Feng Shui Matters To Your Heart

“If light is in your heart, you will find your way home.”
– Rumi

If you are like me you may be feeling an ache in your heart for Orlando, the LGBTQ community and their families. After the Bataclan attack last year I wrote “How To Manifest Peace”. These tragedies and the ones preceding, Aurora, Newtown, Roseburg…, could conceivably keep our spirits rattled for some time which may settle into a despairing belief that peace is not possible in our communities. I believe we have options. We can begin to repair when we understand how these events have placed stress on our hearts. Making a shift to focus on kindness, our communities’s purpose and the influence our home has on our heart’s well-being can be healthy antidotes to combat despair. I compiled “Feng Shui Matters To Your Heart”, a list of design details that cause conflict. I have seen time and again when we modify stress in the walls that surround us, we don’t just keep the healing to ourselves, the empowerment goes out to our loved ones and our communities.

The ancient Chinese scholars identified the Heart as the director of all the other functions of the body primarily because of its leadership quality, its ‘shen’ or ‘spirit’. “In The Yellow Emperor’s Chinese Classic–the oldest text in Chinese medicine–the strength of the shen is essential for good health: ‘If shen is strong, the body will be strong; if we lose shen, the body will perish.’ ” – Epoch Times

So we see something more than a regulator of blood circulation as western medicine would indicate. The Heart is an organ of consciousness. It is the spark that moves the body in rhythm with a love song; stirs the pulse when hearing a rousing poem; ignites passion when seeing a powerful speaker; the soul of the pen that radiates an uplifting letter. It is the Heart that guides our intellect, studies the world, gives us a sense of mindfulness…it is the supreme governor that directs our purpose everyday, fulfilling our ‘why’. 

“The shen likes peace and calm.” It is a balanced state for the Heart. When you experience shen disturbances such as anxiety, insomnia, sadness, obsession, stress, heart palpitations, heart disease, depression or an inability to speak clearly, these symptoms are revealing some truth about your situation. The imbalances caused by the environment, either in your body or the landscape that surrounds you, can be a catalyst to explore not only conventional and Chinese medicine, but also an opportunity to inquire what in your home may be creating an unsettled spirit in you. 

I believe we are in the midst of extraordinary transformation. What is prompting the change are extreme, sometimes tragic, but always heart-opening experiences and our response to transmute these into positive events is clearly in the early stages of evolution. There is no better time than now to focus on aligning the Feng Shui in your environment to support your emotional well-being. This design detail conflict indicator is a tool to help you examine what is going on in your home especially if you or a family member is experiencing emotional distress, high blood pressure or heart disease.

Front Door Disadvantages A spiral staircase near the front door. A spiral staircase acts like a screw that burrows down into the house affecting your heart.

A stairway out the door can create illness along the midline which includes the heart. A nuance is there may be conflict locked in of the heart of the inhabitants. These emotions can deplete the heart/shen from functioning in its natural capacity of joy.

Difficult interior doors Biting doors are doors that face each other and are misaligned. This creates the trauma of a split. Chaos is created. It can create conflict for the inhabitants which can lead to divorce, career downturn or difficult bankruptcy. When they are misaligned by exactly one half there may be verbal and physical fighting. If they are misaligned in a child’s room they may encourage bullying behavior.

A Contrary door is a door that opens to the wall instead of the large part of the room. You may feel you are working hard for little gain. There may be back issues as the back slumps over the lungs and heart, this positioning creates respiratory and heart disease.

Piercing Heart Doors are three or more doors through which you could walk in a straight line. They create an invisible obstacle which creates obstacles between family members. As the crevasse widens over time, it becomes more and more challenging to touch the heart of another.

Hollow unhappiness Health is the center of the Ba-gua. A stairway in the center creates a lack of stability that can lead to worry and restlessness. You may feel depleted of hope and peace. Ch’i may escape from the everywhere in the home and from its inhabitants. Your health maybe particularly affected.

An elevator and air shaft are in this category of a hollow center for they create a void.

Center conflict A kitchen in the center of the house. The function of the stove is to create a flame that heats your food. It may overheat the emotions in your heart.

Inoperative operating systems If there are problems associated with the air conditioning system or the heating system, those are connected to the heart functioning well.

Slants, edges and blocks blues Slanted ceilings can be particularly uncomfortable if you have low blood pressure.

A knife-edge that comes at the bed will affect your heart, especially if you have an irregular heartbeat.

A blocking wall will make your stomach feel squeezed, pushing your breath back up to your lungs and putting pressure on your heart.

A slanted hallway especially if it leads to the bedroom over time depletes your joy.

Bed distress A lack of commanding position of the bed in the bedroom can cause, but not limited to the following: restless sleep including insomnia, illness along the midline, anxiety, phobias and heart trouble, including arrhythmia and murmur.

If you want to receive a cure for any one of these design features, I will ask you to honor the red envelope tradition.

In 1999, when I started my practice, I chose the name, Shén Mén Feng Shui because our home has a spirit and by linking our spirit to our home’s spirit, I believe we become self-realized beings.

Have you decided this will be your year? ”Boldness has genius”…start with one hour of Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

June 4 New Moon I Your Next Adventure

“Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”
– Mary Oliver

This June 4 new moon take your precious life into your imagination and let it run the entire lunar month. The influences are keen for it. The clever Horse is energetic, quick, enthusiastic and loves an enterprise. The sparkling, creative Monkey likes to make things up as it goes and relishes making ingenious plans. Horse and Monkey are experts at thinking up new adventures. Make use of their charisma by taking some time from your schedule, “because it is important to attend to the well-being of your personal self…” (Abraham Hicks)

You can amplify your well-being and take advantage of what you desire to accomplish with these four things you can do everyday from Abraham Hicks.

Meditate 15 minutes everyday. Quiet your mind with the simple intention of allowing your cork to float.

Spend time in Nature. Go outside no matter what the weather and move around in it in appreciation of this planet. Look up and around and find things to acknowledge and talk about them right out loud. Such as when Esther walks through her garden and says to everything,“You are my favorite. You are my favorite bird in the tree, you are my favorite stone on the path, you are my favorite flower in bloom…”

Write in a notebook daily. You could call it, “My Book of Positive Aspects”. Fill it with three to five pages of positive aspects. Choose five different subjects and write on the positive aspects of each one. You are train your vibration into an upward place.

Look upward and acknowledge universal forces. Best if you do it outside or at a window. Acknowledge there are universal forces that are focused right at you. Acknowledge it by calling it by name. And then say, “I acknowledge that I am the object of your positive attention. And I am appreciating your continual gaze on behalf of my well-being. And today, no matter where I am, no matter where I am going, no matter what I am doing and no matter who I am doing it with, I will be in conscious awareness that you too are there with me. Appreciating me, supporting me, assisting me, acknowledging me, inspiring me, guiding me, having fun with me, helping me, aware of me, loving me, showing me, uplifting me…get into an endless loop of that acknowledgement. And watch what begins to happen.

To get into the spirit, I add the vitality of the rainbow colors to my wardrobe. A scarf is a quick lift. Something more permanent, like a wind sock at a corner eave, helps me drink in all the seven hues and sustains my energy.

What does this lunar month hold for your Chinese Zodiac animal? Read on and imagine your next adventure. Rat: you are in Direct Conflict with Horse. There will be obstacles and obscurity in your endeavors. There are prospects in love but be cautious in making any concrete decisions. Scoundrels may be about, perform the Avoiding Harmful People Cure (aka The Scoundrel Cure). Ox: this is a Mutually Offensive month. Remain passive and conservative. Avoid disputes and gossip. Be cautious of your health and do not invite trouble by lack of attention to matters. Tiger: this is a Three Harmony month. Auspiciousness is on its way. You may be promoted at work and advance in your career. The stars are favorable for buying real estate, making investments and going into partnerships. Your money luck and good and Helpful People are standing by ready to help. Rabbit: this is a Mutually Offensive month. There is as much good luck and there is misfortune. Do not be demanding, work hard and naturally you will see fruitful results. If you reach for something beyond your grasp, you may get nothing. The good news your luck will change towards the end of the lunar month. Dragon: it’s an auspicious month but still follow a routine and proceed with your affairs in an orderly manner. Refrain from acting rashly for mistakes can be made for overlooking details. Your money luck is very good. You are advised to purchase real estate and make investments. Snake: business planning and job searching will be fruitful. You will have an abundance of money and riches. Snake men should subside their lust for the opposite sex. Should you abide by this all will be at peace. Horse: this is a very favorable month to travel abroad or start a new business, make investments, purchase assets, establish partnerships and broaden your career. For both men and woman in relationships, marriage is a possibility. For young students you will reach scholastic advancement. Ram: it is a Six Harmony month when bad luck turns to good, life goes according to plan and good fortune comes to your doorstep. Joyous events will fill your household and you will be flush with success. During such an advantageous time, it is wise to pursue new business and opportunities. Monkey: there will be joyous celebrations, including possible weddings. The household is filled with happiness and auspiciousness. You may make investments, purchase real estate, take trips, sign contracts or set up new businesses. Rooster: luck of the month is Mutually Offensive. Be on the look out for those who are speaking behind your back, even betraying you and be watchful of traffic accidents. Perform the Avoiding Harmful People Cure (aka The Scoundrel Cure) and Driving Safety Cure. To avoid bad luck host a celebration in your home to offset the negative energy. Dog: this month’s fortune is on the rise. You will reap power, fame, status, money and profit. On the other hand to not push your luck or strive to interfere unnecessarily. You are advised to seek out interpersonal harmony, see the big picture and act in the interest of everyone. Pig: the sun has come out after many rainy days and so has your luck. Wealth is coming in through conventional and unconventional channels. Beware of scoundrels placing obstacles in your way and causing setbacks in your endeavors. Perform the Avoiding Harmful People Cure (aka The Scoundrel Cure). If you request a cure from this forecast, I will ask you to honor the red envelope traditionHave a great month, Zodiac friends! 

Thank you to Khadro Crystal Chu, Black Sect Esoteric Buddhist Feng Shui for your unfailing command of Feng Shui and Chinese metaphysics.

Have you decided this will be your year? “Boldness has genius”…start with one hour of Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

Feng Shui. How Your Emotions Decorate Your Space

“An interior is the natural projection of the soul.”
– Coco Chanel

Feng Shui design reveals how your house is talking from joy to abundance to anxiety and stress. If you walk into a room and it triggers unhappy thoughts…your emotions decorate your space and visa versa, the door, the stairs, the stove, the bed may initiate physiological stress that creates mood swings.  Here is what Jeanette discovered. Her family decided to move across country so her husband could take a new position and they could be closer to her parents. She had one week to choose a home for her family. The home she fell in love with had vaulted ceilings, a view of the back yard from the front door, a large master suite that stretched from front to back, a three car garage…it was certainly the right neighborhood and the school was perfect for her children. Once they settled into the new house she thought everything would be as before. But the stress of moving never dissipated. A barrier progressively developed between she and her husband. They were silent at the dinner table and he stopped coming home at reasonable hours. Her 13 year old son did not like sleeping in his room. It was so good before the move, what happened? 

Wanting to find the husband she had lost, to help her son stop his nightly wandering and bring some happiness to herself, she called me for help. Jeanette’s story is a powerfully moving scenario and not unlike the stories clients share expressing their profound loss and disbelief over what has happened to the life they once had. She had read several Feng Shui books. She suspected the emotional issues between she and her husband, her son’s distraction and her moodiness were stemming from her home. And she admitted she didn’t feel good being there. When I shared what I saw, my words immediately resonated with her. She had no trouble making a plan and her next step would be decorating using Feng Shui design.

I believe Feng Shui education goes a long way in creating awareness that our home influences our well-being. With that in mind, I composed this Feng Shui guide to help you understand how the design of your home influences how your emotions decorate your space. This guide will help you make informed decisions when you purchase your new home. And if you are already settled in your space, you might recognize one or two design features where your emotions decorate your space, limit your freedom and curb your peace of mind. 

Want a picture? Here is a helpful companion blog on floor plans, “Unraveling Your Home’s Floor Plan With Feng Shui.
 Depletion That Paints You Into A Corner
A hidden front door is when you cannot see the door from the street. Here’s a surprising example how emotions decorate your space. Feelings of isolation can develop over time. What Professor Lin would call “strange chi.” At an office there may be loss of income, feeling frustration, depression and loss of motivation.
• An obstacle (blocking tree, wall, utility pole or column) at the front door can limit opportunities.
• Double doors can create confusion, especially if the door to enter is not marked properly.
• A slanted front door creates a slant on daily interactions that explode into unexpected events related to all areas of life.
• A blocking wall inside the front door can impede the forward movement of everyone in the household. Everyone may struggle with their career. Faith in the future may be lost.
• Front door /back door alignment may possibly create a split through the whole house. The closer the doors the worse this patten is. Parents may feel a barrier between them and lead separate lives. Parents and children lose touch. Money may leak and opportunities dry up. Money, motivation, reputation, health and good luck may fly out the back door.
• Your emotions decorate your space when there is a split at the front door. This detail can affect all areas of life dramatically. The brain is activated unevenly and the two sides will start to lack coordination. The inhabitant may act more and think less. Or think more and act less. In either situation there is an imbalance. As a result illness along the midline can development. Also confusion and the lack of sound decision making can cost a family their health or business. Non-stop arguing and violence can result with a split at the front door. Extreme marital, family and business interactions can take place here.
• A split stairway (typical of split level homes) aka Mandarin duck stairway creates an environment where everything begins to fall apart; it can even shatter a person’s peace of mind. The different levels affect partners where they are more likely to experience miscommunication or not speak at all; children have difficulty feeling accepted; finances fluctuate wildly. Invariably health is unstable. When it is a company and affects all the employees, the consequences can be disastrous.

 Bad Luck That Colors Your Morale
• Seeing a cemetery, a morgue or a deserted house from your front door may bring illness and sudden expected disasters.
• If your home is at end of a “double T” intersection your luck may dwindle in all areas but in particular health and finances.
• A narrow driveway or path. The opportunity to expand your heart and mind may never happen. And if you see opportunity you won’t be able to grasp it, feeling shut down.
• A toilet over the front door brings bad luck to the entire household or business.
• A stove that is backed up to the toilet that is on the other side of the wall affects your luck to the point it may run out.
• A dead door is a door that is nailed shut or that cannot be opened. This feature may stifle’s one’s voice completely. If the original door has been closed there can be a sudden downturn in fortune or slow loss of resources.

Details That Design Conflict
• Arguing Doors are two doors that when they are open bump up against one another. The clashing is jarring to the senses and disturbs the inhabitants equilibrium. Conflict results. It may run throughout the house.
• Biting Doors are a very troubling example how emotions decorate your space. Biting doors are doors that are out of alignment with one another. Visualize walking out of your bedroom and seeing part of a door entry and part of a wall. This design feature creates a split and has the effect of a front door split. Biting doors create discord between parents and parents and children. In a child’s room it can create a bully. You may lose friends and neighbors can turn into enemies. In an office setting there may be gossip, back stabbing and power struggles. Biting doors at the front door are especially detrimental as the conflict and verbal fighting can reach into the neighborhood.
• Piercing Heart Doors are three or more doors which you could walk in a straight line. They create an invisible obstacle through the house which impedes relations between partners, partners and their children and between siblings. Alienation and separation tear the family apart.
• Many doors opening into a small space. I think we all have this one, especially around the bedrooms and bathroom. A door is a “mouth”. This area can be especially noisy because all the voices are trying to speak at once. Listening is difficult and family members may end up quarreling. This design feature is the underpinnings for health issues, particularly the digestive organs.
• Too many doors in relationship to the windows and the adult voice may be too powerful. This ratio may silence the voice of the children. In a business situation management (the adult) may not heart the feedback of employees (the children). There may be a conflict of wills.
• Too few doors in relationship to the windows and the children may create havoc. On the job, employees may strike or rebel.

Architecture That Exhausts All Your Emotional Resources
• A door that is below the level of the street make every movement feel like an uphill climb. Time becomes altered and energy depleted. There is an inability to follow through and complete projects.
• A contrary door is a door that opens to a wall instead of the main part of the room. Everyone who lives in the house may find they are laboring and not enjoying the results of their work. They may feel exhausted and disappointed most of the time.
• If a stove is in line with the front door, family problems may never be resolved. There is constant worry and pressure which can exhaust everyone who lives there.
• If a bedroom is the first room an inhabitant sees when entering the house, they may be too tired to take care of their responsibilities and daily duties.

 Exterior And Interiors That Are Blueprints For Illness
• An industrial park or factory next door may be overwhelming. The distraction and pollution create physical and mental imbalances. Being empty at night they create a yin presence. All of this affects your ability to concentrate, be clear and effective.
• A bathroom in the center of the house or office can deplete all life situations. Poor health can plague every inhabitant year after year, effecting succeeding generations.
• A fireplace in the center of the house can burn up money, create infamy and heat up passion so it is burns outside the house, drying up your creative juices. The flow of your career may come to a drizzle and your inner growth may be non-existent. Your vitality is depleted and your emotional capacity to lift your life to joy is severely restrained.
•A stairway that ends too close to a wall may impede the flow of Ch’i in the building and the bodies of the inhabitants. You may feel blocked physically, emotionally and in your career.

If you would like to receive a cure for any one of these design features, I am happy to share I request red envelopes, here is the red envelope tradition.

Have you decided this will be your year? ”Boldness has genius”…start with one hour of Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

May 6 New Moon I Realizing Your Own Good!

“Trust only movement. Life happens at the level of events, not of words.”
– Alfred Adler

New moons are invitations to create your own good. May 6 New Moon, Snake, the sixth animal of the zodiac, takes the spotlight. Snake’s steadying influence may offer order during this thrilling yet chaotic Fire Monkey ride. Both Monkey and Snake embody wisdom and native intelligence. Where Monkey may pounce on what immediately attracts its attention, Snake contemplates its strategy and when ready strikes to assure success. Realize your own good by aligning with the refined energy of Snake. As Yasha Jampolsky shares “thoughtful precise movement undertaken with grace will receive much support.” Here are seven action attributes to create “wise grace” and help you shape a successful month. 
• Eliminate unnecessary stress by slowing your movement down.
• Listen to your inner voice.

• Make situations that have gone off track right with deep thinking.
• Employ wisdom, not knee-jerk responses, to complete prolonged and difficult projects.
• Engage in metaphysics or study spirituality.
• Allow your intuition to expand.

• Look your best during Snake month and get noticed.

What does this lunar month hold for your Chinese Zodiac animal? Read on and realize what you can do for your own good. Rat: it’s a Six Harmony month. Helpful People are at your assistance “From within the family there breeds a hundred kinds of prosperity; from outside the house, there attracts a thousand ways of good fortune.” Ox: this is an auspicious month. The Star of Wealth is on the horizon. Jubilation and joy are ever present. Make use of favorable opportunities to invest, buy real estate, commence construction, sign contracts, relocate and travel abroad.  Tiger: this is a Mutually Offensive month. It is not advisable to make investments or purchase real estate, change jobs or move. If you are in love, something unforeseen may happen; if married potential for quarrels. The White-Robed Quan Yin mantra is advisable. Rabbit: it is a favorable month for money luck. Good time to purchase real estate, make investments or enter into joint ventures. You may have good fortune with relocation and taking trips abroad. Helpful People will come to your aid from far places. Dragon: bad luck has flown the coup. Expect prosperity to be readily available and Helpful People will come to your aid. Maintain a calm mind and peaceful disposition in all situations. Just go with the flow of things. Snake: expect both good and bad fortune. Though it seems money and profit are coming your way, you won’t be able to collect them. There is disharmony at home with disagreements. Perform the Twelve Zodiac Cure – a harmonious family leads to success. Horse: there may be sorrow hidden in happiness and beware of minor wealth losses. Don’t blame others, avid risky investments and don’t bet the farm. Ram: you will have new business opportunities and your investments may show returns. There is the potential for sickness so avoid individuals an institutions associated with death. Stay cautious, traffic accidents may be likely. Monkey: you are both in a Six Harmony and Mutually Offensive relationships. Expect a  lot of good luck with very little misfortune. Money luck is very good with your career progressing with ease. If there is an opportunity, don’t delay, seize it! Rooster: it’s an auspicious Three Harmony month with Helpful people at your side. You will experience accomplishment at work. Do not flash your wealth. Be cautious of theft. If you accumulate good deeds, fame and profit will come naturally. Dog: your luck is fair. If there is an opportunity to relocate or get a new job, but only do so only if the conditions are favorable to you. There may be turmoil in the family and disharmony with your friends. Speak less to avoid conflicts. Pig: luck of the month is in Direct Conflict. Be conservative in your actions and decision making. Do not make investments or purchase real estate. Do not get involved with joint ventures or take trips. Car accident, illness and money loss are potential hazards. You may experience mood swings. Practice the Six Stage Uplifting Ch’i. If you request a cure from this forecast, I will ask you to honor the red envelope traditionHave a great month, Zodiac friends! 

Thank you to Khadro Crystal Chu, Black Sect Esoteric Buddhist Feng Shui for your unfailing command of Feng Shui and Chinese metaphysics.

Have you decided this will be your year? “Boldness has genius”…start with one hour of Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

Make Earth Day Everyday!

“Guardian deity or spirit which watches over each person from birth.” 

April 22, 2016, 192 countries will celebrate Earth Day. It is a special opportunity to pay back to Mother Earth, our Earth Genius, who has our back. Here are eight activities to help you express your affection, foster a new earth and and make Earth Day everyday! 

Support Local. Buy from local farmer’s markets, CSAs and roadside fruit and vegetable stands. You are supporting local farmers and it is easier on the environment. No more 15,000 mile tossed salad.

• Stop Purchasing Bottled Water. It takes large amounts of fossil fuel to produce the plastic and then transport the small water bottles you purchase. Most often they end of in the land fill instead of the recycle bin. Carry instead a refillable and permanent water bottle. You will keep your pocketbook full too.

Find A Carpool. Eliminating your car from the road is one of the best solutions to combat climate change. Join up with a coworker or neighbor with whom you can share commutes. You may learn some new jokes.

Clean Up Your Neighborhood. Gather in your neighbors or join a community group to clean up your neighborhood, the local schoolyard, the adjacent park or the beach.

Create A Recycling Plan. Find out what cans are recyclable. Then start separating your cans and bottles.

Plant A Tree. Learn which trees are native to your area to save on water consumption. Get your children, friends and neighbors involved. 

Host An Eco-Swap, AKA “Goddess Exchange” (from my client, Cheri Fredrickson of The Transformative Leader). Make it a pot-luck. Gather up what you no longer use or enjoy (clothes, toys, household items), fill your bags, give it away and bring back an item or two in exchange.

Bring It On Home. Fix leaky faucets (1 percent of Earth’s water is drinkable and the supply is dwindling) and turn off lights. Keep the heat and air low. Buy or make green cleaning products. And teach your children how they can lessen their impact on the planet.

Thank you, International Business Times and MNN – Mother Nature Network for your inspiration.
Photo Credit: 1500 Year Old Angel Oak Tree, Charleston, South Carolina; Photographer: rachidphoto.

Have you decided this will be your year? “Boldness has genius”…start with one hour of Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.


April 7 New Moon I Dance With Dragon

With money, a dragon; without money, a worm.”
– an old Chinese expression
(Those in the West want to slay the dragon; in Hong Kong, they want to be the dragon.)

 As far back as 3000 BC, the Dragon has been revered and considered the most sacred of all animals. Dragons are regarded as descending from the Heaven realm. They are divine beasts of intense power, a Supreme Being amongst all creatures. It has the ability to live in the seas, fly up the heavens and lay coiled upon the land in the form of mountains. Being a divine, mythical animal, the Dragon, can ward off wandering evil spirits, protect the innocent and bestow safety to all that hold his emblem. The Chinese Dragon is looked upon as the ultimate symbol of Good Fortune. It represents fertility, immortality, happiness, power and wealth.

Why be the dragon? Richard Bang’s Huffington Post article expressed that by acknowledging dragon’s fine power and firing it up, prosperity will surely find its way into your life and a larger goodness will prevail; a higher virtue will emerge and balance will permeate all your transactions. You will make a difference in yourself and with those with whom you come in contact with. The new moon is the best time to manifest (but you can cultivate the energy any time during the month). April 7  un-tap this divine beast within you and dance its truth.

Puzzled over how to attain prosperity? Start with these three highly regarded Feng Shui cures. 1) Deer is deeply connected to prosperity and often replaced the God of Prosperity in ancient Chinese paintings and images because the words for deer and prosperity sound identical. An image of one hundred deer represent ‘prosperity one hundred times over.’ A simpler option is to display a painting or sculpture of a deer in your home or office and visualize the qualities of status, honor and advancement. 2) Create an arrangement of peonies on your dining room table. This esteemed flower is a symbol of prosperity and nobility. It represents wealth, rank and honor. Yellow and purple varieties are the most desirable. Hang either an image of a peony in a vase or place an actual peony (it may be silk) in a vase in the living room of your home. Either one expresses the wish for ‘prosperity and peace’, because the vase is a rebus for peace. 3) Hat-shaped gold and silver ingots are a popular prosperity cure. Place them at your front entry or in another highly visible area of your home. These were used as money in ancient China. Because the word for ingots contain yuán (meaning unity and expressing the essence of family which is esteemed in the Chinese culture), a picture of three ingots creates a rebus for ‘the three yuans,’ making it a symbol of status and honor.

What does this lunar month hold for your Chinese Zodiac animal? Read on and discover how it will dance with Dragon. Rat: it’s a Three Harmony month. Wealth, luck and fame will be overflowing with luck. Remember even when times are in your favor, perform good deeds. You can only secure abundance by restraint and caution. Beware of traffic accidents. Ox: this is a Mutually Offensive month. Remain conservative and keep a low profile. Be modest and be agreeable or you may provoke scoundrels in your life. Tiger: spring is helping you feel your best. In your career make use of favorable opportunities. There is a possibility of becoming ill so watch your health. Do not visit the sick in hospitals or the homes of the bereaved. Rabbit: the luck of the month is in the Most Confrontational. There could be money loss. You might fall ill. Have a complete examination if you do get sick. Do not make investments. A time to be conservative over aggressive. Keep an eye on your belongings. Dragon: there is as much misfortune as auspiciousness. The surface may look smooth but there could be underlying turbulence. It is best to keep a low profile, be wise and stay safe to protect your personal interest. Snake: refrain from being greedy over fame and profit or currying favors to achieve personal gain. Do not quarrel, do not gossip and do not get into disputes or things could get messy. This could ruin your good name. Horse: your plans will go well and be successful. Your money may very likely come from afar. Promotion, salary and status will increase. A red banner month! Ram: this is a Mutually Offensive month. Adversities could arise even when things are going smoothly. Express confidence when faced with challenges. Staying focused will minimize frustration over minor issues. Monkey: it’s a Three Harmony month. Your luck is smooth and helpful people are coming to aide you. Do not make investments based on chance. You may feel pressure at work. Perform the Nine Step Breathing exercise to stabilize your energy. Rooster: you are enjoying lots of luck with money and happiness coming in. Helpful people are all around to help you and your business planning and operations will be smooth. It’s a time to make investments. On the other hand watch out for scoundrels. Dog: the luck of the month is in Direct Conflict. Do not start a remodel or new construction. Do not walk alone at night. If you go on a trip carry nine pieces of fresh orange peel and Walk on Six Feet Of Red Cloth when leaving home. Pig: of you are in a relationship you will experience stability this month. Money luck will be fair. Opportunities are favorable at work.Beware of scoundrels and illness. Do not listen to gossip, it will only disturb your mind. If you request a cure from this forecast, I will ask you to honor the red envelope tradition. Have a great month, Zodiac friends! 

Thank you to Khadro Crystal Chu, Black Sect Esoteric Buddhist Feng Shui for your unfailing command of Feng Shui and Chinese metaphysics.

Have you decided this will be your year? “Boldness has genius”…start with one hour of Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

The Messages In Color

Choose The Right Hue For You!

“I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way…”
Georgia O’Keefe

Your relationship with color began the moment you opened your eyes and took your first breath. It defines the boundaries in your world, touches upon every aspect of your life and creates a meaningful influence in your surroundings. It nurtures your health, replenishes your money, captures opportunities for your livelihood and strengthens your communication skills. You can broadcast your intention with color plus refresh your body, brighten your mood, remove clutter from your thoughts and find creative solutions for your questions. Color harmonizing your space allows you to align with your purpose and tap into your highest potential.

Have an idea? Run with it with the power of Feng shui color wisdom and the science of color. The color descriptions that follow help you understand the messages in color and work with scenarios you want to address: explaining how you feel to a coworker; asking your boss for a raise; planning a passionate night with your partner; mending a relationship; writing your memoir or sleeping peacefully. When you create a dynamic home design with color, you enjoy one success after another. 

Red is associated with happiness, passion and prosperity. Red inspires enthusiasm. A sensational color for your power outfit that will pull your resume and prodigious work history together is red–fire engine red, Chinese red, chili pepper red. Red in Feng Shui symbolizes happiness, courtesy, etiquette, power and strength. A touch of red at your foyer will stabilize your eyes (the gateway to your heart) and ground you when you enter your home.

Orange restores, warms and stimulates. It is a color to help you process your ideas. If you are a writer or want to try your hand at a creative project bring some orange, tangerine or mango to the craft table or tie a scarf around your neck to stimulate your throat chakra–you will speak your truth and play more successfully with the ideas that bubble up.

Yellow boosts your self-confidence. It brightens and promotes healing. If you have had a falling out with a family member and you want to mend your relationship, wear lemon or marigold yellow. It will raise both of your spirits. It will smooth out rigidity and inflexible opinions. Yellow is associated with the Earth and the center of your home. 

The center of your home is the center of the universe. It is your domain, your place to ponder, collect yourself, to pull it all together. In the transcendental sense this is your health. How are you feeling today? Every day? Have you checked the pulse of your home to see if its supporting you? If nothing else add yellow if you need to feel secure and trust your ideas.

Green refreshes your body and spirit. It is a common color in nature – grass, trees and vegetation – it can help you to feel grounded, creative and calm. It is easy on the eyes and you can look at green for a long time and not experience eye strain. It equalizes, relaxes and balances painful processes. Wrap yourself in a deep sage or emerald green chenille blanket. Sit quietly by candlelight in your meditation room, touch your heart with your hands, feel its pulse, and quietly focus on feeling serene.

Want to paint your kitchen? No. 1 consideration: if there is not a need to “cure” this area, begin with your personal preference. No. 2: if you or a friend is dealing with depression, apple green is about new beginnings. The mind can be persuaded to envision a future. Visualize in detail what that looks like. Mental pictures work wonders.

 Blue clarifies. It emits a sense of well-being. It also soothes, focuses, and cools down energy. Gums sore? That inflammation could be unexpressed anger at work. Wear a sky blue dress or blouse to get mental clarity on the underlying issue. Still need to cool down? Go to bed in a cloud of blue flannel sheets or periwinkle blue cotton pajamas.

Indigo cultivates your intuition and builds self trust. Find a world market or antique mall that carries exotic scarves from Turkey or pashminas from India. Cloak your body and enjoy the mystery of the deep inky blue. Develop your insights from the messages you receive both visible and invisible.

Purple transforms energy on a higher level. It relaxes the nervous system and has a calming mental effect (not to mention boosts sex drive). It is wonderful to adorn a space where you meditate. After a long work day, gently refocus your attention and nourish your mind, when you slip into a flowing, satin robe of deep purple hue. Feel the luxury of its abundant warmth and sensuality. And while you are contemplating your bed and bedroom, check out Under The Covers With Five Element Color to see what colors work best for your bed.

Pink inspires love and romance. Hot pink and fuchsia stimulate passion. Be playful and use your imagination. Your brain is the biggest sex organ. You can do wonders with sheer magenta fabric to lead your partner to the boudoir.

Black connects you to your wisdom. It helps access deeper thoughts and express them in a meaningful way. If you need to take command of a situation wear black to express your authority.

White purifies. It is recognized as innocence and cleanliness in the west.  In the east, it is the symbol of death. If you have tried everything and still cannot shed those extra pounds wear all white. You will be so concerned with keeping your clothes spotless that you will be very careful about what goes into your mouth. No spaghetti sauce or chocolate fudge sundae for dinner.

Have you decided this will be your year? “Boldness has genius”…start with one hour of Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your home.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

March 8 New Moon I Don’t Get Eclipsed!

“The body heals with play, the mind heals with laughter and the spirit heals with joy.”
– Proverb

Not only does the March 8 new moon bring the sensitive, artistic, nimble, kind, lucky Rabbit but two eclipses (March 8 and March 23) with the potential to eclipse your plans. No need to make a face because lucky Rabbit brings a gift that raises awareness, the abundance of creativity. You can benefit by tapping into your own creative nature and deflect what potentially could be a stress filled month. Everyday mark a time in your calendar and dedicate that time for play. Write silly poems, doodle in your notebook, paint a picture of joy, build a beloved pet from play dough, add zest to a coloring book, think outside the box. What might appear as thumbing your nose is actually surrendering to what you cannot control. Under the gentle hand of creativity you can be delivered into the loving buoyant space of the Universe. Your right brain makes it child’s play and much easier to step back from conflict. In this pensile place you can take broader, bolder steps forward that changes your luck too.

If you feel some resistance to trying your hand at a creative masterpiece then begin by enlivening the Feng Shui in your home. Transition from winter and change your surroundings: space clear your home with orange peel; purchase a new plant to place in your office wealth gua; reorganize your closet…move 27 things in your home. It will ventilate the Ch’i and will refresh your space after a confining winter. 

Enhancing the early Spring Ch’i will enhance the luck of your Chinese Zodiac animal in the Rabbit Month. Rat: this Rabbit month you are in a Mutually Offensive relationship. Remain conservative rather than aggressive. There may be minor money loss. In relationships expect disagreements counter with forbearance. Ox: your career will go well. Spring is the best time to plan for the year so devise an agenda and plan to implement it. Be truthful and sincere and you will feel secure at heart. Tiger: your luck is turning for the better. An opportune time to invest in stock, real estate and conduct business. However beware of scoundrels. Do not bring about unnecessary conflict and do not get overly tired. Rabbit: there is as much good luck as there is misfortune. Be cautious of unforeseen changes or hidden anxiety. Watch your money flow and refrain from overspending. Dragon: this is a Mutually Offensive month. You are advised to stay put rather than make a move. Do not start a new business, make investments or relocate. You may have disagreements with loved one. Recite the Heart Calming mantra Snake: though business is booming with abundant wealth you are advised to keep a low profile the first half of the month. The later half your luck will be on the upswing with good planning. And your money luck will be flourishing. Horse: it is a Mutually Offensive month with equal amounts of good and bad luck. If you travel you will find opportunities for profit as long as you work hard and persevere. Pay attention to your family’s health, even if something appears minor seek immediate medical attention. Ram: this is a Three Harmony Luck month. Good fortune will come naturally and your career will be smooth. Your hopes will be realized. Do not act with blind aggression to get what you want but rather wait for an opportune time to proceed. Monkey: you are enjoying better luck this month but under the surface you are suffering from grievances. Be advised to seize opportunities and set new records at work. Watch your health and do not visit homes of the bereaved. Rooster: you are in Direct Conflict this month making it easy to get into quarrels and fights. Remain calm and composed, do not act on impulse. Be observant, though there may not be appearances to trouble you at work there are underlying worries the long run. Dog: this is a month of Six Harmony! Wealth and happiness are at your doorstep. Fame and gain can be expected. If you are on a payroll you have a change of promotion or raise. If you are an entrepreneur you will enjoy business development. Beware of sickness and stay away from gossips. Pig: it’s a Three Harmony month! You will enjoy interpersonal relationships. Business planning will go smooth. The timing is right to seize opportunities to start new business, make investments, go into partnership or sign contracts. On top of that pay attention to your health and the elders in your family. Have a great month, Zodiac friends!

Thank you to Khadro Crystal Chu, Black Sect Esoteric Buddhist Feng Shui for your unfailing command of Feng Shui and Chinese metaphysics.

Have you decided this will be your year? “Boldness has genius”…start with one hour of Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

February 7 New Moon I Tiger Burning Bright

“You must take life the way it comes at you and make the best of it.”
Life of Pi

February 7 new moon, the Chinese Lunar New Year and the entrée of Tiger month birthed a new year. Chinese New Year customs were originally dispersed via folkloric oral tradition from father to child, grandparent to daughter and so it is that great lessons are learned from parables and tales. This month Tiger teaches profound lessons. We delve into the watery depths like Yann Martel’s Life of Pi. Castaways on a vast mysterious ocean, this spiritual parable demonstrates that life is transcendent when you are on a boat with a tiger. Richard Parker (Bengal Tiger) and Pi form one of the most intensely profound “friendships” ever penned. One that would influence Pi for the rest of his life. “Richard Parker has stayed with me. I have never forgotten him. Dare I say I miss him? I do. I miss him. I see him in my dreams. They are nightmares mostly but nightmares tinged with love. Such is the strangeness of the human heart.”

With such intensity for living this is often where Tiger finds itself, on an extraordinary adventure. And true to Tigers’s character, the Life of Pi sea odyssey speaks to Tiger’s passion, their love of adventure and their addiction to excitement. Fearless and courageous they will stand up for what they believe in to the bitter end. A cat whose home is the jungle, where they must be keen and sure to stay alive, glides through the shadows with full Yin Yang embodiment: “tigers are tempestuous yet calm, warm hearted yet fearless, courageous in the face of danger yet yielding and soft in mysterious and unexpected places.” Rarely at a disadvantage this Monkey year is an exception. Tiger position is in the most ”direct conflict relationship” to the Year God, the Monkey. Tiger’s odyssey will be colored by worry and mental and physical exhaustion. Their lesson from this: to exercise harmony even when bad luck comes in waves; to be forgiving; to let go and to live in peace by performing good deeds.

Discover what odyssey winds around your Chinese Zodiac animal in the Month of the Tiger. Rat: this Tiger month reveals hidden worries. Expect as much misfortune as auspiciousness. Counter act any bad luck by attending a wedding, something happy to lift your Ch’i. Ox: endeavors will be smooth and you can expect wealth and happiness to surround you. Career is very positive too however be mindful of your mental and physical health. Tiger: both joy and sorrow are around. You will be aided by Helpful People on your travels. Pay attention to mistakes in pressing affairs they may likely show up unexpectedly again. Rabbit: success is yours with celebration, money, enhancing family name and marital relationships. However beware of your speech, do not boost. Dragon: you can expect an influx of wealth and happiness. Seize any opportunity or chance for further achievement. Snake: a most confrontational month. Beware of bloodshed, traffic accidents and be mindful of safety when you travel. If you decide to take a trip perform “Walking on Six Feet of Red Cloth” cure to ensure your safety. Horse: you are in a Three Harmony luck. Career will go well and financial luck will be strong. There will be helpful people and those with malicious intent be aware of the ones who have designed schemes. Take time to be with family and celebrate to alleviate any tension during the month. Ram: you will experience good fortune but Ram is in the “mouth of the Tiger” so take precautions and avoid being manipulated or cheated by others. Monkey: you are enjoying better luck this month but under the surface you are suffering from grievances. Be advised to seize opportunities and set new records at work. Watch your health and do not visit homes of the bereaved. Rooster: family reunions during the Chinese Lunar New Year bring peace and happiness. This is a busy and dynamic time where you may find you are traveling for business and pleasure. If you decide to take a trip perform “Walking on Six Feet of Red Cloth” cure to ensure your safety. Dog: luck of the month is a Three Harmony and all adversity will turn to auspiciousness. It will be a busy and dynamic time. Endeavors will be prosperous and you will have money luck. But beware of loss of personal property. Watch doors and entrances, thieves and pickpockets. Pig: lucky days! Helpful people will be at your assistance and family business will be successful. Go on trips and maintain a dynamic schedule to avert disasters brought forth on by destructive relationship of the zodiac signs. Have a great month, Zodiac friends!

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You Can Have Your Super Bowl And Chinese New Year Too!

“Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart.”

Super Bowl and Chinese Lunar New Year’s Eve are Sunday, February 7, 2016. What to do? Celebrate both!
With Super Bowl kickoff at 6:30 p.m. ET there is plenty of time to celebrate Chinese Lunar New Year after the game. Just set the timer and let the crock pot cook while you watch the playoff, you do it every Thanksgiving. And during the commercial breaks you can display your good luck fruit, hang your couplets, enjoy the wafting daffodils you purchased from the nursery, hand out red envelopes to your children and stay up past midnight (the sound of Sleepiness in Chinese is similar to Trouble), because really no one wants more trouble.

The Five Fold Happiness
4000 years of celebrations deepen a culture and create a legacy of endurance. Chinese Feng Shui customs honor the most celebrated festival of the year, Chinese Lunar New Year. Ending with the Lantern Festival on the full moon, the two week celebration represents a fresh start. It is hope and the promise for something better. It is the belief that dreams come true. In the west we focus on achievement but success doesn’t happen “in spite of” but “because of” the people who are in your life. Chinese Lunar New Year is the most supreme time to gather family together. The success of the individual is because of Yuan–family unity. And so the image of the circle, which you see in many of their food dishes like fish balls and oranges, is associated with family. This creates unity, support and continuity. Yuan means roundness and it suggests the attainment of the Five Fold Happiness and those qualities are luck, prosperity, longevity, happiness and wealth. The following celebrations, symbols and motifs ensure timeless wishes for harmony and goodwill among all.

Here are folkloric customs to celebrate Chinese Lunar New Year’s Eve. If you want to perform transcendental Chinese New ceremonies, like Changing the Ch’i of the House and Transforming the Fortunes for Individuals and Residences, get in touch with me, bette@shenmenfengshui.com

Sweep Away the Old The New Year provides an opportunity to send away misfortune that has accumulated and to start fresh. The 20th day of the Twelfth Moon is set aside for the annual housecleaning and clearing the dust of the past year. Every corner of the house must be swept and cleaned. 

Display Good Luck Fruit The Chinese love their play on words. Tangerines are symbolic of good luck. Oranges are symbolic of wealth. Orange “sounds” like gold. Pomelo means “to have.” Pineapple sounds like wealth but its real strength is it means luck and excellent fortune. You can display the fruit at the front entry, the dining room, even the kitchen.

Bloom Good Luck Enliven your Ch’i through the sense of smell. The Chinese believe daffodil and Narcissus bulbs when in bloom during the New Year, bring good fortune and luck to a home. This kind of adjustment calms the nervous system and gives you a sense of well being.

Avoid Cutting the Luck of the Year On the last day of the old year, prepare your food for the next two days so that all sharp instruments, such as knives and scissors, are placed in the drawer to avoid cutting the “luck” of the New Year. The kitchen is not to be disturbed on the first day of the Year.

Stay Away From The Barber Don’t schedule your hair to be trimmed on New Year’s Day or the day after.

Honor The New Year With Foods Of Good Fortune New Year’s eve dinner is called the family reunion feast. Not only the family is united, Heaven and Earth are honored, the gods of the household and the family ancestors. Everyone’s speech is peppered with auspicious words. Almost every dish has a symbolic meaning that sounds like the Chinese characters for fortune, happiness, longevity and prosperity. KATU AMNW Foods of Good Fortune

Sleepless In The New Year The Chinese stay up for 12:01 a.m. The sound of Sleepiness in Chinese is similar to Trouble. Sleepless means no trouble for the coming year.

Hand Out, Hong Bao, Lucky Red Envelopes The custom arose that children were easily susceptible to harm during the changing of the year and that money would protect them from evil spirits. This lucky money also serve to bring good fortune for the coming year. During New Year, coins or notes, are placed in red envelopes, hong bao. Children and unmarried adults receive the red packets from elders or married friends. The red envelopes are a wish for good health, good fortune, peace and safety for the coming year.

The following is a very precious cure from the BSTB School of Feng Shui. If you do nothing else, this is the adjustment to perform. It comes from His Holiness, Grandmaster Lin Yun and it’s a great secret to a successful life: perform a good deed every day. By helping another person, you shift, not only their reality, but yours as well. A kind deed will improve your luck, circumstances and income. Kindness is the antidote to the economic down turn. With your sincerity you will find the most exquisite reception for the year.

Gong Xi Fa Cai! May you experience supreme good health, boundless good luck and infinite wealth!

One thing I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.