A Feng Shui Money Cure To Make The Season Bright

“Our beliefs, mindset and emotions are the keys to an abundance mentality and attracting wealth effortlessly”
–Juliana Park, CFP

There are people who stay afloat in the most difficult of financial situations. They are not subject to the whims of a bear market nor a real estate slump. Money always seems to be within reach. How they maintain the flow of positive experiences in their lives is they practice wealth consciousness. Wealth consciousness is a belief immersed in abundance–an abiding affirmation that beauty, meaning and relationships exist in the world and surround them. They do not dwell on loss nor lack. They let go of the anxiety that seeds scarcity. They vanquish fear because they understand the law of attraction: what their mind attunes to, expands and becomes manifest.

To live at this level of certainty requires a shift in perspective and money will come. Evelyn Lim explanation of wealth in terms of money sums it up: “If you think of wealth in terms of money, then you will need to believe that there is plenty of money to go around and you have a share in that too. To be conscious of all the abundance that is available to everyone, to be aware there is plenty of money for everyone, is to have wealth consciousness.”

If you’ve been less than happy with your finances, managing your money affairs, even seeing results from your Feng Shui wealth cures, maybe doubt is flooding your consciousness. A closer examination of your beliefs about wealth, monitoring your thoughts about abundance and directing your attention away from lack can produce extraordinary results.

Envision there is plenty of money for everyone and this mythical Feng Shui money cure will surely put extra cash in your pocket to enjoy the holidays. Because sometimes all it takes is one decision, one adjustment, one cure to create lasting, positive change.

Three Legged Toad To Gather Wealth
Ch’an chi, the Money Frog
A fortune frog or money frog, is a mythical three-legged frog with red eyes and blazing nostrils. It carries a coin in its mouth and sits upon a pile of gold coins or Chinese cash with a string of coins at its feet or a crown around its head. The coin has a good fortune symbol and faces up to attract wealth and the crown or string of coins around its feet offers protection from misfortune. The coin in the mouth of the toad, specializes in calling forth wealth and it is said to be calling out to other coins. Legend says the creature emerges on the full moon to sit by the door of people with wealth and good fortune headed their way. The myth goes on to say the toad loves money and treasures.

Look for the following characteristics when buying the Lucky Money Toad:
Red eyes
Three legs
Seven star formation on its back
Five-Luck Coin of Emperor Qianlong in its mouth
Sitting upon coins or golden nuggets

You can place the Three Legged Toad either in your home or office. Either place it in the Wealth gua of the home or office, or you can place it in the Wealth gua of your office desk.
Here is the secret within the secret:
Every day during the day, place the toad facing the main door. Visualize that the toad is going out during the day to seek wealth and bring it home. Every night at night, face the toad into the home or office. Visualize that the toad is returning with lots of money. It is important to commit to this secret movement every day. Otherwise, you lose money (Professor Thomas Lin Yun). Adding a ruby (or red stone) in the middle of the ancient coin in the toad’s mouth symbolizes “kissing the stone”, a homonym for “sure profit.”

I have not purchased from these sources but the images and description meet the criteria for the Three Legged Money Frog.
Feng Shui Supply, King Money Frog – Golden
Feng Shui Supply, King Money Frog – Bronze

I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to share Feng Shui secrets and cures from the Black Sect Tantric School of Feng Shui. May your holidays be filled with love, good ch’i and abundant blessings!

If you are looking for some insights for Thanksgiving dinner, have a look at “Take Back The Holiday…” And if you want to get a start on Christmas decorating, read my “10 Feng Shui Decorating Ideas…

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What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.