Fall Reset. The Benefits Of Letting Go.

“Sometimes letting things go is an act of far greater power than defending or hanging on.”
– Eckhart Tolle

Do you love the radiance of an autumn day? Are you inspired by a vibrant landscape of deep reds and brilliant oranges? Do you relish cool crisp evenings of a physical richness that warms your bones like smelling crossed buns baking in the oven, you snuggled in a fuzzy sweater sipping on hot tea by a fire where you turn your attention to holiday preparation?

But did you know seasonal changes have a universal importance as well? Letting go in Autumn what you have accumulated aligns with Nature’s time. It aligns your mind and your body’s internal clock which is important to your mental and physical health.

In technology a reset “clears any pending errors or events and brings a system to normal condition”. I believe a reset to your house resets the karma of pending errors you may have inherited with your home. We see Nature resetting when leaves take their flight and trees reveal their fabulous bones in preparation for Winter rest and new life in Spring. This is humans visual cue to do the same.

At the root of a reset is release. In Chinese cosmology, Fall is the Metal Season, it is called Rising Yin and the time of year to nourish Yin energy. This season is for purging and purifying your home.  The act of clutter clearing becomes elevated to a cosmological attunement that aligns with Fall in the Five Seasons. Its place is true and meaningful in the regeneration of life.

Opening the channels in your space and opening the channels in your mind, body and spirit elevate your emotional state and create a lightness of being. BSTB purification rituals and ceremonies avail you of living in the receptive mode (“to receive” is the meaning of Yin energy) where all possibilities manifest. Think back to the opportunities, objects and relationships that were beyond your grasp over the year. A reset gives you a second chance. Before the end of October if you would focus on self care and letting go of your stuff you would see with clearer vision what is right for you. Here are methods to help you get started.

Let go first in your mind. To create a smooth process of clearing closets, drawers, the basement and garage, clear worry and anxiety from your mind. Go to bed and in the drowsy state visualize a positive vision of what you look forward to–a trip, a funny movie–whatever lightens your mind. Then see the things you love but have difficulty letting go find their way into boxes and bins, perhaps going to a friend or neighbor whom you know would be excited to receive them. You will wake up with an energized mental attitude and be more able to face the day. Do this over a period of nine nights (the number of completion and peak accomplishment). 

Clear away energetic residue next. The walls in your home retain predecessor energy unless a space blessing has been performed. Painting the walls is one level of energy clearing but for a deeper karmic cleanse I recommend “Changing the Ch’i Of The House And Transforming The Fortunes For Individuals And Residences”. The purpose is letting go the remains of old patterns, resentments and vendettas. Oranges, (lemon is stronger to expel evil spirits. Orange has a hint of auspiciousness that lemon does not have), mantras, your visualization and intention will evict any misfortune and replace it with positive, prosperous, auspicious Ch’i. Inquire with me how you can attain this time honored ceremony. Nine red envelopes are requested.

Seek balance. You too can benefit from the stringent yet refreshing quality of citrus. During the day stress accumulates in your energy. Before you can adequately release the things you have been holding onto, your mind needs to be clear. Bathe in an orange peel bath (where lemons calm, lighten and refresh, oranges are auspicious and bring good fortune). Cut nine circles from the skin of an orange, soak them in a bowl. Pour them into  warm bath water and wash your entire body, even your head. Orange’s clarifying essence removes worry and uplifts your Ch’i, helping you to balance.

See new possibilities. Place a mirror on the wall at the foot of the bed. It will allow you to see all the potential resolutions to your problems related to letting go. Set it with this intention and you will feel energized and your results will reflect your enthusiasm.

Nourish your stamina. You live in the residue of yesterday’s thought. When you avoid making a decision hold your hands left over right, thumbs together and palms up over your tan’tien (at the level of your navel). Take in a deep breath in through your mouth and visualize universal light, positive Ch’i and good luck enter and circulate throughout your body and all your cells. Exhale in eight short puffs with the last one, ninth, expelling all the negative Ch’i, bad luck and obstacles. Repeat nine times and finish with a mantra of your choice.

Ready to release. Start with five minutes at a time. This allows you to mindfully build the momentum. Give one item away a day, next day two and increase the number each day. Take the 9-9-9 challenge. Identify nine items you want to donate and nine items to be returned to their proper home. Use the four box method. One for trash, give away, keep or re-locate. Enter a room in your home and place each item into one of the following boxes. Don’t skip a single one. The Feng Shui methods I have shared will help you identify more quickly what you love and what someone else will benefit by.

Vitality for your utmost passions. Preparing your home and your mind, connects you with your senses. When the above methods are performed daily for nine days (think of creating a morning ritual with them), you by-pass the mental processes that keep you in a resistance loop. Your energy becomes liberated from your emotions. Your enthusiasm increases. Your mind is not detained by distractions. With an orderly home you can now focus your energy on the things you enjoy instead of what you worry about. Your health is optimized and the universal part of it, your subconscious mind, will respond to your will and requests.

Allow me to help you arrange your home where you feel fully supported. I am available for a full consultation service or for an hour telephone conversation. Details for Feng Shui a La Carte are at  Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Feng Shui design rejuvenates and replenishes your Ch’i. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.