Declutter Your Inner World

“When many voices are speaking at once, listen to the one most quiet and gentle. That’s the one worth listening to.”
–Miranda Linda Weisz

Crisis, illness, challenges sometimes life comes at us fast. When we are blindsided by a work situation, a family argument that becomes a feud, an accident that sends us to the hospital, it can feel like the ground beneath our feet is giving way. We become anxious and unsure what to do. Stress builds and we may feel the only solution is to try to out run the disaster. But we do have options. One of those is to slow down, return to the present moment and breathe, for in this place we are empowered and can listen.

Chaos initiates change (if we allow it) and change awakens life affirming gifts within us: trusting in the unfolding of life. Breaking the habit of worry. Connecting to our core to hear our inner voice, that quiet, wise one, whose perfect wisdom protects us against the storms that thunder through.

Want to know what simple steps will connect you to your inner voice? I have composed a list of wellness methods from prominent practitioners in the fields of metaphysics, health and nutrition. These easy exercises will give you a jump start on de-cluttering your inner world because your quiet, gentle voice is the key to your happiness and success.

Remember what it feels like after a summer rain? You can get that feeling by walking barefoot on the ground. Nutritionist, David Wolfe purports that when we take off our shoes and plant our feet on the earth, within five minutes the atmospheric static electricity that has collected in our body discharges. Performing this easy method counteracts the positive charged electricity that breaks down our immune system. When we touch the earth we absorb its negative ions and they charge up our immune system. Studies report that there are measurable health benefits with grounding. Gaining a few ions does wonders for your frame of mind.

Doreen Virtue extols spend time in Nature reminds us of the infinite abundance that we see all around when we walk along a path or in the woods. As we get in touch with Nature we get in touch with our own nature and our creative ideas come forth. Disconnecting can be a responsible investment where you access a new idea, a new way of doing things…maybe a time saving way of doing things, your new book emerges or you may invent something that helps the world.

Smoothing your nerves soothes your mind. The sound of a bell or the radiance of a light inside the front door gathers in pause, refreshment and mindfulness to the beginning and ending of each day. The cure is such: when you open the front door create an automatic response. Either wire the light (make it bright) so it goes on when the door is open or a clear sound is heard like that of a bell or chime. Set your intention so your nervous system is smoothed out and see yourself responding completely and with clarity to your environment.

When we breathe, we inspire and fill our lungs and body with pure Ch’i. Oxygenating our brain stimulates, motivates, encourages, influences, energizes and arouses us. Measured breathing, breathing in deeply and exhaling at the same rate, slows our thought processes down to a still point where we begin to access our inner voice.

Meditation according to Abraham Hicks allows you to expand to the fullness of who you are and resonate with the Source that is within you. Taking five minutes for a Yin meditative practice clears the blockages of frustration, worry and doubt. The Supreme Yoga Section One meditation quickens your good judgement; improves sleep and health; and helps you recapture your natural power and balance. A nuance to all BTB Feng Shui meditations from H. H. Lin Yun is before any nourishing method we begin with:
Rubbing your Palms
Rub your palms back and forth nine times so that they become quite warm and they if they don’t become warm after nine times. Back and forth is one time. If they are not warm after nine time then you might do 18 or 27 times. You want your palms to be really warm.

If you would like a copy of Supreme Yoga Section One Meditation please email me, The red envelope tradition applies.

I would love to hear how you stepped back into being and what you did to get there.

Have you decided this will be your year? “Boldness has genius”…start with one hour of Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

The Power To Heal: Feng Shui Sound Bites For Better Health.

“The first wealth is health.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson

1 in 3 people will get cancer in their lifetime. If you are reading this, either you have cancer, are in remission, have a relative who is living with cancer or know a friend with cancer. It has become inescapable in the 21st century. I lost two sisters to cancer. When I heard about the eleven part docu-series, “The Truth About Cancer” I knew immediately I wanted to watch the series in its entirety. Ty Bollinger interviewed 28 doctors, 11 Scientists, 9 Survivors and 1 Attorney across the United States and Mexico. They discuss the environmental causes of cancer, why it is now a pandemic and protocols for preventing and treating cancer. Robert Scott Bell, D.A. Hom., homeopathic physician interviewed on TQTC, produces and hosts an internet program, “The Power To Heal Is Yours”. His mission is to empower his audience through talking about the politics associated with health, the environment, and available healing modalities, among those, non-invasive cancer therapies. Taking on “the power to heal” mission, my intention is to empower you through sharing Feng Shui adjustments that create positive Ch’i and support a positive lifestyle so you can minimize illness and live a healthy life.

Feng Shui is too often an infrequent part of a health regime due largely to consultants’ education efforts being ignored. In 2013 cancer was declared an epidemic in the U.S. Most causes of cancer stem from our environment–inside our home and beyond our four walls. We can no longer afford to turn our back on the environment that affects our health. I have discovered when I help clients address confusion, anger, wandering Ch’i, accidents, instability and insecurity through adjusting the design details in their home, I help them address major Ch’i depletion. Why is this important? Ch’i depletion becomes fatigue. When it become chronic fatigue, it compromises the immune system and a compromised immune system does not have the resilience to overcome illness including cancer. A home where the Feng Shui has been corrected is an environment that has life force and vitality. When design features that affect one’s thinking and emotions are addressed, the occupants have mental clarity, awareness and are better able to recognize the nuances of ill health before it morphs into a disease that runs away with their money and peace of mind.

My belief is these Feng Shui Sound Bites will increase your awareness that health is holistic and that you can do something about it. The actions I have included will help your home support you. The list is by no means complete. There is much more to this body of Feng Shui health than I could include here so I designed this sampler to inform you how to start the process of addressing your’s or a loved one’s health concerns holistically, from the ground up.

  • When Illness Is Chronic. To help end chronic illness, remove dead plants from around the front door. This is especially a detriment to good health for older folks. Also perform Adjusting the Sediment. If the occupant has a chronic depression, use the colors apple green or reddish purple.
  • When Illness Is Constant. If you are ill all the time this will help to end the cycle. Check to see if you have the following: two windows opposite one another with the bed in between, if so adjust this. Two doors opposite one another with the bed in between. A window and a door opposite one another with the bed in between. Adjust a bathroom over a kitchen, especially if the toilet is directly above the stove.
  • When Illness Is Caused By The Environment. To reduce your sensitivity to toxins in the environment, plant a garden. Your Ch’i will be enhanced by the surrounding green and lush vegetation.
  • When Illness Is Fluctuating. When you get well but get sick again, get well and sick again and it never seems to end, adjust a building or residence with many levels. Adjust a stairway in the center.
  • When Illness Is Cancer. H. H. Lin Yun advised to never use Feng Shui as the sole means to address a health issue. He would always say: find a doctor who is a specialist. Seek a second opinion. Seek a doctor of Oriental medicine. If all of this fails, or as a reference, seek holistic healing. A powerful and effective transcendental cure he shared: visualize the auspicious Ch’i of the Six True Colors (white, red, yellow, green, blue, black) entering every cancer cell in the body. Visualize every cell turning back to normal. Complete with The Three Secrets which are three things you do with your body: hold a mudra (Like the Calming Heart mudra or prayer mudra), mind (visualize what you wish to accomplish) and speech (say a mantra like the Six True Words or say a prayer from your tradition) to complete this visualization. Adjust the front door by adding nine vital plants to this area. It may help someone who has cancer. A transcendental method is the Three Flute Method (placing a cure in between the mattress and box spring because the energy that is closet to you affects you the most. Cures in and around the bed are very common and we see positive results in BSTB Feng Shui).
  • When Illness Is Breast Cancer. Find a doctor who is a specialist. Seek a second opinion. Seek a doctor of Oriental medicine. If all of this fails, or as a reference, seek holistic healing. Adjust the Partnership gua (it is symbolic of the Female ) and the T’ai Ch’i/Center (Health) position in your home.
  • When Illness Is Uterine Cancer. Find a doctor who is a specialist. Seek a second opinion. Seek a doctor of Oriental medicine. If all of this fails, or as a reference, seek holistic healing. Then hang a round faceted crystal in the Partnership gua (it is symbolic of the Female and the abdomen).
  • When Illness Is Prostate Cancer. Find a doctor who is a specialist. Seek a second opinion. Seek a doctor of Oriental medicine. If all of this fails, or as a reference, seek holistic healing. Then perform the Ten Fingers Stretch nine times a day, repeating the cycle three times each of the nine times.

The power to heal is yours (thank you, Robert Scott Bell)! If you are not getting the results you envisioned with your current protocol, please contact me to talk, 503-232-2543, I may be of help.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.