Feng Shui. More Than A Leap of Faith.

“Sometimes your only available transportation is a leap of faith.”
–Margaret Shepard

This lunar month is the perfect time to take a leap of faith and rewrite your story. Cast aside all resistance and invite your imagination to leap into what makes you happy. Tell yourself at the May 22 new moon you will take the leap of faith and receive that raise (add a bright light to the front door and clear the entry of clutter); buy your dream home (no toilet in the center nor stairs out the front door); meet your beloved (change your hairstyle often)… Anything you’ve been longing for is possible to manifest. Because according to the Chinese lunar calendar every three years there is a small Leap year and every five a big Leap year. Due to the exceptional characteristics of this year, regardless of the Zodiac animal, the luck is likely to be favorable this lunar month. In fact the luck is breaking records for everyone. It’s a good time to get married (ask me for auspicious dates); relocate (there’s a divination we could do); start a new business (timing is everything); purchase real estate (I would be delighted to advise on the location and floor plans); make investments (enhance Knowledge/Gen gua); break ground (ceremonies create a smooth start) or start new construction (I have tips on how to minimize setbacks). There is no limit what you can do. To help you enhance your bank account and add more good luck from the stars, I am sharing “Kissing the Stone” (mythical money cure) and good luck cures to energize your Ch’i as we continue our Covid-19 journey together.

When a frog comes into your life it’s a sign of transformation and may well spark many wonderful opportunities. In ancient China the frog represented the lunar yin and the Frog spirit Ch’ing-Wa Sheng was associated with healing and good fortune in business. Tradition has it that the Chinese god of wealth, the immortal Liu Hai, kept a three-legged toad as a pet. It is a symbol for riches and often pictured with a gold coin in its mouth.

Three Legged Toad To Gather Wealth
Ch’an chi, the Money Frog
A fortune frog or money frog, is a mythical three-legged frog with red eyes and blazing nostrils. It carries a coin in its mouth and sits upon a pile of gold coins or Chinese cash with a string of coins at its feet or a crown around its head. The coin has a good fortune symbol and faces up to attract wealth and the crown or string of coins around its feet offers protection from misfortune. The coin in the mouth of the toad, specializes in calling forth wealth and it is said to be calling out to other coins. Legend says the creature emerges on the full moon to sit by the door of people with wealth and good fortune headed their way. The myth goes on to say the toad loves money and treasures.

Look for the following characteristics when buying the Lucky Money Toad:
Red eyes
Three legs
Seven star formation on its back
Five-Luck Coin of Emperor Qianlong in its mouth
Sitting upon coins or golden nuggets

You can place the Three Legged Toad either in your home or office. Either place it in the Wealth gua of the home or office, or you can place it in the Wealth gua of your office desk.
Here is the secret within the secret:
Every day during the day, place the toad facing the main door. Visualize that the toad is going out during the day to seek wealth and bring it home. Every night at night, face the toad into the home or office. Visualize that the toad is returning with lots of money. It is important to commit to this secret movement every day. Otherwise, you lose money (Professor Thomas Lin Yun). Adding a ruby (or red stone) in the middle of the ancient coin in the toad’s mouth symbolizes “kissing the stone”, a homonym for “sure profit.”

Good Luck Cures
• Change Your Ch’i Type: If you are constantly in a bad mood change this by wearing a solid color of green.

• Adjust the Effects of a Bad Experience: Carry nine round pieces of orange peel for twenty-seven days to soften the effects of a bad experience.

• Taken Advantage of: If you feel you are being taken advantage of, carry the three dimensional zodiac animals.

• Refocus Your Energy: If your luck is not good, every 9, 18 or 27 days, change some aspect of your furniture arrangement. You are changing the Ch’i using the sense of touch. Your Ch’i will be refocused and awakened.

• Continued Bad Luck: If you have completed the Feng Shui above and still encountering bad luck, perform good deeds without expecting a reward. Be sincere, you will never be disappointed.

Thank you for stopping in. I am open during shelter-in-place. I have added Zoom consultations to on- site. My services are Feng Shui a La Carte, one hour or Your House Is Talking, full consultation. I wish you well and calmness during this extraordinarily difficult time. I look forward to having a conversation with you.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.


Keys To Maintaining Your Health

Free International Health and Wellness Summit
Saturday, May 9, 2020
10 a.m. EST to 6 p.m. EST
Experts from all over the world helping you navigate your health through these challenging times!

Choose from the participate list (below) and register at the link. You can choose more than one.

Check IHWS Facebook page for presenters’ description and latest information. 

Zoom Meeting Room #1:     

Zoom Meeting Room #2:     

Zoom Meeting Room #3:     

10: a.m. EST
Cassandra Greer: The Soul Code – Tool for Self Re-creation.  Zoom No. 1
Jackie Cross: Experience More Joy, Ease and Awareness in Your Relationships.  Zoom No. 2
Fay Semple: Dowsing: Unlock Your Inner Knowing.  Zoom No. 3

11: a.m. EST
Chris Cassanovas: Minding Fully Your Mind.  Zoom No. 1
Dorothy Morgan: Understanding Your Path Through the Planets.
Zoom No. 2

Ann Hession: Hidden Blocks to Money, Wealth and Abundance.
Zoom. No. 3

12 p.m. EST
Chris Adshade: Curtailing Quarantine Over-eating.  Zoom No. 1
Ellen Sklaver: Transforming Trauma Usuing PSYCH-K.  Zoom No. 2
Maggies Slater: Body, Mind, Spirit Trifecta Catalyst!   Zoom No. 3

1 p.m. EST
Krissy Fitzgerald: What Frequencies Are You Dialed-in To?  Zoom No. 1
Pete Gagliardo: How To Use Ho’oponopono And Get Clear. What’s Holding You Back?  Zoom No. 2
Becky Cook: EFT – Goal Traumas.  Zoom No. 3

2 p.m. EST
Andrea Wenger: Sound Healing to Balance And Restore. Zoom  No. 1
Rob Stewart: How Astrological Archetypes Suggest Ways for Us to Shift to More Peace.  Zoom No. 2
Darlene Chadbourne: The Numerology Blueprint.  Zoom No. 3

3 p.m. EST
Darlene Doughty: Shamanic Healing with the Andaras.  Zoom No. 1
Bill Gee: Be the Superhero of Your Story!  Zoom No. 2
Maria Crawford FNP:  Root Cause Revival  Zoom No. 3

4 p.m. EST
Sharon Greenspan: Mind-Clearing and Annihilating Anxiety.  Zoom No. 1
Bette Steflik: Healthy Home. Healthy Body.  Zoom No. 2
Alan Barksky, Cht: How To Get Unstuck From Anxiety During These Times.  Zoom No. 3

5 p.m. EST
Sue Nordemo Cht: Hypno-Coaching and Pain Management.  Zoom No. 1
Mark Yapelli: Huna -Ancient Hawaiian Wisdom For Today’s World.
Zoom No. 2

Erin-Dail Plunkett: Immune System……“*$&#%!”  Zoom No. 3

Allow me to help you arrange your home where you feel fully supported. I am available for a full consultation Service or for an hour telephone conversation. Details are at this link Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

Building Design Affects The Human Body

“Houses are like the human beings that inhabit them.”
– Victor Hugo

Our home’s building design is an active participant in our homeostasis. It affects our health and mental outlook on a daily basis. When a client comes to me with a health condition, depending on the ailment, I will look at anyone of the following systems of the house and inquire into its condition.

An example of how the mechanical, electrical, plumbing – all the building design works together. If you are sick or a family member, look at the mechanical, electrical, plumbing – all the systems of the house. Draw an outline of the body onto the house and put the head (face down) at the front door then locate the heart in the house. Where the heart lands in the house correct that system, not just the plumbing which is associated with the circulatory system. Address  flooding in the house, even the basement because these will affect the circulatory system.

• Main Entrance and foyer correspond to the head.

• Electrical wiring corresponds to the nervous system.

• Plumbing corresponds to circulatory system, circulation of the blood.

• Sewage System relates to the urinary tract, guts, digestive system–stomach, large intestine.

• Respiratory corresponds air conditioning, ducts, chimneys, sky lights,

• Roof and Beams correspond to the spine.

• Four corners of the house or lot correspond to the four limbs. Front corners would be the arm, the back corners would be the legs and feet.

Free International Health and Wellness Summit, Saturday May 9, 2020
“Healthy Home. Healthy Body. Keys To A Better Mind, Body and Life.”
Sign up for my blog and you will receive an invitation link via Eventbrite.

I will throw open the doors and speak truth about health and Feng Shui. Journey with me through a home’s arrangement and discover the unfolding story of how placement can radically influence your well-being.

The International Health Summit was generated to showcase natural, leading-edge processes to grow a healthy you. Chosen from the best in their field, the presenters’ expertise include: Dowsing, Huna (ancient Hawaiian spiritual practices), Psych K (Psychological Kinesiology; methods that change your subconscious beliefs), Restorative Hypnosis, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming improves communication skills), Aromatherapy, Nutritional Counseling, Feng Shui, Body Code (energy balancing system that uncovers root causes of discomfort, sickness and suffering), Herbs for our times, Reiki (a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing) and more. Check out details on Facebook

Thank you for stopping in. I am open during shelter-in-place. I have added via Zoom besides on-site consultations.  My services are Feng Shui a La Carte, one hour or Your House Is Talking, full consultation. I wish you well and calmness during this extraordinarily difficult time. I look forward to having a conversation with you.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

Photo credit: Getty Images

Feng Shui Design For Better Immune Health

“You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control  what goes on inside.”
–Dr. Wayne Dyer

Staying healthy is a premium during this Covid-19 quarantine. Immune health isn’t necessarily a goal we connect with our homes but in reality our spaces are the barriers against illness. I have been contemplating what will be useful to you during this extraordinarily difficult time. I have curated ten adjustments and ceremonies (a qigong practice too) to help you minimize stress, strengthen your immune health and a Feng Shui tip for the front door to get clarity about what course of action to take.

Defense against stress
Over the past 20 years scientific studies have reported stress is the number one causes of illness besides inflammation. If you are working from home and if you are looking after your children, place three lush, green plants in every room where you work and also where you supervise your children. Plants enhance concentration, abate air toxicity, minimize tension, increase your immune health and lift your frame of mind.

Light the front entry (the brighter the better), both the outside and the inside of the front door. The front entrance represents your head besides your health, the light brings more clarity to your brain, helping you choose the right course of action to take.

Worried about the future? Adjust any dark small or narrow area near the front door or the door you enter often. Add sound here. Hang a bell on the door or a wind chime from the ceiling. Clean up any untidy plants at the front door.  Adjust the Helpful People area with a statue or an image of someone who is a mentor, teacher, someone you highly respect. It can also be an image of a deity. If a statue of a deity make sure it is up off the floor. Or place an image or statue of a dragon, (not red, that is a cooked dragon). They are mythical creatures who have benevolent intent to help humans. 

Lost your job during this time? Check to see if one of your doors, particularly the front door opens to a wall. This is known as a contrary door. Your shoulders may be starting to weigh upon your heart and lungs, depleting your pulmonary system, weakening your ability to ward off virus and illnesses. Adjust this feature by hanging a mirror (be sure not to cut off the top of your head nor chin) on the wall that you see as you enter. This wakes up your Ch’i .

SARS outbreak of 2003, scientists discovered the infectious disease spread like wildfire throughout an apartment complex via the sewage pipes. Clean your sewage pipes. If you live in an apartment building contact your landlord.

Harmonize Your Energy
Dried orange peels were used for centuries in ancient China. They were an important part of traditional Chinese medicine. Perform a ceremony with nine whole oranges. Cut nine circles out of each orange for a total of 81 circles. Break those down on a plate and while doing so see the light of 10,000 Buddhas being infused into the peels. Start at your front door and walk around your home (either clockwise or counter clockwise) casting the peels onto the floor. Visualize the light of 10,000 Buddhas is removing any sick Ch’i, bad luck Ch’i and bankruptcy Ch’i, instead happy Ch’i, wealth Ch’i and abundant blessings have come to nest in your home. Best to do this at 11:00 p.m.

Acrid odors have been used in China for centuries to stave off illness. Hang one of the following in your space. Be sure it is visible to everyone. You are adjusting by the sense of smell.
Cloves of garlic
Curry, dill or duren
Garlic chives
Red pepper
Raw onions
Orange peel

Besides cleansing your surfaces, take the opportunity to cleanse your lymphatic system. “This system builds immune health by making special white blood cells called lymphocytes that produce antibodies which are responsible for immune responses that defend the body against disease.” (Unity Point) Tai Chi Forest qigong shares a calming, clarifying short video on tapping the lymphatic meridians. 

According to Thich Nhat Hanh, “a mantra is a magic formula that, once it is uttered, can entirely change a situation, our mind, our body or a person. But this magic formula must be spoken in a state of concentration-that is to say, a state in which body and mind are absolutely in a state of unity.” Tara is the “Mother of all the Buddhas” and she protects the welfare of all beings. Find an image of Red Tara to help you focus. Red Tara eats up illness. Her right eye reflects the sun and kills the virus. The left eye reflects the moon. An elixir pours out of her eyes healing those afflicted. As you face her she connects to your heart and the light sends to you comes from your heart and circles the planet. As you visualize the above, chant, “Om Tara Tuttare Ture Soha” 108 times.

Kindness matches the same vibration as abundance. Perform one good deed a day for 27 days or 9 good deeds a day for nine days to improve your luck and strengthen your cures.

I wish for you good health, peace and hope.

Allow me to help you arrange your home where you feel fully supported. I am available for a full consultation Service or for an hour telephone conversation. Details are at this link Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

Yang Metal Rat: Live 2020 Without Limits

“If you want one year of prosperity, grow grain. If you want 10 years of prosperity, grow trees. If you want 100 years of prosperity, grow people.”
– Chinese proverb

Since 2700 BC the “Hsia” calendar, also known as the Chinese almanac, delivers annually a cosmic plan to help us navigate our course through the seasons. In the Zhou dynasty star gazing meant survival for agrarian cultures of China. The emperor would assign his court astrologers to calculate the rotation of the planets to prophesies what actions to take in conduct and character to insure a plentiful harvest and good fortune.

2020: Heaven’s divine order has delivered the Yang Metal Rat, all shiny with an exuberant air and ready to take charge. Metal and Rat are an amalgamation of the Heavenly stems and the Earthly branches which are the oldest known tool for Chinese fortune telling. Yang Metal Rat has imprinted its energetic blue print upon this year gifting humans with the challenges and endowments that will help us to not just survive, but evolve and thrive.

Yang Metal Rat begins a new sixty year cycle. Water is the start of life. It also represents wisdom and social interaction. It is fitting the Rat, who is connected with Water, is the first animal of the Chinese zodiac and wise souls are they. Their clever minds can make a quick witted response to tame a difficult situation. If we adopt Rat’s willingness to take a grounded, peaceful approach when conflict arises, we will be safe from a compromising, perhaps even a dangerous situation. Very social and caring Rat is devoted to family and friends. Find ways to show your loved ones how much you care with displays of affection, small gifts and acts of service like washing the car or taking the garbage to the curb. For the Rat love runs deep and when things go sour they can easily get their toes stepped on. But they are well equipped to transform a sour situation into calm understanding with their philosophical perseverance and grace. Inquire into your partner’s love language. Translated into 16 languages, Dr Gary Chapman’s Five Love Languages® has saved partnerships around the world and may offer some insight into yours. This year consider what it would mean to you, your loved ones and friends if you cultivate a disposition of peace, hope and happiness. The takeaway from the Rat’s inherent nature is be caring. Kindness always wins.

The Five Elements – water, wood, fire, earth and metal – are believed to be the basic components of everything in the Universe. The second factor of the energetic blueprint is the presiding Five Element. It is the modifier that accompanies the zodiac animal’s influence. In 2020 Rat is the “earthly branch” and Metal is the “heavenly stem”. According to Feng Shui master Raymond Lo, Metal feeds Water so we might expect a relatively peaceful year however it’s a Yang (strong) Metal which is often associated with a destructive weapon like a big sword. The characteristics of Yang Metal people are: warrior-like, loyal, honest and reliable with strong leadership skills. They have a deep desire for justice in the world but use fighting to resolve issues. Its influence on Rat will influence Rat to mimic the energy of aggressive ocean water – situations this year are poised to become combative. Keep in your thoughts that diffusing a scene before it becomes heated will get you what you want.

With regards to the environment we can expect to see Water (flooding, heavy rainstorms and tsunamis) and Fire related disasters which include sea and air accidents. Metal and Water weaken Earth so there will be earth linked disasters (landslides, sink holes, mining accidents, earthquakes and buildings collapsing).

The Water element will weigh heavily on the morale of buyers in the stock market. Time for a more conservative approach and prudent expectation in your transactions. That being said certain industries will prosper. For instance “the Rat is a Peach Blossom, (star of Romance) and along with the Metal element which symbolizes the skin, teeth and bones, beauty and grace will be enhanced. There will be a boom in the beauty and entertainment industries.” You may look into these types of investing options but remember always seek professional advice first.

In terms of health, the Metal element represents the lung, nose and skin. The Rat, a Water element, is related to the kidney, urinary system and sex organs. Excessive amounts of Water can cause problems in these areas. Because both Fire and Earth are absent the stomach (digestive issues), the pancreas (diabetes), the immune system and the heart (blood circulation) will be affected. (Raymond Lo) 

The current coronavirus epidemic has brought our attention into sharp focus to maintain a healthy immune response which can be as simple as getting adequate rest, (make sure your bed is in command position for optimal rejuvenation); drink plenty of water; limit exposure to screen time; restrict caffeine and alcohol consumption; eat local, purchase your food, if possible, from a Farmer’s Market and cultivate loving relationships. These practices eliminate stress which is the main cause of disease and illness. “A virus is an opportunistic bacteria looking for a weakened immune system.” – Dr. Joe Dispenza,

The weaving of positive energy into your everyday life brings success. Here are 10 practices to help you prioritize, maybe even help you define your purpose. My hope they will help you rearrange your perspective to live 2020 without limits.
Act as if you are an unstoppable force.
Remind yourself everyday of why you are here.
Visualize your future and live for it.
Express gratitude.
Find your sweet spot.
Look for beauty everywhere no matter how imperfect.
Let yourself go – surrender to your genius.
Share your gifts with others.
Seek to transform chaos into peace.
Remain gentle and do kind deeds

Lù is different from wealth and happiness. It means achieving a high rank which leads to an affluent and fortunate life. Adjust the Feng Shui in your home: place your bed, desk and stove in command position. Make sure the front entry is open, welcoming and free of clutter especially shoes for that means chaos. Place an image of a deer where it is visible for the sound of deer and prosperity in Chinese are identical. One hundred deer represent ‘prosperity one hundred times over’ (bai lù). A symbol for prosperity and nobility, the peony is the flower of wealth, rank and honor. The image of the peony in a vase expresses the wish for prosperity and peace. Place peonies in the wealth gua or at the front door. 

Lunar Leap April (May 23 – June 20)
In the Chinese lunar calendar every three years is a small Leap year and a big Leap year every five years. The line up of the stars creates a unique and favorable situation. Regardless of which Zodiac animal you are, the luck is most likely favorable for everyone between May 23 and June 20. It’s a good time to get married, relocate, start a new business, purchase real estate, make investments, break ground for new construction or remodel your space.

If you are looking to build a new home, remodel, plan a wedding, purchase a home or sell one, when you start has tremendous influence on the outcome of your event. Beginning on the right foot with an auspicious date and time will bring more success to your endeavor. Contact me, bette@shenmenfengshui.com for details.

Allow me to help you arrange your home where you feel fully supported. I am available for a full consultation service or for an hour telephone conversation. Details are at this link Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

Love Wins With Help From Feng Shui

photo credit: de zeen; bed design: Fabio Novembre

“The best love is the kind that awakens the soul; that makes us reach for more, that plants the fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds.”
– The Notebook

I love that we have a day set aside that reminds us that the other 364 days are opportunities to share what is important – creating trust, communicating honestly, speaking your partner’s love language, giving positive feedback and building a life together with the support of Feng Shui. Giving and receiving love from the one we hold in high esteem is heart healing. And what have we come here to be than to be love?

“40 years.” she said, “I love him but our communication has slipped into ‘two ships passing in the night’.” Sometimes the simplest decision can have the biggest impact. It’s my job to listen intently. The Feng Shui solution was a headboard, a sturdy one. They ran with it. They chose one together, they put it up together and immediately the husband started the pillow talk – sweet, refreshing love words – like a cool Italian fountain on a hot Florence day. 

When my client told me her story and then reiterated the Feng Shui adjustment had improved her relationship, I felt inspired and motivated to share a Feng Shui refresher. I believe it could set us all on the right trajectory in 2020. Enjoy!

  • Make the earth move for you. If your relationship has cooled off because you are worried about finances (self-employed?), place your bed on a 45 degree angle. The angle will move the Ch’i… then look out your  worry will change to balancing work and life pleasures.
  • Nurture your relationship. Place nine lush plants in the bedroom. Distractions will deplete your stamina. The plants’ vitality will lift your Ch’i giving you the focus to show your partner how much you care. 
  • Freshen the air. Purchase a diffuser. Include in your purchase a stimulating aroma like sweet orange essential oil. Ylang Ylang is a scent that draws lovers together. Add a few drops with black pepper (yes, it’s perfect for sexual intimacy) into the diffuser and percolate your romance. 
  • Texture initiates the senses. Satin or 300 count cotton sheets shift your attention to your affections. We rely heavily on our sense of sight to excite. Green is invigorating, yellow is comforting, a deep pink hue is invitational, chocolate brown satisfies both partners tastes. Enjoy the sensation of how these initiate a night that satisfies your desires. 
  • Good communication. Your relationship will last with the best headboard money can buy. Preferably solid wood but slats are acceptable too. Make sure the headboard is securely fastened. It connects the two sides of the bed so it connects you and your partner. And a little secret to help the Ch’i flow, make sure your mattress is up off of the floor.
  • Take command. Place your bed so you can see the door but not in line of the door. However if that’s not possible because your bed is on the same wall as the door, add a standing fashion mirror and watch the tension and headaches melt away.
  • Back on the dating scene? If you want your pick of possible partners, widen your field of possibilities by hanging a convex mirror in the partnership corner of your bedroom or house. The meaning of a convex mirror is to take in a broad view or expand your view. You can place this in either your bedroom or the main floor of the house.
  • Detest pink? In general men do not want a pink bedroom. Attract a new partner with placing the Five Element colors (green, red, yellow, white and black) in a balanced proportion in your bedroom. Select furnishings and accessories along with paint choice that contain these colors. You can decorate  with these anywhere in the house. Now add your intention to make it stick. Once you find your partner, the Five Elements creates stability in your partnership because combining all five covers all the basis.
  • Rice is nice. If you want to enhance your relationship or attract a partner, ask your Chinese friends who’s getting married then off you go to the wedding ceremony. If they use cinnabar rice or any rice take it home in a red envelope. Place it in your car, or on your desk or in your child’s room. It is not only auspicious Ch’i of a wedding but auspicious Ch’i of all kinds. Your child will benefit, you and whomever rides in your car will be safe and it can benefit your career. For your partnership place the red envelope in the partnership area of your bedroom. Visualize creating the good fortune, health and abundance that shine forth on a wedding day.

Flowers, chocolates, a massage send the right message but what could be better than doing something extra for love, https://shenmenfengshui.com/matters-heart-six-feng-shui-details-make-love-last/

Allow me to help you arrange your home where you feel fully supported. I am available for a full consultation service or for an hour telephone conversation. Details are at this link Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

Manifest A Golden Year of the Metal Rat

“Wealth is not just money, it embodies five key factors: financial wealth, relational wealth, intellectual wealth, physical wealth and spiritual wealth.”
– Tony Robbins, Motivational Guru

I receive multiple emails on Feng Shui and Chinese money bags/lucky days. While they are entertaining, they don’t hold a candle to the Feng Shui lucky customs and good fortune cures of the Chinese Lunar New Year. Celebrated for over 4,000 years, The Spring Festival is the perfect opportunity to summon your goals. January 24-25, two billion like-minded families and friends pool their goodwill and good intentions into a collective energy of newness, unity, prosperity, abundance and good fortune. The synergy becomes an avalanche of manifestation. The Year of the Metal Rat is two weeks away. Start your avalanche of golden good luck with these Feng Shui prosperity tips:

Improve the Feng Shui in your home and office.
Start with placing your bed and desk in command position. You want to see the door but not be in line of the door.. Next look at the position of your stove. Is it against the wall? If so you cannot see what is behind you and that will influence the quality of the food you eat, the amount of money you have in your bank account, how well you get along with your family and winning legal disputes. Make sure you know what is going on behind you or you will be blind sided. If you need clarification, send me an email: bette@shenmenfengshui.com

Upgrade your karma. Pay It Forward.
Abundance and charity are at the same vibration. When you perform good deeds everyday (nine is even better) it actually improves your good luck. For humanity’s sake the world needs your kindness and compassion. And the upside, well it just feels good. Whenever you receive a kind deed, pay it forward.

Act consciously. Set intention.
Renew your connection with your inner self. This is where all your inspired ideas come from. Begin with a meditation space, even if it’s a corner of a room. A daily meditation practice will help you stay present when life pulls you off course. This space will soothe your senses and nourish your soul. 2020 is a pivotal year. Meditation is the link to staying grounded through change. If you don’t have a space and want to learn how to create one, I share how to create a sacred space with lighting, sound, decor and color at “Sacred Space Is Where You Will Find Yourself Again and Again”.  

Perform New Year Rituals.
In my 20 years of consulting, ritual and ceremony are equal in artistry and power to decorating with Feng Shui. Build momentum for luck to soar during the Year of the Metal Rat.

Start January 14, 2020 with “Sweep away the old”  to rid your home of last year’s energy. Imagine you’re sweeping away any illness, obstacles, bad luck, negative attitudes and emotions.

Money comes easily when a bowl of oranges is displayed in your home. The word for orange (Chengzi) sounds like gold (Jin) in the Chinese language.

Chinese Lunar New Year’s eve prepare a “lucky eight” foods dinner. Make the evening uplifting and happy; include music and play games with your children, tell jokes and laugh.

Place your knives and scissors in a drawer January 25, 2020. Schedule a hair trim or mani/pedi before Chinese New Year’s Eve “to avoid cutting the luck of the year”.

Keep your peepers open past midnight on Chinese New Year’s eve to ensure good luck will cross your threshold. The sound of sleepiness in Chinese is similar to trouble. Sleepless means no trouble in the coming year.

Bring one new item such as furniture, décor or art into your home and business to stimulate prosperity chi and to increase your sheng chi. In addition give away one item or more. This creates both physical and symbolic space for new blessings. Taoist monks execute these practices every year.

Throw away china, crockery or glassware that are broken, chipped or have hairline cracks, these augur bad luck.

Make amends with anyone with whom you’ve had a row or falling-out.

Receive a handout of these Chinese Lunar New Year customs and more when you book a consultation…

After you have played games and eaten foods that attract fame and fortune, perform BSTB ceremonies to invite bountiful blessings. Want to receive the “Three Lucky Feng Shui Secret Traditions Packet”? See below.

Carry the Golden Rat’s secret friend (talisman) the Ox
“When the Rat and the Ox come together, the joy of this encounter is enough to offset any evil that the moment may harbor.”
–HH Grandmaster Lin Yun

Carry a three dimensional Ox made of bone, boxwood or jade. The exception is if your Chinese animal protector is a Horse or Ram, then carry the Monkey and the Dragon as a pair.

Enjoy A Year of Good Fortune!
The “Three Lucky Feng Shui Secret Traditions Packet” is back! $27 + nine red envelopes. Email me at bette@shenmenfengshui.com for payment options. Nine red envelopes must be received by mail on or before January 20, 2020 to ensure your mailing will arrive in time. Revel in “Welcoming the Wealth Gods” into your home. Delight in peeling away bad luck during “the Golden Cicada” ceremony and jump up for joy when you throw the orange peel as the clock strikes 12:00 during “Changing the Ch’i….

Receive the Three Lucky Feng Shui Secret Traditions Packet and the Five Fold Happiness New Year list when you schedule your on site consultation before January 25, 2020.

Allow me to help you arrange your home where you feel fully supported. I am available for a full consultation service or for an hour telephone conversation. Details are at this link Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

De-stress The Holidays With Full Moon Rituals

“The moon does not worry….It keeps to its course, but by its very nature, it gently influences. What other body could pull an entire ocean from shore to shore? The moon is faithful to its nature and its power is never diminished.”
– Taoist Master, Deng Ming-Dao

Not only is the year ending in a few weeks, but this month closes the decade. Questions are likely distracting you. Will I get it all done? Can I afford the expense of the holidays? Will my family make demands? Will my in-laws get along? There is a light on December 12, a full moon light that has the potential to shift you out of any anxiety and transform that anxious state into bliss; to bring heaven to earth allowing you to enjoy the season with family and friends.

The numerology of the December 12 Full Moon (1212) signifies something has changed for the better and you have gone through some type of portal or gateway. It means “Have faith in your dreams. You are on the right track.” If you read my blogs you are familiar with my message: Feng Shui is a portal through which you can advance your development by consciously designing your space. To access the auspicious full moon energy, I have included four methods to add to your Feng Shui toolkit. These rituals will help you enhance your savvy, establish a mindfulness routine and unleash the power within you because in your being you’ve got this.

Cool down
Full moon light clears your thinking. We are all innately wise but how do we access it at will? The wise men of times past would consult the Heavenly bodies to heal their hearts and minds. If they needed a remedy, a healing, a purification, they consulted the moon or the sun. The December 12 full moon light can bathe you with its restorative power. If you feel fuzzy, distracted, angry or overwhelmed, walk out into a clear space like a park or a field, free from electrical wires. Stand facing the moon. Open your arms to receive. Feel the cool, yin energy. See your body, your mind, your spirit relax and the moon’s essence washing over you. Neither Motrin nor Benadryl have the power like you to put the pieces back together when life is out of balance.

Full moon energy increases your attention to detail. Marie Kondo’s simple and gentle advice for releasing the physical things that no longer serve you is a wonderful full moon ritual. Begin days before the full moon. Take fifteen minutes. Hold the object in question. Ask yourself does it bring me joy? Do I feel love? If not, thank it with sincerity for the time it served you and find it a new home.

Full moons highlight endings. This is an opportune time to purge emotions, trauma, grief (if you are ready), suffering and what has been blocking you. Purchase a new white candle(s), find an area where you will not be disturbed. Best times are 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. or 11:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. If this is not doable, December 12 is an auspicious date so you can perform this ritual at any time that is suits your schedule but ideally you want to see the moon when you look out the window. Orange or lemon essential oil is perfect for purifying your space. Pour a few drops onto the burning candle or use a diffuser. Or cut circles out of the zest of an orange or lemon and sprinkle around your room. Visualize the light of the full moon encircling you. Write down what you want to release on several slips of paper or just one page. Say out loud what you want to let go. Throw the paper into a small fire-proof cauldron or cooking pot or let the candle burn them. Feel the burden lift off of you. Feel your breath deepen in your tan’tien (belly). Feel the transformation in your heart. You have exited one portal and entered a new phase of your life.

Full moon power can increase your intuition. Performing rituals illuminate your senses, not just your mind. They have the capacity to activate a full body awareness. This advanced awareness accesses your subconscious which can annex universal information/super knowledge, the source of all creativity (Edison accessed infinite intelligence to create his inventions. Mozart wrote his music note perfect the first time. He said when he sat down to write the entire opus, it would come into his mind and he would simply transcribe it onto paper). If you need an answer to a difficult problem, give it to your subconscious at bedtime and it will download a creative solution. But you are not limited to sleep to source your creativity, you can do this at any time of the day. Maintaining a daily meditation practice is key. It helps you focus on your goals and inspiration will come to you more easily. If you do not have a mediation practice contact me and I would be happy to discuss what BSTB meditations might work for you.

Full moons expand human consciousness. We are in need of big compassion this time of year. His Holiness, Grandmaster Lin Yun gave us a secret to a successful life: perform a good deed every day. By helping another person, you shift, not only their reality, but yours as well. A kind deed will improve your luck, circumstances and income. Kindness is the antidote to the economic down turn. For emphasis do nine good deeds a day and if you need to really shift energy, twenty seven good deeds in one day. But remember that your sincerity is the most important part.

A well designed space allows you to access positive energy at all times. Call upon me to help you arrange your home where you feel fully supported. I am available for a full consultation Service or for an hour telephone conversation. Details are at this link Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

photo credit: Old World Witchcraft

9 Feng Shui Cures To Start Holiday Decorating ASAP!

“Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing.”
–Camille Pissarro

Holiday decorations up before Thanksgiving? Oh yikes? Or oh yeah! Trimming the door and whistling while you string the lights is undeniably a mood lift. TODAY reported in 2017 those individuals “who get their holiday decorations up early are happier” and tuned into their sense of well being. The sights and smells invoke pleasant memories. Decorating also tweaks our brain in just the right places, flooding it with dopamine, a feel-good hormone.

We’re also using a bit of color healing with all the ornaments, oranges and bright lights around the house. From the Feng Shui perspective, if we alleviate the continuous stress from the outside by lifting our spirits with beauty and calm on the inside of our homes this simple act benefits more than ourselves, it trickles out to our neighbors and community too.

Beauty is one of life’s basic pleasures,” Assistant Clinical Professor at Harvard Medical School, Dr. Nancy L. Etcoff was quoted in The Harvard Crimson. “We want to keep near us, feel more sympathy and compassion for and are elevated by what is beautiful.” Like neuroaesthetics, the science that quantifies the effect that beauty and aesthetics have on our brains, Feng Shui design not only awakens our brains but touches our hearts through enhancing beauty in our homes.

So let’s enjoy the prospect that by lavishing our homes with bits of green, some color, love, lights and soul we’ve contributed to our greater happiness and the true meaning of the season.

Adorn The Door Invite auspicious Ch’i. Start the holiday decorating nine days before Thanksgiving. Purchase a beautiful wind chime, one that pleases your ear. Put it in a special place and think about it every day. Visualize how it will bring good luck into your household. On Thanksgiving at 11:00 a.m. hang the wind chime from a red ribbon outside your front door. Say a prayer of grace, this reinforces your request. This enhancement takes your eye level gaze and preoccupation with worldly affairs and redirects them up. At this position, you invite the power of heaven to create joy, stability and forward movement.

Garnish The Front Entry
 Pomegranates symbolize fertility but for the holidays their usefulness can bring happiness to the family as well as good luck for your descendants. Display pomegranates in a table arrangement either at the front entry or the dining room table. If you like the pomegranate’s color and shape, display it as art in your home to attract these qualities year round.

Let The Sun Shine In Before Thanksgiving day (or any holiday) buy nine oranges. At 11:00 p.m. open all the doors and windows of the house. Cut nine round pieces of orange peels from nine oranges. You will have a total eighty-one pieces of round orange peels. Break the orange peels into small pieces. The word for orange sound like gold in the Chinese language. Begin at the front door, take a small handful, toss the peel upward, visualize that all misfortune, illness and bad luck are leaving. All is well. Take another small handful and with palm down, sprinkle the peel, sowing seeds of auspicious light and visualizing any negativity being replaced with new growth of good fortune, health and positive events. See sunlight or universal light filling every corner of your house. The light will evict any bad ch’i and misfortune and replace it with happy ch’i, prosperous ch’i and auspicious chi. Leave in all the rooms of the house. Say a prayer of grace and you are complete. Leave the peels for one night, three nights or nine nights for greater emphasis.

Trim The Table A Harvard study showed that we feel less negative around flowers. Looking at them first thing in the morning dissipates anxiety. “The positive mood that results from looking at flowers is likely to transfer to others – it’s what is called mood contagion,” says Dr. Nancy L. Etcoff. This feeling pervades throughout the day. A narcissus plant is both fragrant and it attracts prosperity for the year to come. Adjusting by sense of smell calms the nervous system. Feeling relaxed smoothes your Ch’i and puts you in good spirits when Uncle Harry arrives.

Picture Good Fortune Lemons, tangerines and oranges are a highly prized fruit. Fruit, in general symbolizes life and new beginnings. Orange or “Kum” in Chinese sounds like gold. It is also a prayer or wish for good fortune. Create an orange wreath with bay leaves for your wall or create a lemon, orange and mandarin garland for your stairway. After the holidays, if your stairway is facing the front door, paint the railing green to lift the Ch’i and keep good luck from rolling out the door.

Bedeck Yourself  Feel empower(red). Holiday decorating means pull out the gay apparel. Red in Feng Shui symbolism means happiness, righteousness, virtuosity, courtesy, etiquette, power and strength. If you want to put out a family fire, wear red. If you want to bring joy to the table wear red. If your son or daughter are not paying attention or giving you a hard time wear red. Red attracts auspiciousness and respect.

Take Out The Stress If tension has been running high all year long between you and your partner and you are feeling anxious and a bit depressed, place a round mirror in the bedroom to help eliminate tension and rough talk.

Replenish Your Love Pine trees symbolize friendship and loyalty. But also any type of evergreen symbolizes durability and endurance. They never lose their positive energy and create an optimistic spirit. Place a young, live pine tree in a pot at your entry or in the great room. Begin your holiday decorating by engaging your entire family to trim it with favorite photos and ornaments. See your family feeling unified. After the holiday take it to the forest, plant it and visualize you are replenishing Mother Earth.

Trim The Earth Show loving kindness. A kind word, holding the door, buying a cup of coffee, letting someone in line, helping an elder cross the street or visiting a friend in the hospital builds community, defeats depression and inspires prosperity in oneself and others. Do one good deed in terms of the benefit of others and you benefit the most.

A well designed space allows you to access positive energy at all times. Call upon me to help you arrange your home where you feel fully supported. I am available for a full consultation Service or for an hour telephone conversation. Details are at this link Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

Diwali 2019. Bliss And The Blessings Of Light.

“A warm Diwali wish for every happiness. May the warmth and splendor, that are a part of this auspicious occasion, fill your life with happiness and bright cheer and bring to you joy and prosperity, for the whole year.”
–Diwali Blessing

The house is cleaned and the diyas (lamps) are lit. These simple rituals are the basis of good fortune in the Hindu tradition of Diwali, the Festival of Light. In tribute to Vastu Shastra, the origin of Feng Shui, I invite you to be part of the celebration of gathering in goodness, joy and heaven t0 bless you and the ones you love for celebrating the Light not only raises your energy but the vibration of humanity and cultivates eternal bliss. This year it culminates on the new moon, October 27, 2019.

Diwali is about celebrating the sweetness of life and a time of reflection too. Those who practice this festival entertain the changes they will make to improve the upcoming year. The following customs are practiced with sincerity to raise the pulse of all human beings, everywhere. Maybe all it really takes is to remove some bits of dust and light the corners in our homes to magnetize an auspicious year.

Forgive and forget Forget the wrongs done by others. It’s a cleansing process that lifts the air with festivity and friendliness.
Rise with radiance Waking up an hour before sunrise is a great blessing that promotes health, ethical discipline, efficient work habits and spiritual development.
Merge and meld Mingle with others and find your commonality. Share greetings of love to create an atmosphere pungent with kindness.
Accomplish and advance Merchants open their account books and pray for success and a prosperous year. You can do like the citizens of India: purchase new clothes. Homes are cleaned and decorated and lit with earthen oil lamps. Perform good deeds. The poor are fed in massive numbers.
Polish your inner self The Hindus believe there is a light of lights that steadily shines in the Tao of your heart. Sit quietly and focus your thoughts like a laser beam on this supreme brilliance that illuminates your soul.

A well designed space allows you to access positive energy at all times. Call upon me to help you arrange your home where you feel fully supported. I am available for a full consultation Service or for an hour telephone conversation. Details are at this link Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.