Lost In Space, A Split Down The Center Creates A Rift In A Woman’s Heart.

Danger Will Robinson Danger!

My sister and I would laugh at Lost in Space, B9 Robot, his mechanical arms flailing out of control. Though this silly computer from the future may have had dangerous aliens to contend with, we did not. We were safe in our home. Fast forward to 2013, a friend is struggling, overwhelmed by demands, feeling insecure if she says no to the volume of responsibility at work, she is afraid she will lose her job. Her aliens are demons from her past–an abusive home, an absent parent, shipped off to foster homes. There was no B9 to protect her. She doesn’t feel safe. To mask her fear she takes on responsibility for everyone and everything. Her need to control is ruining two of her closest relationships–her health and her peace of mind. As women we live with this issue everyday. How do we balance responsibility and self care?

In western culture there is no cultural programming that speaks about the effect our home has on our psyche. But if you inquire into a health crisis, a partnership failing, a prosperity blockage or a career stall will start a conversation quickly. Talk therapy works yet a problem can still exist. So my friends, family and clients come with questions, could there be something to Feng Shui?

Yes! The body knows what is going on even when the mind is skeptical. For this particular friend, she has a split stairway aka Mandarin Duck stairway: one set of stairs go up to the main floor while the other set goes down to the basement.  When I see this I feel I should wave my arms and warn “Danger Will Robinson”! It creates a brain that moves too quickly for the body. The left and right hemispheres are stimulated unevenly and begin to lack alignment. One may think more and act less, or one may act more and think less. This type of split is a major split. The lives of people unravel. It creates separation between partners, it can tear families apart, and affect a person’s mental health. Finances fluctuate wildly, a couple can’t see eye to eye, children may grapple and health remains unstable. The family may experience an onset of fatigued and confusion. There may be no joining of the hearts. Emotions are charged then exhausted, over and again, depleting the adrenals.

The cure for a split at the front door is to bring the eyes into focus on one object at the entrance. The adjustment enables the brain to bridge the two hemispheres and it eliminates angry words. The eyes, now focused, calm the brain and this allows for a strong connection eighteen inches down to the heart. With the emotions quelled, self care can more easily take root and it is possible to address all life situations with clarity and peace.

The beautiful art work was created by Michele Dodds

One thing I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my class and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.