Make Earth Day Everyday!

“Guardian deity or spirit which watches over each person from birth.” 

April 22, 2016, 192 countries will celebrate Earth Day. It is a special opportunity to pay back to Mother Earth, our Earth Genius, who has our back. Here are eight activities to help you express your affection, foster a new earth and and make Earth Day everyday! 

Support Local. Buy from local farmer’s markets, CSAs and roadside fruit and vegetable stands. You are supporting local farmers and it is easier on the environment. No more 15,000 mile tossed salad.

• Stop Purchasing Bottled Water. It takes large amounts of fossil fuel to produce the plastic and then transport the small water bottles you purchase. Most often they end of in the land fill instead of the recycle bin. Carry instead a refillable and permanent water bottle. You will keep your pocketbook full too.

Find A Carpool. Eliminating your car from the road is one of the best solutions to combat climate change. Join up with a coworker or neighbor with whom you can share commutes. You may learn some new jokes.

Clean Up Your Neighborhood. Gather in your neighbors or join a community group to clean up your neighborhood, the local schoolyard, the adjacent park or the beach.

Create A Recycling Plan. Find out what cans are recyclable. Then start separating your cans and bottles.

Plant A Tree. Learn which trees are native to your area to save on water consumption. Get your children, friends and neighbors involved. 

Host An Eco-Swap, AKA “Goddess Exchange” (from my client, Cheri Fredrickson of The Transformative Leader). Make it a pot-luck. Gather up what you no longer use or enjoy (clothes, toys, household items), fill your bags, give it away and bring back an item or two in exchange.

Bring It On Home. Fix leaky faucets (1 percent of Earth’s water is drinkable and the supply is dwindling) and turn off lights. Keep the heat and air low. Buy or make green cleaning products. And teach your children how they can lessen their impact on the planet.

Thank you, International Business Times and MNN – Mother Nature Network for your inspiration.
Photo Credit: 1500 Year Old Angel Oak Tree, Charleston, South Carolina; Photographer: rachidphoto.

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