invariably eclipse a chance meeting or being considered for promotion.
  • Mood swings. If your bed is on the door wall, you cannot see who is coming, you may feel a sense of danger and you may be blind-sided.

Command position is based on H.H. ”Professor” Lin’s Theory of Relative Positioning which states, the energy that is closest to you affects you the most. Think of the gunslinger in the old westerns. He always had his back to the wall and his eye on the saloon doors. Never too close and not in line of those swinging doors.

  • Your bedroom door determines command position.
  • The door should be within eyeshot of the bed.
  • The bed placement should allow the widest scope of vision of the door.
  • The best placement when feasible is the farther wall from the bedroom door.

As you lay in bed tonight take a moment and observe your surroundings. What do you see? What do you feel? Self awareness is key to getting a good night’s sleep.

Have you decided this will be your year? “Boldness has genius”…start with one hour of Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

Feng Shui Matters To Your Heart

“If light is in your heart, you will find your way home.”
– Rumi

If you are like me you may be feeling an ache in your heart for Orlando, the LGBTQ community and their families. After the Bataclan attack last year I wrote “How To Manifest Peace”. These tragedies and the ones preceding, Aurora, Newtown, Roseburg…, could conceivably keep our spirits rattled for some time which may settle into a despairing belief that peace is not possible in our communities. I believe we have options. We can begin to repair when we understand how these events have placed stress on our hearts. Making a shift to focus on kindness, our communities’s purpose and the influence our home has on our heart’s well-being can be healthy antidotes to combat despair. I compiled “Feng Shui Matters To Your Heart”, a list of design details that cause conflict. I have seen time and again when we modify stress in the walls that surround us, we don’t just keep the healing to ourselves, the empowerment goes out to our loved ones and our communities.

The ancient Chinese scholars identified the Heart as the director of all the other functions of the body primarily because of its leadership quality, its ‘shen’ or ‘spirit’. “In The Yellow Emperor’s Chinese Classic–the oldest text in Chinese medicine–the strength of the shen is essential for good health: ‘If shen is strong, the body will be strong; if we lose shen, the body will perish.’ ” – Epoch Times

So we see something more than a regulator of blood circulation as western medicine would indicate. The Heart is an organ of consciousness. It is the spark that moves the body in rhythm with a love song; stirs the pulse when hearing a rousing poem; ignites passion when seeing a powerful speaker; the soul of the pen that radiates an uplifting letter. It is the Heart that guides our intellect, studies the world, gives us a sense of mindfulness…it is the supreme governor that directs our purpose everyday, fulfilling our ‘why’. 

“The shen likes peace and calm.” It is a balanced state for the Heart. When you experience shen disturbances such as anxiety, insomnia, sadness, obsession, stress, heart palpitations, heart disease, depression or an inability to speak clearly, these symptoms are revealing some truth about your situation. The imbalances caused by the environment, either in your body or the landscape that surrounds you, can be a catalyst to explore not only conventional and Chinese medicine, but also an opportunity to inquire what in your home may be creating an unsettled spirit in you. 

I believe we are in the midst of extraordinary transformation. What is prompting the change are extreme, sometimes tragic, but always heart-opening experiences and our response to transmute these into positive events is clearly in the early stages of evolution. There is no better time than now to focus on aligning the Feng Shui in your environment to support your emotional well-being. This design detail conflict indicator is a tool to help you examine what is going on in your home especially if you or a family member is experiencing emotional distress, high blood pressure or heart disease.

Front Door Disadvantages A spiral staircase near the front door. A spiral staircase acts like a screw that burrows down into the house affecting your heart.

A stairway out the door can create illness along the midline which includes the heart. A nuance is there may be conflict locked in of the heart of the inhabitants. These emotions can deplete the heart/shen from functioning in its natural capacity of joy.

Difficult interior doors Biting doors are doors that face each other and are misaligned. This creates the trauma of a split. Chaos is created. It can create conflict for the inhabitants which can lead to divorce, career downturn or difficult bankruptcy. When they are misaligned by exactly one half there may be verbal and physical fighting. If they are misaligned in a child’s room they may encourage bullying behavior.

A Contrary door is a door that opens to the wall instead of the large part of the room. You may feel you are working hard for little gain. There may be back issues as the back slumps over the lungs and heart, this positioning creates respiratory and heart disease.

Piercing Heart Doors are three or more doors through which you could walk in a straight line. They create an invisible obstacle which creates obstacles between family members. As the crevasse widens over time, it becomes more and more challenging to touch the heart of another.

Hollow unhappiness Health is the center of the Ba-gua. A stairway in the center creates a lack of stability that can lead to worry and restlessness. You may feel depleted of hope and peace. Ch’i may escape from the everywhere in the home and from its inhabitants. Your health maybe particularly affected.

An elevator and air shaft are in this category of a hollow center for they create a void.

Center conflict A kitchen in the center of the house. The function of the stove is to create a flame that heats your food. It may overheat the emotions in your heart.

Inoperative operating systems If there are problems associated with the air conditioning system or the heating system, those are connected to the heart functioning well.

Slants, edges and blocks blues Slanted ceilings can be particularly uncomfortable if you have low blood pressure.

A knife-edge that comes at the bed will affect your heart, especially if you have an irregular heartbeat.

A blocking wall will make your stomach feel squeezed, pushing your breath back up to your lungs and putting pressure on your heart.

A slanted hallway especially if it leads to the bedroom over time depletes your joy.

Bed distress A lack of commanding position of the bed in the bedroom can cause, but not limited to the following: restless sleep including insomnia, illness along the midline, anxiety, phobias and heart trouble, including arrhythmia and murmur.

If you want to receive a cure for any one of these design features, I will ask you to honor the red envelope tradition.

In 1999, when I started my practice, I chose the name, Shén Mén Feng Shui because our home has a spirit and by linking our spirit to our home’s spirit, I believe we become self-realized beings.

Have you decided this will be your year? ”Boldness has genius”…start with one hour of Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

The K.I.S.S. of Good Health

Do you believe that being healthy is only about being mobile? That as long as you can stand up, go to work, do your job, make time for family, go on a two week vacation every year, that is health? It’s an old paradigm, It keeps your health a mystery and you are powerless to influence the course it takes. Eventually a crisis takes you by surprise which costs you time and money, as you lie debilitated in a hospital bed, never suspecting that you needed to learn how to live and master ways of seeing the world to create good health.

Now consider this: your thoughts, the state of your emotions and stress cause your good health or poor health. That changes what health is, doesn’t it? Dr. John Hagelin, quantum physicist, shares, “Happier thoughts lead to a essentially healthier bio-chemistry and a healthier, happier body. Negative thoughts, stress, have been shown to seriously degrade the body and the function of our brain. Because it is our thoughts and emotions that are continuously reassembling, reorganizing, recreating our body.”

At this very moment if you are having a health setback you have the power to shift the outcome by a shift in your thoughts and emotions. Even if you are feeling well, you can maintain your vitality by implementing a daily practice. These are simple, short and I hope you think, sweet things you can start doing today to feel the effects of more happiness and the K.I.S.S. of good health.

Keep in tune with your emotions.

  • Take time to check in when you are happy, angry, depressed or sad. You may not be able to respond to what caused the feelings nor would it be appropriate, but acknowledging them allows the emotion to move through your body. This practice keeps you tuned up and all of your systems humming. And even better, you are less likely to even catch a cold. Feng Shui solution: if you are distressed by your emotional state, tap your head 108 times. It will help you to get clear about what is causing the intense emotions. You may need to do it two more times for a total of 324 times but well worth the good night’s sleep when you go to bed that night.

Invite awareness.

  • Turn on your inner compass. Unplug. Go for a stroll. Look for something new in your neighborhood. Say hello to a stranger. Immerse yourself in the moment and appreciate it’s magic by feeling the temperature of the air, the sun on your face and the depth of your breathing. This expands your consciousness and opens neural pathways for creative problem solving. You get to the solution quicker with the most desired results. Feng Shui solution: place a mirror in front of you where you sit at your desk to open your perspective.

Stimulate your senses. Switch things up.

  • The senses are extraordinary but they can be dulled by monotony. Eat something pungent like Indian curry for breakfast. Listen to classical music if all you play is soft rock. Spend three hours in an art museum if you  continuously watch T.V. If you have an aversion to a certain smell like popcorn, sit with a bag and explore what that really is. Maybe it’s connected to an experience, a memory and it’s not the popcorn at all. Feng Shui solution to adjust the Ch’i by sense of touch: one of H.H. Lin Yun’s favorite adjustments is to place a piece of fur on your banister. When you, a family member or guest touch it, the difference in texture startles you and wakes up your Ch’i.

Smile often and without a reason. Feel grateful.

  • Expressing gratitude cultivates happiness. When you appreciate what you have it appreciates in value. It’s not about more and buying new things, it is loving what is already in your life, that being the good health and prosperity you are experiencing right now. Announce to the Universe how much you love you, your family, your pets, your friends and your coworkers. It will exponentially improve your relationships and the love you send, comes back to you. The added bonus, it boosts your immune system. Feng Shui solution: H.H. Lin Yun expressed that when we perform a kind deed, this act of love is generosity in action. Not only does it uplift the Ch’i of the person who receives the kindness but the person who does the kind deed. Performing a kind act daily expedites your Feng Shui cures.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.