How Building Design Affects the Human Body According to Feng Shui

Trouble with your health? Call me, 503-232-2543.

“Houses are like the human beings that inhabit them.”

– Victor Hugo

Our home’s building design is an active participant in our homeostasis. It affects our health and mental outlook on a daily basis. When a client comes to me with a health condition, depending on the ailment, I will look at anyone of the following systems of the house and inquire into its condition.

An example of how the mechanical, electrical, plumbing – all the building design works together. If you are sick or a family member, look at the mechanical, electrical, plumbing – all the systems of the house. Draw an outline of the body onto the house and put the head (face down) at the front door then locate the heart in the house. Where the heart lands in the house correct that system, not just the plumbing which is associated with the circulatory system. Address flooding in the house, even the basement because these will affect the circulatory system.

• Main Entrance and foyer correspond to the head.

• Electrical wiring corresponds to the nervous system.

• Plumbing corresponds to circulatory system, circulation of the blood.

• Sewage System relates to the urinary tract, guts, digestive system–stomach, large intestine.

• Respiratory corresponds air conditioning, ducts, chimneys, sky lights,

• Roof and Beams correspond to the spine.

• Four corners of the house or lot correspond to the four limbs. Front corners would be the arm, the back corners would be the legs and feet.


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