Double Your Happiness With 8 Feng Shui Bedroom Tips

“There is only one happiness in life: to love and be loved.” 
– George Sand

Conscious communication, curiosity and a cozy ambience for intimacy keep love alive writes relationship expert, Liz Higgins. I could not agree with her more. Since it’s Valentine’s Day add a little Feng Shui because an element of surprise is the gateway to intimacy. Surprise your partner with one or all of these 8 Feng Shui bedroom tips and revel in the magic!

  • To nurture your relationship, place nine lush plants in the bedroom. The demands of work can deplete your stamina. The plants’ vitality will lift your energy, giving you the focus to show your partner how much you care. 
  • Purchase a diffuser (found at most grocery stores or online). Include in your purchase a stimulating aroma like sweet orange essential oil. Ylang Ylang is a scent that draws lovers together. Add a few drops of each to the diffuser and percolate your romance. 
  • Texture initiates the senses. Satin or 300 count cotton sheets will shift your attention to your affections. And don’t forget color. Green is invigorating, yellow is comforting, a deep pink hue is invitational, chocolate brown satisfies both partners tastes. Enjoy the sensation of how these caress your bodies.  
  • Good communication is the basis of a lasting relationship. Purchase the best headboard your money can buy. Preferably solid wood but slats are acceptable too. Make sure the headboard is securely fastened. It connects the two sides of the bed so it connects you and your partner. And a little secret to help the Ch’i flow, make sure your mattress is up off of the floor.
  • Place your bed so you can see the door but not in line of the door, that’s “taking command”. However if that’s not possible because your bed is on the same wall as the door, add a standing fashion mirror and watch the tension fade away.
  • If you want to attract a broad range of wooers and widen your field of possibilities, especially if you’ve only been drawing to you one type (and now that no longer works for you), hang a convex mirror in the partnership corner. The meaning of a convex mirror is to take in a broad view or expand your view. You can place this in either your bedroom or the main floor of the house.
  • Another Feng Shui bedroom tip, this one is for men (but this can work for women too). If you want to attract a partner but detest pink in your bedroom, use the Five Element colors (green, red, yellow, white and black) in a balanced proportion by selecting furnishings and accessories along with paint choice that contain these colors. You can put these in the bedroom or any where in the house. They work best when you add your intention. And once you find your partner, the Five Elements creates stability in your partnership because combining all five covers all the basis.
  • If you don’t have a partner or if you want to enhance your relationship with your partner, go to a Chinese wedding ceremony. If they use cinnabar rice or any rice take it home in a red envelope. Place it in your car, or on your desk or in your child’s room. It is not only auspicious Ch’i of a wedding but auspicious Ch’i of all kinds. Your child will benefit, you and whomever rides in your car will be safe and it can benefit your career. For your partnership place the red envelope in the partnership area of your bedroom. Visualize creating the good fortune, health and abundance that shine forth on a wedding day.

The Double Happiness character (which you see adjacent to the text in this blog) is often found in Chinese restaurants and at celebrations. The character for happiness is set side by side. The bottom parts of the symbol can look like the number “8”. Eight is “Ba” in Chinese. It sounds similar to the word, “Fa” which means to make a fortune. It contains the meaning of prosperity, success, and high social status too.

Besides these 8 Feng Shui bedroom tips, make luck to find love and make love to keep the love you find with one of these two packets (one for singles and the other for couples).
“The Heart Of What Matters” 
Find your match. Includes Attract A Romantic Partner, The Four Pillars with a nuance for singles; Receiving Auspicious Ch’i plus The Three Secrets Reinforcements and five robust cures to magnetize your true love.
$27 plus nine red envelopes.
“Nurture A Match Made In Heaven” 
Solidify your partnership. Includes Linking Lovers Cure, The Four Pillars with a nuance for couples; Receiving Auspicious Ch’i plus The Three Secrets Reinforcements and five robust cures to nurture and strengthen your partnership. $27 plus nine red envelopes.

I love helping you prepare for Valentine’s Day but the 8 Feng Shui Bedroom Tips and ceremonies from the packets can be implemented any time of the year. The best part, they create a space for love every day.

To place your order, contact me via email:

One thing I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.


The Year of the Horse IS The Year of the Heart!

Get connected to the great things that make you great!

“The Year of the Horse” as “The Year of the Heart”. It is an act of faith kind of year. A year to move from head centered decisions to heart centered action, to wildly embrace creativity and make outrageous choices, especially when there isn’t a formula for the outcome. It’s time to move. Find your rhythm and dance. The only way you can stake a bigger claim for your dreams is to let your intuition take the reins of your life. Yes, a little scary, but believe me it will bring fulfillment.

I want to share a brief review of the last two years because it’s important in talking about a course of action. The Water element shaped our intellect to hold the idea of an underground river where you could sit by the water’s edge and reflect. It was a golden opportunity to balance activities in the world and time to be alone in deep listening. Those who did, emerged from this phase a bit wiser and with an expanded consciousness to embrace energy conservation, personal and the planet’s. This preparatory stage provided the means to access a hidden reserve. To recognize burn out before it happened. And to step back into solitude to charge our batteries, either with walking in Nature or seated meditation to reconnect to intuition. Because the Wood element is riding on top of the Horse, things are going to heat up and speed up, for this action oriented year and you will need to have practiced balance or learn it quickly. 

In the Five Element constructive cycle, Wood feeds Fire but in this arrangement Fire is sitting below. Scenario: Wood being consumed readily by the hungry flames of Fire. This might bring explosive opportunities, countries going to war (911 happened in a Horse year) and for you personally a fire being lit underneath you if you’ve been procrastinating these past two years. 

Wood sitting on top is inflexible. That will be our greatest challenge. But this is the year of the shift. Human evolution is dependent on this cycle–and we’re set with the task to move our seat of consciousness to where it belongs–in the heart, the place of noble, intuitive action where love reigns unconditionally. Inflexibility is just one example of the intractable, head centered, eccentric realities we have lived, fought about and have destroyed large tracts of the planet over. Win-win takes practice. Practice patience, practice caution, practice flexibility whenever confronted with a tall tree of resistance. In a moment of conflict, you can swallow your saliva three times. This qigong method has the ability to prevent an argument because it gives you time to think about your response. (You can find the remaining four methods in my article, “Yes, But!” Living Feng Shui Magazine. These methods address inflexibility and encourage thoughtfulness in a natural way.). Cultivating a Yin Yang balance replaces an aggressive attitude with compassion which could save a dear friendship, loving marriage or one’s beloved country.

Wood atop fire is a “symbol of optimism and enthusiasm for new innovations and progress”. We’ve come a long way since the the first color TV was manufactured by RCA. You may hold the key to inventing a life style change that could influence millions or discover a break through in social communication. Don’t hold yourself back from thinking you are limited in your potential to affect the world.

The last Wood Horse year was 1954. Rock and Roll became popular. If you are struggling with your feelings, feeling stuck or can’t feel your body, untangle your thoughts with a tango lesson, go contra dancing or salsa under the stars. Connecting to your body integrates all the centers: head, heart and tan’tien. These three cauldrons are ready to cook, serve and deliver what you need. Place your hands over  your heart and see how you feel. You’ve brought your mind and body into coherence. Now watch how your life moves.

On a health note be mindful of blood circulation and inflammation. Because Horse is clashing with the Rat which represents the Kidneys and our immune system, there may be more chances of virus attacks. Supplements can help and forms of exercise like qigong and yoga. Examine your diet, add fish rich in Omega 3 or add fish oil like Omega 3 oil, vitamin C and vitamin E to check cholesterol plus balance the excess fire which is heating up the kidneys (Raymond Lo).

Horses have a superior intuition, they are physically powerful and they love to play. What an aesthetic balance of opposites and beautiful image to hold as we dance through the year.

Gong Xi Fa Cai! May you experience good health, bountiful luck and many fortunate blessings this year. 

Want to know what is going to happen to your Chinese Zodiac Animal in the Year of the Horse? Read my companion piece, Year of the Horse Predictions: Fortune Telling or Practical Strategy?

January 22, 2014, I’d love for you to join me at Kiva Tea • Café • Spa 6-8 p.m. Learn joy luck cures and master strategies to gather in wealth, health, fame and happiness to fulfill your wish list. I will share the Golden Cicada Sheds Its Shell and Changing the Chi of the House. And a meditation to enhance your Ch’i and clears the slate so you can connect to deep joy. Register at Kiva.

Can’t make JoyLuck and Master Strategies but want to participate in lucky New Year’s traditions? I have put together the main ceremonies in “Three Lucky Feng Shui Secret Traditions Packet”+ Three Bonus Cures with a special lucky cure and the Three Secret Reinforcements (body, mind, speech) to amplify your intentions. Cost: $36 + nine red envelopes (allow time for mailing the red envelopes to me).

Perform these good fortune traditions on Chinese Lunar New Year’s Eve (Year of the Horse in the US is January 31, 2014), along with thousands of others and your collective wishes strengthen each other’s intentions, empowering your actions.

Welcome the Wealth Gods

Bring the Wealth Gods right into your home with this midnight tradition. Fortunate blessings, safety, protection, better health and prosperity accompany their blessings for the year to come.

The Golden Cicada Sheds Its Shell

Remove all work problems, relationship problems, all the things that are not going well in your life, health problems and bad luck. In this ceremony you are peeling them off like the shell from the egg. Your true self, your good chi can surface from the crust of life’s difficulties and you can attract what you desire with a clear heart.

Changing The Chi Of The House and Transforming The Fortunes For Individuals and Residences

Space clear and bless your home. Eliminate the residue of old patterns, negativities and resentments. It wakes up the house with fragrance and invites new beginnings and happy chi (which by its nature attracts good health, abundant wealth, fame and prosperity).

Bonus, The Scoundrel Cure

Someone giving you a hard time but you still have to relate? Change your relationship to one or several persons who bring you challenges and turn them into a helpful person. Works every time.

Bonus, Cure For Uncomfortable Fluctuations

Ceremony for when business and personal life are going up and down, up and down. If your health or finances are swinging from bad to worse.

Bonus, Sun Moon Mirror Meditation

With the power of the Universe, this mirror can offset difficult situations with the balance of the sun and moon, yin and yang. If can clear a space of inauspicious energy, add vitality to your day or strengthen a gua that already has a cure.

Secret lucky cure, The Red Slipper Cure
It can stop with the occurrence of bad luck. If you are at the end of your rope this maybe the perfect cure for you.

Three Secret Reinforcements

The main amplifying tool for any cure or adjustment in the Black Sect Tantric Buddhist Feng Shui. It is a ritual way of adding extra strength to any cure. It is an active blessing that combines three mystical ingredients of body, mind and speech.

Contact me via email: to order your packet.

One thing I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.



Year of the Horse Predictions: Fortune Telling Or Practical Strategy?

Either Way, Your Luck Depends On It (See Your Prediction Below).

-painting by Keith Gunderson, Fine Art America

The Chinese participate in cultural traditions because it makes for good business decisions and harmony in the family. Now Americans are taking notice of their Asian neighbors good fortune, prosperity and abundance. And when multi-millionaire, Donald Trump, reported his New York real estate sales sky rocketed after hiring a Feng Shui master, eager westerners sought out palm readings, facial analysis, Feng Shui consultations and Chinese astrology predictions.

Well then how does something you can’t put a finger on like good luck, fortune telling, fanciful festivals, setting off fireworks, family celebrations, eating lucky foods, painting front doors auspicious colors, displaying beneficial offerings and sharing red envelopes work? 

4000 + years of wisdom. China was an agrarian culture. Nature was an intricate process that required keen observation. To meet the hardship of survival, a calendar system was compiled during the rule of legendary emperor, Fu-hsi (2852 B.C.) in an effort to create a plentiful harvest. Seasonal changes, the sun’s transit and the moon’s lunation influenced crop production. Farmers needed to know when swelling tides would flood fields for an abundant rice harvest and on what day the vernal new moon rose to plant delicate seedlings. The Farmer’s Calendar (almanac) is a lunisolar system that not only documents the passage of time but is also a tool that contains exact information that predicts a person’s future – fortune telling. The calculations of year, month, day and hour are represented by the Five Elements – water, wood, fire, earth and metal. These are believed to be the basic components of everything in the Universe. Predictions based upon the relationship of these elements in any given year may amplify a person’s good luck (buy stock in March, get married in June) and help minimize their risks or bad luck (no travel in August, don’t party in September). Because the calendar was intended for popular use, in the Chou period, it was revised. Another phase was introduced to the Five Elements. The twelve earthly branch characters came to be associated with a particular animal: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Hare, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Ram, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig and thus the Chinese Zodiac arrived.

4712 marks the year of the Wood Horse. January 31 begins the celebration. The Chinese uphold that prosperity is an outgrowth of living naturally, in accordance with the seasons, one’s true nature, in peace, unity and harmony with one’s family. These right actions improve one’s fate. To help you avoid pitfalls and to know when to take advantage of the good luck coming your way, here are 12 brief, Year of the Horse Predictions for of each Zodiac animal.

If you don’t know your Chinese Zodiac Sign, here’s a calculator.

Every zodiac animal will benefit in Leap Lunar September. October 24-November 22, the signs of the year and the month are in a “Three Harmony” relationship. In a leap month what you attempt will have support. It is a good month to make financial decisions regarding real estate, make investments, move to a location you desire, switch jobs, get married, entertain, have a grand opening and finalize deals.

Rat Your luck is greatly minimized by the direct conflict relationship with the Tai Sui, Year God (Horse). There is an absence of lucky stars this year that makes for more bad luck than good. However performing the Golden Cicada Sheds Its Shell and Changing the Chi of the House will minimize the stress directed at your efforts. A few highlights. April 29-May 28, July 27-August 24, December 22-January 19. Adversity will transform into auspiciousness however keep an eye out for misfortune. Perform good deeds daily to offset bad luck coming to you. Volunteer your time to charitable organizations and this generates abundance that will come back to you.

Ox Because of your position on the zodiac, you will find clashes with the Tai Sui, Year God (Horse). A Chinese Folk saying: “White Horses have always been afraid of blue oxen.” (source Yun Lin Temple calendar). The road will be bumpy. The good news is this bad situation will be offset by lucky stars. But be mindful. Watch your step and proceed with caution. Perform the Golden Cicada Sheds Its Shell and Changing the Chi of the House to avert any disaster. Highlights this year: January 31-February 28, April 29-May 28, July 27-August 24, December 22-January 19.  In these months your endeavors will be smooth. Good fortune and joyous celebrations will be available however the Chinese always advise when things look good to be aware that your luck could change. Do not go over the top.

Tiger All adversities will turn into blessings and you will mostly enjoy prosperity from your endeavors. There is potential for advancement in your job and career with wealth coming in. Be careful of scoundrels wanting to cause arguments. Even though this will be a smooth year watch out for legal trouble. Perform the Golden Cicada Sheds Its Shell and Changing the Chi of the House to add to the beneficence of the year but also pass through any unforeseen danger with safety. Highlighted months this year: January 31-February 28, March 1-30, May 29-June 26, June 27-July 26, August 25-September 23, September 24-October 23, November 23-December 21, January 20-February 18. Wow! Being amicable can bring riches and success. Whatever ‘disaster’ aka difficult circumstance comes your way, if you are righteous and sincere you can transform every encounter into a blessing.

Hare (Rabbit) You are in a slightly offensive relationship with the Tai Sui, Year God (Horse). You will experience wealth and luck, however scoundrels will be causing trouble behind your back. Luck for female Hares is fair while the males watch your love relationships, be above board and you will minimize your trouble. Perform the Golden Cicada Sheds Its Shell and Changing the Chi of the House and adversities will be transformed into blessings. Highlighted months this year: May 29-June 26, September 24-October 23, October 24-November 22;  a year to be conservative and cautious. The months mentioned endeavors will run smooth with wealth luck coming your way. The lunar month of July guard against robbery and burglary at home. Over all watch your opinions as they may be damaging to your fame and any gains you have made. The harder you work the more rewards you will get.

Dragon Vitality, fame with helpful people coming to your assistance can be expected. If you are quick witted it is time to show your stuff. Opportunities are abundant but it is how you approach them (with caution and a down to earth attitude) that will guarantee your success. Refrain from visiting friends in hospitals and those with recent death in the family. Perform the Golden Cicada Sheds Its Shell and Changing the Chi of the House; you will avert adversities and attract wealth and blessings. Highlighted months this year: April 29-May 28, May 29-June 26, July 27-August 24, August 25-September 23, October 24-November 22. Since Dragon and Horse “form a energetic and vigorous pair”, any bad luck will for the most part be offset by the Horse. Caution is a quality to have in your back pocket. Keep a broad and open mind and you will find delight in your interpersonal relationships.

Snake Make new plans and you will set new records. You will find your luck is in power and influence. If you go into business many helpful people will come your way. Fame, wealth, official rank, and honor will be greatly enhanced. There may be relationships difficulties with your partner, whether married or not. You could experience obstacles in your endeavors. Proceed with caution to avoid failure. Perform the Golden Cicada Sheds Its Shell and Changing the Chi of the House; you will avert adversities and attract wealth and blessings. Highlighted months this year: March 1-30, July 27-August 24, August 25-September 23, October 24-November 22, December 22-January 19. Career, wealth and fame will be fruitful but also during these times do not boast about your success. Be conservative to keep the ch’i happy.

Horse You are sitting on top of the the Tai Sui, Year God (Horse). Your luck will be in the extremes. Inauspicious stars make this a more difficult year than what lucky Horse is use to. Watch for behavior that could lead to legal battle. It’s possible for unexpected accidents to occur. There could be blood shedding or disaster for women. Perform the Golden Cicada Sheds Its Shell and Changing the Chi of the House so that you can safely pass through the crisis. Highlighted months this year: January 31- February 28, March 31-April 28, June 27-July 26, July 27-August 24, September 24- October 23, October 24-November 22. These months will offer opportunities for advancement in reputation and wealth, perhaps go into partnership. Remember to help those who are in need or who are weak and perform good deeds often.

Ram (Sheep) The saying, “Rams together with Horses, give great auspiciousness.” (source: Yun Lin Temple) Your luck will be on top, the best the year can offer. If you’ve been working on your career you can expect advancement. Money luck will be quite good too. If you have been working hard, expect fruitful results. Watch out for the behavior of friends, relatives or scoundrels who try to make life difficult for you. Take precaution against lawsuits. Helpful people will come to your aid doubling your efforts and your reputation will sky rocket this year. Perform the Golden Cicada Sheds Its Shell and Changing the Chi of the House to avert disasters and bring wealth and blessings. Highlighted months this year: March 1-30, March 31-April 28, April 29-May 28, May 29-June 26, October 24-November 22, November 23-December 21. Happy Ch’i is coming your way. Career choices are good. Wealth luck make financial decisions easy. During this year take serious precautions against lawsuits. Inauspicious months demand patience. During those times of stress, act passively and you will see better results.

Monkey The luck is very good for Monkey this year. You will experience reward in your progress, it will be a step by step process. Recognition will come to you in foreign places. Think about expanding, your career, your household, your family. Pay attention, disasters could befall you, money loss too. Be mindful of the physical and mental health of your family members. Do not plan major construction or renovation. Perform the Golden Cicada Sheds Its Shell and Changing the Chi of the House to avert disasters and bring wealth and blessings. Highlighted months this year: March 31-April 28, April 29-May 28, May 29-June 26, October 24-November 22. Happy Ch’i is written all over your face. Your discipline to work will bear auspiciousness. There is opportunity for travel in May and prestige and helpful people can be found in foreign countries during that month. If you do good deeds during the year, prosperity and honor will be gained.

Rooster Your animal sign is in a mutually offensive relationship with the Tai Sui, Year God (Horse). The good news is that you have lucky stars that alleviate this difficult position this year. Happy Ch’i, Wealth Ch’i, Advancement Ch’i, fame and fortune are achievable. There will be joyous events in your family. Wedding bells are possible. You find you will have to work hard and be distracted with details that may force you to run around and get exhausted. There could be unexpected disasters. Perform the Golden Cicada Sheds Its Shell and Changing the Chi of the House to avert disasters and bring wealth and blessings. Highlighted months this year: March 31-April 28, April 29-May 28, May 29-June 26, June 27-July 26, October 24-November 22, November 23-December 21. In July the matrimonial star is on the ascent, a wedding will take place in the family. Joy will come, do not be greedy. Success, fame and fortune are at hand. Career decisions and work situations will go smoothly. During this year practice modesty and being amicable, for he who has great tolerance will have great blessings.

Dog Those born with the Dog as their animal sign will enjoy a ‘Three Harmony’ relationship which affords you good fortune, fame, career advancement and happiness. Your endeavors will be auspicious. Life will indeed be bright. As with any time of good luck, there can be adversity within. Watch for money losing ventures, disharmony at home and health issues. Perform the Golden Cicada Sheds Its Shell and Changing the Chi of the House to avert disasters and bring wealth and blessings. Highlighted months this year: January 31-February 28, March 1-30, April 29-May 28, May 29-June 26, October 24-November 22, November 23-December 21. Lucky stars make for Earth luck. Follow your bliss and wealth and fame will follow. Your hard work will yield favorable results. In August if you must travel, take extra precaution, carry an enhanced Buddha for protection. Refer to my blog, Unexpected Death And Feeding (One’s Own) Hungry Ghosts for the Orange Peel Protection. In this year there could be nerve racking events, learn to be calm, do not over calculate, perform good deeds and negotiations will be win-win.

Pig You may enjoy twice the results of this year with only half the effort. That is good news for Pigs who suffered difficulties in the Year of the Snake. Lucky stars will make wealth, happiness and prosperity easily attainable. There will be luck and enjoyment in your career and fame. Watch your health for illness and your family members for unexpected medical emergencies. Perform the Golden Cicada Sheds Its Shell and Changing the Chi of the House to avert disasters and bring wealth and blessings. Highlighted months this year: January 31-February 28, March 1-30, March 31-April 28, June 27-July 26, October 24-November 22. You will feel rejuvenate in the month of March. In general during these months helpful people will offer guidance and you will experience favorable results from your hard work. Use your available energy to do good deeds. You will gain from this on many levels, in many life times. In January 2015 a family member may experience ill health. Host a joyous celebration to dispel the sick ch’i and bad luck.

Gong Xi Fa Cai! May you experience good health, bountiful luck and many fortunate blessings this year.

Thank you Khadro Crystal Chu Rinpoche of the BSTB School of Feng Shui. Her Holiness teaches a Feng Shui certification program. You may find details at  Yun Lin Temple.

If you want to claim a bigger stake for your dreams, read my companion piece, The Year Of The Horse IS The Year of the Heart.

January 22, 2014, I’d love for you to join me at Kiva Tea • Café • Spa 6-8 p.m. Learn joy luck cures and master strategies to gather in wealth, health, fame and happiness to fulfill your wish list. I will share the Golden Cicada Sheds Its Shell and Changing the Chi of the House. And a meditation to enhance your Ch’i and clears the slate for you to connect with deep joy. Register at Kiva.

Can’t make JoyLuck and Master Strategies but want to participate in lucky New Year’s traditions? I have put together the main ceremonies in “Three Lucky Feng Shui Secret Traditions Packet”+ Three Bonus Cures with a special lucky cure and the Three Secret Reinforcements (body, mind, speech) to amplify your intentions. Cost: $36 + nine red envelopes (allow time for mailing the red envelopes to me).

Perform these good fortune traditions on Chinese Lunar New Year’s Eve (Year of the Horse in the US is January 31, 2014), along with thousands of others and your collective wishes strengthen each other’s intentions, empowering your actions.

Welcome the Wealth Gods

Bring the Wealth Gods right into your home with this midnight tradition. Fortunate blessings, safety, protection, better health and prosperity accompany their blessings for the year to come.

The Golden Cicada Sheds Its Shell

Remove all work problems, relationship problems, all the things that are not going well in your life, health problems and bad luck. In this ceremony you are peeling them off like the shell from the egg. Your true self, your good chi can surface from the crust of life’s difficulties and you can attract what you desire with a clear heart.

Changing The Chi Of The House and Transforming The Fortunes For Individuals and Residences

Space clear and bless your home. Eliminate the residue of old patterns, negativities and resentments. It wakes up the house with fragrance and invites new beginnings and happy chi (which by its nature attracts good health, abundant wealth, fame and prosperity).

Bonus, The Scoundrel Cure

Someone giving you a hard time but you still have to relate? Change your relationship to one or several persons who bring you challenges and turn them into a helpful person. Works every time.

Bonus, Cure For Uncomfortable Fluctuations

Ceremony for when business and personal life are going up and down, up and down. If your health or finances are swinging from bad to worse.

Bonus, Sun Moon Mirror Meditation

With the power of the Universe, this mirror can offset difficult situations with the balance of the sun and moon, yin and yang. If can clear a space of inauspicious energy, add vitality to your day or strengthen a gua that already has a cure.

Secret lucky cure, The Red Slipper Cure
It can stop with the occurrence of bad luck. If you are at the end of your rope this maybe the perfect cure for you.

Three Secret Reinforcements

The main amplifying tool for any cure or adjustment in the Black Sect Tantric Buddhist Feng Shui. It is a ritual way of adding extra strength to any cure. It is an active blessing that combines three mystical ingredients of body, mind and speech.

Contact me via email: to order your packet.

One thing I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.







2014: The Year of Choosing What Is Right For You!

How to make your intentions clear and achieve your goals.

I am delighted the new year and new moon have arrived. I have been waiting for this time, my narcissus bulbs burst opened New Year’s eve, filling the air with their heavily scented, white blossoms. The Chinese believe that a daffodil (narcissus species) bulb, when forced to bloom during the New Year, will bring good fortune and luck to a home. This is definitely a sign it will be a lucky year and I want to share that luck with you. January 31, 2014 is Chinese Lunar New Year, The Year of the Wood Horse. It is another opportunity to invite good fortune. Add yellow daffodils to your front entry (symbolic of career) or dining room table (represents your access to money) to enhance either one.

American culture leans towards celebrating the New Year with a bang and then everyone hits the ground running. And it’s an established western practice to set goals so we can measure where we’ve been and where we’re headed. It can become an important aspect of our spiritual development. But I have found making a list alone doesn’t create a realistic way to achieve my goals. I’ve discovered that by taking personal time the first few days of January creates a clear mental space where I can focus on new beginnings. I have created a ritual that makes the process dynamic. In many ways we’re all alike, we want to achieve similar goals: either get a better job, more money, a bigger house, a new car… But there is something else that doesn’t surface often enough. It is what makes each one of us unique. It’s precious and that is why we protect it and keep it buried in our hearts. It’s a feeling, a need actually, to satisfy a deep fulfillment of purpose, of usefulness and of expression. This need is the missing link to achieving your goals.

Uncovering this link is what makes you come alive and feel real joy in success. You create measurable results when you express your passion through your intentions. And the way to coax your passion into the open is by soliciting the right/creative brain to do the job.

In Feng Shui the name this is known by the “Yin”. There are many qualities of Yin, but for right now the one I want you to experience comes under the heading “reserving a day for yourself”. It is about totally letting go. Emptying out. Tapping into your still water. Surrendering your schedule. Design a mini-retreat, one that will make you feel totally special. Start with dumping your phone, iPad, computer and TV. Eliminate agenda and preconceived notions of how you think this should work. Devote your energy to entirely pleasing your senses: take a bath or soak in a hot tub. Treat yourself to a meal you might not have time to enjoy. It doesn’t need to be extravagant but it should be soul satisfying. Choose to go meatless. Select foods that arouse your curiosity. Take a leisurely walk in Nature. Dedicate this time to being silent. It will help you to settle deeply into your body and feel relaxed but alert. You will connect to the inner movement of your being. Silence will help you focus inward and as you create an inner dialogue you will tap into sensations you might not have noticed before. You may pick up subtle fragrances in the air and see the colors in a landscape more vivid and intense.

Like a beautiful string of pearls these orchestrated moments expand into a lush space that will incubate your dreams. This place of expansion, this field of dreams, is where your intuition sends clear messages. It is like sharing a conversation with an old friend and the old friend is your infinite intelligence, your subconscious mind. The entire scenario I just described is a ritual that your right/creative brain comprehends completely. Your left/rational brain and its lists, goals and activities become cradled in passion, purpose and expression. Your goal setting becomes infused with real creative fire. And this is how magic begins! Now you have both the left and right brain communicating. The clarity you cultivated becomes your intention – and it will execute your will. When you’re back to your normal routine you will notice a perceptible difference: not only will you set the world on fire, but execute your ideas with successful results and life will be a little more extraordinary.

If you want to learn more comprehensive rituals to support your goal setting, new Feng Shui secrets and cures, I am teaching Joyluck Cures & Master Strategies For 2014. The year of the Horse is the year of the Heart. Known for its rhythmic expression and joyful dance, Horse invites you to create the same – align with your internal rhythm, claim a bigger stake for your dreams and make it a winning year. Power up your life plans with auspicious celebrations, new secrets and extraordinary lucky cures. This class is devoted to helping you:

  • Be your best dance partner. Keep your Ch’i strong, happy and in tune to the year’s rhythm. 
  • Balance time and energy. Replace worry, untangle your thoughts with lucky cures.
  • Rejuvenate and create. Feed the spirits with ceremonies, then make your best move.

Where: Kiva Tea • Café • Spa 1533 NW 24th, Portland, OR 97210
When: January 22, 2014; 6-8 p.m.
Fee: $20 + nine red envelopes (and bring coins for life change.)
Register: 971-229-1368;
Bring: Red envelopes are available at Kiva Tea • Café • Spa

Restoring Grace: A Ritual To Replenish Your Spirit During the Holidays.

Here’s how my day was shaping up. A client called with a complex dilemma, phone calls demanded to be returned, a misunderstanding replayed in the background of my mind, I was on a self imposed deadline to finish a blog and I needed to make an appointment by 3:00…I said, “Stop.” I stepped aside from the bzillion thoughts and angst and stood still. I quietly walked over to my altar, placed one palm on top of the other, filled my lungs with fresh air and imagined small, radiant suns circulating throughout my body restoring each cell. I called to the universe in an ancient voice of untranslatable sound. I repeated this in slow rhythmic meter. Bodily stress, opinions, dark clouds and “what if” melted away. Returning from my journey within, the space I call my mind sparkled with relaxation as the world hustled by. 

This day could be your day. This could be any time of the year. But as THE holidays draw near and there is an expectation to be jolly, well, our scrambled thoughts have more weight upon our psyche. If left to their own devices, they may well churn into the next day. They knock some folks around until they wake up with a migraine.

Before I reached physical debilitation I knew I needed a way to save my sinking spirit, a ritual to climb out of my worries. I inhaled deeply. I blew above, I blew below and I blew all around a gentle platform of restoring grace. As I felt the buoyant Ch’i encircle me I recalled this quote from Malidona Somé, one that I had “coincidentally” found a few days earlier. “…As much as our body requires food for nourishment, our souls and spirits require ritual to stay whole. It is as if without the spirit being nourished in us, the body pays for the consequences. The food of the psyche is the symbol, and it is through ritual that our spirit is fed. Because human beings are spirits at our core, it is natural for us to remain mindful of our true spiritual identity.”

Certain problems cannot be resolved with words alone. The ritual I performed harnesses the power of Universal Ch’i. Here it is for you. For those times when you think you cannot go on. May you create a space to leave your worries behind, restore your spirit to a place of calm; increase your clarity of mind; overcome serious obstacles, accidents and disasters; and recognize it is your Ch’i that is real. May it enfold you in deep abiding trust that all is well. If you have a thorny problem, practice it three times a day to find an inspired resolution.  

From the Black Sect Tantric Buddhist School of Feng Shui

Inhale Exhale Breathing Ceremony.


– Hold hands in Calming Heart Mudra (left over right, thumbs together, palms up, place your hands over your stomach). Stand with legs hip distance part. Feel your feet upon the earth. Recite the Calming Heart Mantra: Gate, Gate, Para Gate, Para Sam Gate, Bodhi Swaha nine times.

– Inhale with one long breath through your mouth. This is what is called “spiritual breathing”. You are not simply breathing with your lungs and tan t’ien. You are breathing with your mind. Every cell is opening and breathing in this auspicious air and also breathing in the light from the Buddha, or a holy deity of your choice. Breathe in wealth chi, health chi, good luck, good karma and joy.

– Exhale in eight short puffs with the last puff long, total nine puffs. The last or ninth breath should be the longest. This should expel all the air that you breathed in. Imagine that all evil chi, sick chi, stress, worries, sadness, sufferings and problems are being released. All negative karma from body, mind and speech is being eliminated, bad luck is being removed and your body is cleansed.

– Repeat this for a total of nine times.

Your Ch’i mixed with the Ch’i of the Universe circulate throughout your body, helping you to release and let go.

This teaching is transcendental. If you feel you’ve benefited from it, mailing a red envelope with a coin inside to me honors the tradition. Please contact me for my address.

One thing I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.



Take Back The Holiday. Look East To Savor Thanksgiving Dinner With Six Feng Shui Trimmings.

The Art of Dining Is The Art Of Living.

America has welcomed a smorgasbord of cultures to her shores for over three hundred years. She embraces diversity. At every table you can sample generations of blended families’ aromatic cuisines nestled next to roasted turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing and pumpkin pie. But in 2013 even scrumptious sides and exotic preparations cannot mask that the praise and grace part of Thanksgiving dinner has been over shadowed by college football and Black Friday sales. To make everyone happy, we rush to get the food on the table and then we race to get it cleaned up and off to the next thing. And in all the dashing about, either we lose the spirit or feel too tired to revel in gratitude, delight in our family and savor the abundance. If this year meaningful connection is what you seek, invite into your home a three thousand year old “art of living” tradition. These six, auspicious Feng Shui trimmings may save you and Thanksgiving dinner.

Trim the turkey. Relish the magic. Create a new view of life. Start a novel conversation. In China, the symbolic meaning of peach is the wish for longevity. Peach is regarded as a magical fruit and offered as a birthday present. Moreover, Chinese ancient people believed that peach had the function of bringing auspiciousness and warding off evil, so peach has deep roots in the folk custom and aesthetics. The one who eats a magic peach will live six-hundred years more. Cling peach anyone?

Trim the table. Replace blues with beauty. Develop a nose for calm. Anxiety can keep everyone upset. A Harvard study showed that we feel less negative around flowers. Looking at them first thing in the morning dissipates anxiety. “The positive mood that results from looking at flowers is likely to transfer to others – it’s what is called mood contagion,” says Etcoff. This feeling pervades throughout the day. A narcissus plant is both fragrant and it attracts prosperity for the year to come. Adjusting by sense of smell calms the nervous system. Feeling relaxed smoothes your Ch’i and puts you in good spirits when Uncle Harry arrives.

Trim yourself. Feel empower(red). Pull out the gay apparel. Red in Feng Shui symbolism means happiness, righteousness, virtuosity, courtesy, etiquette, power and strength. If you want to put out a family fire, wear red. If you want to bring joy to the table, wear red. If your son or daughter are not paying attention or giving you a hard time, wear red. Red attracts auspiciousness and respect.

Trim the door. Invite good luck. Picture happiness. Nine days before Thanksgiving purchase a beautiful wind chime, one that pleases your ear. Put it in a special place and think about it every day. Visualize how it will bring good luck into your household. On Thanksgiving at 11:00 a.m. hang the wind chime from a red ribbon outside your front door. Say a prayer of grace, this reinforces your request. This enhancement takes your eye level gaze and preoccupation with worldly affairs and redirects them up. At this position, you invite the power of heaven to create joy, stability and forward movement.

Trim the house. Make harmony endure. Let the sun shine in. A week before Thanksgiving (or any holiday) buy nine oranges. At 11:00 p.m. open all the doors and windows of the house. Cut nine round pieces of orange peels from nine oranges. You will have a total eighty-one pieces of round orange peels. Break the orange peels into small pieces. The word for orange sound like gold in the Chinese language. Begin at the front door, take a small handful, toss the peel upward, visualize that all misfortune, illness and bad luck are leaving. All is well. Take another small handful and with palm down, sprinkle the peel, sowing seeds of auspicious light and visualizing any negativity being replaced with new growth of good fortune, health and positive events. See sunlight or universal light filling every corner of your house. The light will evict any bad ch’i and misfortune and replace it with happy ch’i, prosperous ch’i and auspicious chi. Leave in all the rooms of the house. Say a prayer of grace and you are complete. Leave the peels for one night, three nights or nine nights for greater emphasis.

Trim the Earth. Show loving kindness. Soften the stress of the holidays. A kind word, holding the door, buying a cup of coffee, letting someone in line, helping an elder cross the street or visiting a friend in the hospital builds community, defeats depression and inspires prosperity in oneself and others. Do one good deed in terms of the benefit of others and you benefit the most.

One thing I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

Fresh Starts – Selling Your Home, Giving A Child Hope.

Your home is alive, conscious and responsive. If you’ve made the decision to sell, here are some things to consider. It’s a new beginning for the owner. It’s an ending for you. Selling your home can create good karma for the both of you. Channel a consistent, smooth, positive, selling experience with my Feng Shui Real Estate Home Selling Packet. 

It’s like having the security of an extra set of keys. The packet contains full color checklists, ceremonies and methods.

  • Key no. 1: pinpoints relevant questions to get you started and stay focused.
  • Key no. 2: step by step checklist that transforms the moving experience. It describes how to let go, say good-bye and thank the house; visualize the sale; then set the intention for the next owner.
  • Key no. 3: Feng Shui Home Selling Ceremony. It unlocks the sale. Plus as a bonus, I have added two supportive methods (Keys no. 4 and no. 5) that enhance the process.
  • Key no. 6: “The Three Secrets” brings your work and mind power together to create first rate success.

Together we can give a child a fresh start. I will donate 10% of the packet price ($145) to Friends of the Children, 44 N.E. Morris St. Portland, OR, 97212. Friends of the Children provides Portland’s most vulnerable children with intensive and long-term mentors. We take a preventive, early intervention approach that breaks the cycle of poverty and abuse by helping children in need overcome the many obstacles in their lives.

Shift the energy of your home and reduce the stress of selling with Feng Shui staging: Limited Budget? Don’t Have An Ideal Location? Feng Shui Staging Sells!

Right Brain Approach To Clear Clutter

5 Self Care Tips That Move Your Stuff

“Clutter is nothing more than postponed decisions.”
– Barbara Hemphill

If clutter is overwhelming you and you can’t see a way to move forward; if your anxiety has pushed your limits because you think your home should be free of stuff; if your self esteem has dropped to the point where you can’t pull yourself out of your mess, breathe and find your balance again with right brain nourishment that clears clutter. 

Clutter is a consequence of unconscious emotions. When they settle in your mind they migrate to your desk, overflow in your kitchen and fill up your garage. If you’ve worked with an organizer and still mess invades your home, it’s time to first let go of the shame of what you cannot control and then change how you think about your stuff.

We’ve been conditioned to believe that left brain organization is the only solution to clear clutter. This isn’t about taking twenty bins, a friend and a weekend to sort, cull, cry and deny. There are any one of underlying causes: a traumatic event, shift in brain chemistry, nostalgia for the past or a difficult family history. These may trigger confusion, anger, anxiety, self loathing and blame and your life begins to lack lightheartedness. But there is hope, the  key is awareness. Begin with these five self care tips to mentally release and rebalance your Ch’i because ultimately life is about connecting to your birthright of joy, pleasure, freedom and balance. 

Nourish your brain. Need an immediate solution to overwhelm? Using both hands, place all ten fingers on your scalp and tap 108 times. Nine is the vibration of completion. You are pulling excess energy (cul-de-sac thoughts) from your brain and releasing it outside of your head. Notice the space you feel in and around your brain and the clarity you will feel.

Lighten your mind. To create a smooth process of clearing closets, drawers, the basement and garage, clear worry and anxiety from your mind. Go to bed and in the drowsy state, just before falling asleep, direct a visualization to your right brain. Replace worry with a positive vision of what you look forward to–a trip, a funny movie–lighten your mind. Then see the things you love but have difficulty letting go find their way into boxes and binds, perhaps going to a friend or neighbor whom you know would be excited to receive them. You will wake up with an energized mental attitude and be able to face any problems presented to you. Do this over a period of nine nights to see results. 

Seek your level of balance. It’s hard to sort through your things with an unclear mind. During the day stress and clutter accumulate in your energy. Before you can adequately address your messy room, your mind needs to be clear. Take an orange peel bath. Cut nine circles from the skin of an orange and wash your entire body, even your head. Orange fruit is auspicious. Its clarifying essence removes worry and uplifts your Ch’i helping you to balance to focus and clear clutter.

Overcome self loathing. Place a mirror on the wall at the head of the bed. It will allow you to sees all the possibilities for a resolution with your problems related to clear clutter. Set it with this intention and you will have 120% results.

Lift your vitality. You live in the residue of yesterday’s thought. When you feel conflict or want to avoid making a decision, hold your hands left over right, thumbs together and palms up over your dan’tien (at the level of your navel). Take in a deep breath in through your mouth and visualize universal light, positive Ch’i and good luck enter and circulate throughout your body and all your cells. Exhale in eight short puffs with the last one, ninth, expelling all the negative Ch’i, bad luck and obstacles. Repeat nine times. Hold your intention while you perform the procedure and if you know the six true words, chant those nine times. Afterwards pick up an a possession and ask yourself do I want to clear clutter? 

Right brain solutions help you find the right balance. Feel successful when you release habitual thinking. You can perform each tip solo or as a morning ritual with all five. Smoothing your Ch’i frees your mind of heavy emotions and thoughts that keep you stuck. They empower you to clear clutter with focus and confidence. 

Allow me to help you arrange your home where you feel fully supported. I am available for a full consultation service or for an hour telephone conversation. Details are at this link Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

Unexpected Death And Feeding (One’s Own) Hungry Ghosts.

Three years ago my life changed. My sister passed away. Everything about it was sudden and raw. Her departure cracked open an agonizing hole of grief. If you have experienced this deep distraction then you understand my life was filtered through a glaze of sadness. I began casting about, restless for relief. Not more than a month after she died, I was thrown a life line. I was quietly led to the Portland Japanese Garden, a place Marianne loved and found solace. There I discovered a comforting tradition, O-bon, the Spirit Festival . Persons who have passed on within the year are honored, ancestors are remembered and the importance of family ties are acknowledged. It all begins with dancers beckoning the audience to join in the folkloric dances of Bon Odori. After the liveliness of the hand clapping and twirling about, members and friends proceed with their votives down to “The Strolling Pond Garden”. 

It is a theater of hushed reverence. A Buddhist monk strikes the singing bowl, burns incense, calls to the spirits with mantras and the names of the deceased are memorialized while participants say their prayers and bid their ancestors good bye. Towering conifers, the expansive sky, the sun dimming behind the hills, gold and red koi, drawn to the burning fire, swim in and out of these spirit clusters of light. Nature conspires with the sublimity of the ritual and Toro Nagashi (literally lantern floating) light the way home for the spirits of ancestors to go back to heaven.

After experiencing this rich tradition I saw a link between the O-bon, Spirit Festival and what the Chinese call The Ghost Month. The seventh lunar month is when the Gates of Hell spring open to allow ghosts and spirits access to the earthly plane. They visit their families, feast and look for victims. But this custom has a precautionary tale. Residents in villages are warned to be careful in going outside during the evening. It is inauspicious for them to travel, move their home or start a new business. To appease and honor the hungry ghosts, the first day of the Ghost Month, foods are placed in makeshift altars outside the house. This year, August 20, 2013, is the 14th lunar day of the Ghost Month, the day that the spirits are out in full force. Taoist and Buddhist families prepare a grand feast to bring good luck to the family. Every year a Hungry Ghost Festival is celebrated on this day with a parade and lanterns atop decorated floats. The procession finds its way to a river, pond or lake. The lanterns are lit and released. They give direction to lost souls and help ghosts and deities find their way to the food offerings. 

The hungry ghosts who never leave.
Occasionally a home owner will complain of feeling displaced. A cold chill comes over them or furniture will unexpectedly tip over. It is a real phenomena that a hungry ghost has not found its way back to heaven. With respect to the spirit, I help my client make offerings. We begin with the preparation of uncooked rice, high proof liquor and ju sha (cinnabar power). The ingredients are stirred together with the middle finger and the power of chanting mantras transforms the food into a sacred meal. We take this spiritually charged rice mixture, walk the property and along the path toss handfuls down to the ground, planting seeds while the mantras fill the air. We pray and visualize the land is blessed and the troubled spirits are fed, sated and either leave or remain as helpful spirits. It is a custom I perform at least four times a year on my property to ensure the beings remain happy and offer kind assistance. Also I know that in my mind the blessing of the ritual offer relief and feeds the hungry ghosts that come to trouble my heart.

Whether the ghosts are howling in Lunar July or you are boarding a plane, I want to share this gift of protection to keep you safe.

Orange Peel Protection
Cut nine round pieces from the skin of an orange. Carry them on your body (in your bra, your pants pocket or in a pouch around your neck). Orange is auspicious, brings good luck and offers protection. It need not be a Ghost Month to carry orange peels with you. Carry them when you travel, go to trial or a funeral. We never know when a roaming spirit might take up company with us.

One thing I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.


Under The Covers With Five Element Color. How The Hues You Sleep With Influence Your Success.

As a Feng Shui consultant, I share with my clients that color is a strong influencer in their waking mood, their office attitude and their appetite for life. If you are at one end of the spectrum, feeling stuck, struggling to organize your schedule or the other, ready for a bold change, take a look at the color of the sheets you are sleeping with. 

In a Xerox Color study 83% of individuals polled believed color makes them appear more successful. Because it is pervasive in your surroundings it influences your emotional well being. Selectively working with color you can create good relationship communication, improve your memory retention and be conscious of your purchasing choices.

The relationship between Feng Shui and Five Element Theory is rooted in Taoist theory and Chinese cosmology. The five traditional Chinese elements are wood (green), fire (red), earth (yellow), metal (white) and water (black). When these elements interact they create change in the natural world. Change is essential for cultural progress and personal development.

21st century stress comes from many sources. What I call “Five Element color bathing” harmonize the imbalances produced by stress. Carefully choosing color for your home, whether it’s the front door, the seat of your opportunities or the bedroom, the seat of your personal manifestations, will help you develop the flexibility to claim what is important to you. Here are five, Five Element tips to help you rethink what’s under your covers.

Lost your inspiration? The characteristics of Fire are excitement, intimacy and intuition. It’s hot, bright and vibrant. The Fire personality loves to merge and understand the experiences of other people. Perfect ingredients for a night of passion.

They also need time alone to re-ignite their creative fire. If you have lost your inspiration, direction or spark, sleep on apple green sheets to kindle the embers of a fire that has burned out. When you have recovered your radiance, switch to coral, pink or rose colored sheets. They emulate the radiate warmth of the summer sun and support all manner of ardent quests.

Can’t keep to a schedule? When immediate action is required, Wood arouses and awakens. These qualities are essential for love making but they are also the main attributes to seed a brilliant idea or kick off an amazing project.

If you vacillate, call upon your Wood to recover your enthusiasm. Sleep on sage, sea or wasabi green linens. These will bathe you in Wood’s quick, inventive, constant spirit and help you get into gear. Feel directed to organize your life. Wake up refreshed with a renewed spirit to push forward like the first blush of spring.

Always Trying to Please? People are the Earth person’s project. Nurturing, sympathetic and caring, they are the peace maker, the one who places everyone at ease. What matters to them happens in the home. When life stops working, they collapse. Generally it’s because they have become overly involved with the details of other people’s lives.

If you are an Earth person or you feel you need to regain your self confidence, indulge in lemon, marigold, citrine, primrose or sun drenched colored sheets. These colors will remind you to take back your joy, that you are forever connected and your generous heart is valued.

Too Preoccupied To Notice? Originality, wisdom and creativity feed the Water person’s nature. They can become so absorbed with their projects they may fail to remember their partner’s birthday. They need encouragement where intimacy, tenderness and warmth are concerned.

If you are a Water type or you feel you need to develop a softer approach with your partner (or yourself), sleep on creamy yellow or honey colored sheets to restore trust, openness and communication.

If you want vitality to spring into action, initiate your projects and feed your creativity then sleep on jade, kelly or lime green sheets. These colors will give you the support to express your boundless ideas. The color of water, black is rarely used to color bathe in bed.

Want to recover your joy? Metal personality types love simplicity and precision. Beautiful systems are what Metal does best; they have the elegance to perfect form and function. Their projects will involve order and containment.

Anything that is spontaneous is shapeless and vague but spontaneity is the necessary complement to stir intimacy and creative juices, keeping things fresh and vital. Too much repetition can cause a dullness of the spirit.

If you are a Metal type or you are a person who wants to raise your curiosity and feel inspired, sleep on tea rose, dawn pink or sea shell coral linens to bring enthusiasm and add a robust spirit to your life.

One thing I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

Curious what is your Five Element Type? After you subscribe, leave feedback on this blog and I’ll send these handy tools: a Five Element Ba-gua placement and the constructive-containing phases to understand how to build or contain Ch’i with Five Element color.