Feng Shui Space Clearing Tips To Remove Clutter

“October and Autumn are quite the pair, stirring the winds to blow and conspiring with the leaves to let go.”

If clutter has accumulated in your space. If a melange has surreptitiously collected in your hallways, bedroom, laundry and garage, this holy mess carries a hidden energetic signature. Before you use space clearing tips know that it goes beyond stuff, it’s a vortex that:
gathers dirt
holds disappointment
incites anger
inhibits mobility
escalates unworthiness
muddles memories
spirals unhappiness
spikes disarray

When you see that its emotional magnetism holds you in a trance, it becomes easier to let it go and let yourself move beyond.

Feng Shui philosophy connects you to your own Ch’i and the Ch’i of a space. It’s essence enhances, shifts and corrects energy thereby you and your space coexist harmoniously. If you choose to use Marie Kondo’s thoughtful methods, before you begin, first clear your Ch’i. It will be easier to align your home’s energy then you can be properly committed to the process of asking yourself (as you are holding the item close to your heart), does it spark joy in your heart. You will definitely be clear in your etheric field to experience “your entire body responding with a thrill  as if your body is somehow slowly rising up to meet the item, embracing it even.”

Here are five transcendental BTSB ways to help you get started.
• Nourish your brain. Feeling overwhelm? Using both hands, place all ten fingers on your scalp and tap 108 times. Nine is the vibration of completion. You are pulling excess energy (cul de sac thoughts) from your brain and releasing them to the outside of your head. Notice how clear you feel and the spaciousness in and around your brain.

• Lift your vitality. When you want to avoiding decisions, hold your hands left over right, thumbs together and palms up, over your dan’tien (at the level of your navel). Take in a deep breath in through your mouth and visualize universal light, positive Ch’i and good luck enter and circulate throughout your body and all your cells. Exhale in eight short puffs with the last one, ninth, expelling all the negative Ch’i, bad luck and obstacles. Repeat nine times and finish with the mantra Om Mani Padme Hum nine times.

• Alleviate exhaustion. Over thinking can lead to fatigue. Trying to choose which items to keep and what to let go, especially your sentimental items may create frustration. Beating the Heavenly Drum can relieve exhaustion. Put both of your palms over your ears and then put your fingers to the back of your head. Put your palms tightly over your ears and then you snap your pointer finger from your middle (third) finger down onto your head at the occipital bone of the skull. It makes a hollow drumming sound and it is a really good way if you are exhausted to bring your energy back. Perform this nine times.

If you still feel exhausted check for these design features which manifests exhaustion. Lack of risers on your stairs will “steal your chi”. Place a live lush plant (a silk plant will work too) underneath the stairs. The plant’s life force will lift your energy. A contrary door, especially your main door that opens you into a wall (into the small part of the room) is like it’s hinged incorrectly. This is a big part of exhaustion. You might begin to feel a little angry and a little resentful. Move the hinges to the other side of the door or place a large mirror on the wall to open the space (either or, not both).

• Release former Ch’i. Hold  three sticks of incense between your fore finger and third finger, rest the bottom of the incense on your thumb to secure them. Light with a torch (not matches). Do not blow on the incense to get it started. Begin at the front door walk either left or right. Brush, in a circular motion, the incense up towards the wall where it meets the ceiling. See any former predecessor Ch’i leaving. Chant Om Mani Padme Hum continuously. See your prayers traveling to Heaven on the incense. With the opposite hand perform the ousting mudra (grab good Ch’i from Heaven with the third, fourth finger and thumb). Release any negative Ch’i to the floor. Repeat this gesture as you walk around the house. End at the front door. Any unburned incense goes into an incense holder at your altar below your deity if you have one.

• Clear old patterns. Between 11:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. open all the windows of your home and leave open during the ceremony. Cut nine circles from nine oranges or tangerines for a total of 81 orange peels. Break these down and visualize the light of the 10,000 Buddhas entering into the orange peel pieces. Begin at the front door and walk either left or right. Use the “feeding the chickens mudra”. Cast a few orange pieces and see the spirits moving on. Next use the “planting seeds mudra” and visualize new energy and projects coming to life. Finish with “throwing your wishes to heaven mudra” see the 10,00o Buddhas aiding you. All the while chant Om Mane Padme Hum. Walk the entire house, all levels performing the ceremony. End at the front door and finish with saying Om Mane Padme Hum nine times. For the complete version of this space clearing tip email me bette@shenmenfengshui.com. Nine red envelopes are requested.

BTSB Ceremonies

In general when you perform a blessing its important to remember to visualize that the blessings remain. It is not just the blessings of the moment. Your intention should be that these blessings remain. Before you begin: show respect to the items you use, treat the incense like it is a sentient being. Talk to it. Tell the incense sticks that the light of the millions of Buddhas is shining upon them. Their effectiveness is greatly enhanced and the blessing is strong and powerful. Talk to the oranges. Tell them they are being used in the best possible way. Great auspiciousness is created. Offer your thanks.

Allow me to help you arrange your home where you feel fully supported. I am available for a full consultation service or for an hour telephone conversation. Details are at this link Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

Right Brain Approach To Clear Clutter

5 Self Care Tips That Move Your Stuff

“Clutter is nothing more than postponed decisions.”
– Barbara Hemphill

If clutter is overwhelming you and you can’t see a way to move forward; if your anxiety has pushed your limits because you think your home should be free of stuff; if your self esteem has dropped to the point where you can’t pull yourself out of your mess, breathe and find your balance again with right brain nourishment that clears clutter. 

Clutter is a consequence of unconscious emotions. When they settle in your mind they migrate to your desk, overflow in your kitchen and fill up your garage. If you’ve worked with an organizer and still mess invades your home, it’s time to first let go of the shame of what you cannot control and then change how you think about your stuff.

We’ve been conditioned to believe that left brain organization is the only solution to clear clutter. This isn’t about taking twenty bins, a friend and a weekend to sort, cull, cry and deny. There are any one of underlying causes: a traumatic event, shift in brain chemistry, nostalgia for the past or a difficult family history. These may trigger confusion, anger, anxiety, self loathing and blame and your life begins to lack lightheartedness. But there is hope, the  key is awareness. Begin with these five self care tips to mentally release and rebalance your Ch’i because ultimately life is about connecting to your birthright of joy, pleasure, freedom and balance. 

Nourish your brain. Need an immediate solution to overwhelm? Using both hands, place all ten fingers on your scalp and tap 108 times. Nine is the vibration of completion. You are pulling excess energy (cul-de-sac thoughts) from your brain and releasing it outside of your head. Notice the space you feel in and around your brain and the clarity you will feel.

Lighten your mind. To create a smooth process of clearing closets, drawers, the basement and garage, clear worry and anxiety from your mind. Go to bed and in the drowsy state, just before falling asleep, direct a visualization to your right brain. Replace worry with a positive vision of what you look forward to–a trip, a funny movie–lighten your mind. Then see the things you love but have difficulty letting go find their way into boxes and binds, perhaps going to a friend or neighbor whom you know would be excited to receive them. You will wake up with an energized mental attitude and be able to face any problems presented to you. Do this over a period of nine nights to see results. 

Seek your level of balance. It’s hard to sort through your things with an unclear mind. During the day stress and clutter accumulate in your energy. Before you can adequately address your messy room, your mind needs to be clear. Take an orange peel bath. Cut nine circles from the skin of an orange and wash your entire body, even your head. Orange fruit is auspicious. Its clarifying essence removes worry and uplifts your Ch’i helping you to balance to focus and clear clutter.

Overcome self loathing. Place a mirror on the wall at the head of the bed. It will allow you to sees all the possibilities for a resolution with your problems related to clear clutter. Set it with this intention and you will have 120% results.

Lift your vitality. You live in the residue of yesterday’s thought. When you feel conflict or want to avoid making a decision, hold your hands left over right, thumbs together and palms up over your dan’tien (at the level of your navel). Take in a deep breath in through your mouth and visualize universal light, positive Ch’i and good luck enter and circulate throughout your body and all your cells. Exhale in eight short puffs with the last one, ninth, expelling all the negative Ch’i, bad luck and obstacles. Repeat nine times. Hold your intention while you perform the procedure and if you know the six true words, chant those nine times. Afterwards pick up an a possession and ask yourself do I want to clear clutter? 

Right brain solutions help you find the right balance. Feel successful when you release habitual thinking. You can perform each tip solo or as a morning ritual with all five. Smoothing your Ch’i frees your mind of heavy emotions and thoughts that keep you stuck. They empower you to clear clutter with focus and confidence. 

Allow me to help you arrange your home where you feel fully supported. I am available for a full consultation service or for an hour telephone conversation. Details are at this link Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.