What Feminine Energy Does For Your Home

“Nothing can dim the light that shines from within.”
– Maya Angelou
You deserve every praise for creating a thriving work life; for being the rock for your partner and for sharing your vital wisdom with your children. I am delighted this day honors you and that we women have a month to be recognized.

The women’s movement gave a voice to feminine energy and its power. Today feminine energy is a voice as a creative influence in our homes. When we design with it consciously, it empowers us and gives us freedom. Feminine energy is embedded in the Yin (represented by the dark swoosh of the Tai Chi symbol). It is a subtle, unseen, soft, yielding and receptive power. In the world we live in  its importance lies in reestablishing harmony within ourselves, creating wholeness in our relationships and mindful balance in our communities. The natural world like plants, water features, light and color attune our spaces to the Yin and enables the feminine within us. I want you to have these five Feng Shui Yin cures that I love and believe will spread 
your shining light.

Worrying about events that are beyond your control leads to stress that may undermine family relationships. The center of your home (Yin) will help you regain inner composure. The feminine loves color. In the transcendental sense stability, focus and calm may be enhanced by adding earth tones like yellow, orange or brown to the center of your home. These colors cultivate a sense of trust in yourself, your ideas and feeling supported by those you love. 

Feeling weakened by illness or lack of energy for intimacy with your partner? The feminine loves green plants. Place nine lush plants in your bedroom. They will refresh your body, brighten your mood and remove clutter from your thoughts. They help you feel grounded, creative and calm. They are easy on the eyes and you can look at them for a long time and not experience eye strain. The color green has a stress-relieving effect. In color psychology, colors of shorter wave lengths relax and cool the human body and mind. Green invests us with tranquility.

Distractions from work may spill over into the home setting, call upon the Yin. The beauty of the bell is in its feminine shape. The clapper striking the hollow cavity inside (Yin) can penetrate your mind with its clear sound. Placing it on the inside front door knob on a nine inch red cord, this blessing may help understanding arise in your heart, helping you to transcend the path of anxiety.  

Water is the softest thing, yet it can penetrate mountains and earth. This shows clearly the principle of softness overcoming hardness. (Lao Tzu) The feminine loves water features like a trickling fountain near the front door or a gazing pool in the back yard. Its softness may overcome harsh thoughts. A BSTB Feng Shui wealth cure from Professor Lin. If you have a pool of water and a door or window that views the pool you can pull the water energy (money) across your bed or desk with a mirror and money will flow like water.

Restless or having trouble relaxing at home? Having a room or a certain hour where it’s all your own, you may bring forth what you are. This is the “place of creative incubation” according to Joseph Campbell. He goes on to say “at first you may find nothing happens here. But if you have a sacred place and use it, something eventually will happen. Your sacred space is where you find yourself again and again.” The feminine loves a meditation space, or simply an altar to fill its soul with beauty. Create a place to reflect and  just be.

Allow me to help you arrange your home where you feel fully supported. I am available for a full consultation service or for an hour telephone conversation. Details are at this link Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

Feng Shui Acts of Beauty

Beautiful are those whose brokeness gives birth to transformation and wisdom.
– John Mark Green

Stress is no longer the by-product of a busy life, it’s a 24/7 affair. If you’re feeling it’s a life sentence you have the power to turn this around with a lifestyle change. Feng Shui acts of beauty create a stress free zone that allow only the good stuff in where the possibilities for something extraordinary can happen. In this blog I shed light on how design decorates our emotions in our partnerships and offer solutions that suggest a “transformational power where this power changes the feelings in our bodies” and links us to positive change in our relationships and the world.

Feng Shui Acts of Beauty
We may not see beauty as functional however it has a very important function. Creating acts of beauty eases our suffering. For couples whose love has gone sour it refreshes their relationship. It’s effective in softening conflictive opinions in the house when partners are at odds.

Pillow Talk
Minimize arguing by placing a mirror on the wall at the head of the bed. The nuance: hanging a round mirror invites soft words between partners.

Pear for a Pair
Let Nature help! If you and your partner cannot share–life, bank accounts, whatever it is, plant a pear tree in the yard. Pear in Chinese sounds like partnership, it symbolizes the act of sharing. 

Stairway to Happiness
A stairway in the middle of the house can magnify differing of opinions. It’s not just health issues that slip and slide but opposing viewpoints. Solution is a Feng Shui act of beauty: hang a 50 mm crystal ball at the top of the stairs to lift the Ch’i of the fluctuating energy and lift your hearts.

Fresh Starts
If vitality is lacking in the bedroom, add the color green, place flutes above the bed at the angle of Wealth and Partnership or use plants with flowers and fruit in the bedroom. A plant that bears fruit means that the growth of the plant has seen results and your efforts will bear fruit. Flutes have an uprising force so you are taking the next step (www.yunlintemple.org). Green is associated with springtime, a fresh start, vitality and hope. It is a prevalent color in nature from grass and trees to vegetation. You can look at green for a long time and not experience eye strain. Purchase sheets, a duvet cover or curtains or all three.

Partnership Perplexity
If your partner speaks their mind and you choke on your words. If you cannot cannot speak up when you have relationship troubles, purchase the Yundrung necklace from the Yun Lin Temple in Berkeley, California. The thunderbolt releases “Choked Ch’i”.

Fire Danger
Is love is simmering outside and your partner is cooking in someone else’s kitchen? A fireplace in the center can be the suspect. Add water like a mirror (above the fireplace) to put out the fire or place water in a jug close to the fireplace. Be sure to keep it fresh and do not let it evaporate.

Love Chimes
Has your partnership gotten to the place where one of you is holding back and now you are feuding? Try an act of beauty with sound. Placing a wind chime in the house can help get the reverberation of conflict and dissonance out of your systems.

For our mental health and emotional well-being we really can no longer afford to bring more stress into our lives. If this blog has triggered an avalanche of emotions, if you are curious about more acts of beauty for you home, I am available to help you with either a full consultation or an hour telephone conversation, Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

Photo credit: House Beautiful