How To Create Feng Shui Heaven Luck

“…My mother gave me drive, but my father gave me my dreams. Thanks to him, I could see a future.”
– Liza Minnelli

With the new moon (new beginnings) coinciding on Father’s Day, June 18, Heaven luck is in abundance to accelerate your fortuity. These two events are like a twin turbocharger, they give power and drive to your focus. And what better way to begin this new moon than to set an intention to enhance your luck and success with an impetus from your father and Heaven.

Do you have memories of when you were a child watching your father disappear five days a week and whatever he did made your life comfortable and stable? Days when he wasn’t absent he would be in deep concentration tinkering in the garage. Maybe he oiled your bike’s chains, fixed the lawn mower, redesigned the kitchen clock or built something extraordinary. Whether  it was work or play he seemed to be an inventor of energy. Your father was tapping into universal problem solving – creatively manipulating energy – he was generating a vortex of impetus, motivation, inspiration and genius to manifest his vision.

In the realm of Feng Shui we can harness those same principles to realize an idea, goal or desire into form by tapping into what the Taoist masters called “the field of Ch’i”. In fact employing Feng Shui design can shorten the length of time it takes to materialize your goals. So if you are looking to:
• Uncover the Muse to stimulate your creative juices.
• Get an idea off the ground.
• Receive help from a mentor to formulate your plan.
• Find a support team to implement a process.
• Solicit a coach who can help you regain your lost momentum.
• Locate a distributor for your product/line of products.
• Connect with business partners to monetize your creation.
• Visualize the opportunities to line up a new career.
• Retain the right attorney to handle a dispute.
• Be accepted into the college of your dreams.
• Make an offer on a house.
Now that you know what it can do, here’s what you can do to activate Helpful People/Heaven gua in your home.

In this sector energy resides in the Unknown and it takes the generative power of the Creative to move it into the world of form. This gua is located in the front left corner of the house as you are standing at the front door facing the street. Whereas Mother resides in the Relationship Gua, Father resides in the Helpful People Gua. If you need some of his courage, a new perspective to be inventive with a problem or realize your potential, this area will help you succeed in your daily life just like your Dad did when confronted with a life situation.

The process of BSTB Feng Shui begins with the aspects that create “The Perfect Cure”. Choosing the right object, choosing the right day, selecting the right hour…It begins with tidying the area and irrigating the Ch’i so the imprint of your intention is strong, effective and devoid of the previous energy’s influence. Begin by clearing the area of only those objects that no longer resonate for you. Release them to be donated, sold or given to friends. Cleanse with orange peels and leave for three days. If you want your adjustment in place sooner than diffuse orange essential oil during the hours of 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Chant if you know a mantra. It opens a portal between Heaven and Earth and draws in benevolent forces from Heaven. The emphasis of this gua is on the qualities that are related to Yang energy, the male principle, Father, the Creative – generative, firmness, durability, persistence, resoluteness, fertilizing the seed.

Now for your artistry. Choose an object that is most appropriate. An image or statue of a five toe (Imperial) dragon (green or gold not red); eight horses running into your home; a painting of the sky; a beloved teacher, a mentor with whom you would like to study; a Father who has had your back; a place that is elevated, like the islands in the Aegean or a Tibetan temple in Nepal or a monastery in China, a basilica/cathedral (dome) in Europe. See in all details what this cure object represents for you and what you wish to create. Identify with its beauty and strength. Don’t  hold back from employing your senses. For emphasis place an adjustment in three areas – your lot, main floor of the house and the bedroom or home office. Enjoy what comes up in your mind as real and certain.

In addition to cure objects there are BSTB ceremonies to magnetize the course of action you wish to take.

• Introducing A Desirable Dream (a method to perform at night)
• Receiving Auspicious Ch’i (wedding Ch’i catapults your dream)
• The Pillow Cure (a cure near the bed is very powerful)
• Planting Auspicious Seeds (sprout new opportunities)
Sharing a ceremony requires receiving red envelopes from you. Please contact me via if you would like to receive one or all.

Allow me to help you arrange your home where you feel fully supported. I am available for a full consultation service or for an hour telephone conversation. Details are at this link Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.Photo credit: Master1305/Freepik

3 Ways To Transform Stress In Your Home

“As we head into the dark time of year, let’s take a moment to check in with our practice of compassion, for ourselves and others. Let’s notice our reactions as we encounter pain and suffering, our own and that of others. Notice when we open our hearts and make friends with the discomfort and when we go into fear, anger, resistance or stuckness. Our heads might not know where we are at, but our bodies can give us loads of information.”
Sacred Circle Dance

We are experiencing an unprecedented exposure to media, download of EMFs and anxiety over global events. These kinds of stress undermine our sense of safety and control in the world. If you are having difficulty sleeping; concerned for your family’s safety; wondering how to minimize conflict at home, on the road and in the workplace, there is a way to help your life go right. Not only compassion transforms stress, creating your home as your center of strength can help you act with confidence in an uncertain world. If you are ready to make-over your home, here are three key areas that will help you revolutionize your inner state and create a sense of safety.

Begin with those who make life easier.
Look to the front right corner as you face into the house, this is Chien, Helpful People help us accomplish what we set out to do. In the I-Ching this area is represented by Heaven. Heaven Ch’i is effortless in its ability to manifest.

  • Activating this niche with a Feng Shui adjustment draws Heaven onto Earth. Placing a sacred object here invites the people and sets up the events that come to your aide. An image or statue of dragon (no red dragons for that is a cooked dragon), horses, a goose, lion or elephant represent this area. You could hang an image of a special place that you have traveled to or long to visit. Or mount a wall clock for this gua is associated with time. How we manage our time is a mark of success. Make your visualization precise.

Hold your family together.
Locate the center of your home. A strong center can contain you and your loved in the thick of the intricacies of everyday life. If the center of your home is weak, your life can spin out of control. Check for the following details.

  • A stairway in the center creates instability which can lead to worry and restlessness. Loss of Ch’i can destroy your sense of peace and leak energy from the entire house and your energy too. Hang a wind-chime or a mirror at the top of the stairway. Or paint the railing green.
  • A bathroom in the center will deplete all the life situations that the Bagua contains. Your life’s resources will either vanish slowly or be depleted in an immediate surge down the drain.
    Place a mirror on the outside of the bathroom door. This “transcendentally” removes the bathroom by reflecting what is in front of the mirror, hence the bathroom “disappears”.
  • Other details that should be avoided in the middle of the house: boiler; motor; electrical service box – your main disconnect; oven; fireplace; generator. If something electrical or hot exists in the middle of the house, you can paint it green or decorate it with a green plant or place a green plant on top of it.

Avoid dissonance and exhaustion.
Walk to your bedroom. Check to see if your bed is placed on the edge of a “cleaver” shaped room.

  • If the master bed is on the edge of the cleaver, words may be cutting and sharp. This creates dissonance among family members that can spread beyond the walls of your home and impinge upon your life in exhausting ways. If you have a cleaver shaped bedroom, place a mirror on the wall opposite the bed to pull the bed off the knife edge. 
  • Subscribe to my blogspot for more bedroom help. Receive 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind.

If you want more information about design that contributes to stress, lack of safety, ill health and conflict, check out Floor Plans Matter. I describe one design feature in each of nine floor plans. My hope is that you start to think of your home as your source to regenerate your energy where you can face the world with good humor, trust and feel empowered to make a change for your own good.

Have you decided this will be your year? “Boldness has genius”… start with one hour of Feng Shui A La Carte. One hour with me can transform your current situation. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

Photo credit: LoveFairyGarden,