Feng Shui Space Clearing Tips To Remove Clutter

“October and Autumn are quite the pair, stirring the winds to blow and conspiring with the leaves to let go.”

If clutter has accumulated in your space. If a melange has surreptitiously collected in your hallways, bedroom, laundry and garage, this holy mess carries a hidden energetic signature. Before you use space clearing tips know that it goes beyond stuff, it’s a vortex that:
gathers dirt
holds disappointment
incites anger
inhibits mobility
escalates unworthiness
muddles memories
spirals unhappiness
spikes disarray

When you see that its emotional magnetism holds you in a trance, it becomes easier to let it go and let yourself move beyond.

Feng Shui philosophy connects you to your own Ch’i and the Ch’i of a space. It’s essence enhances, shifts and corrects energy thereby you and your space coexist harmoniously. If you choose to use Marie Kondo’s thoughtful methods, before you begin, first clear your Ch’i. It will be easier to align your home’s energy then you can be properly committed to the process of asking yourself (as you are holding the item close to your heart), does it spark joy in your heart. You will definitely be clear in your etheric field to experience “your entire body responding with a thrill  as if your body is somehow slowly rising up to meet the item, embracing it even.”

Here are five transcendental BTSB ways to help you get started.
• Nourish your brain. Feeling overwhelm? Using both hands, place all ten fingers on your scalp and tap 108 times. Nine is the vibration of completion. You are pulling excess energy (cul de sac thoughts) from your brain and releasing them to the outside of your head. Notice how clear you feel and the spaciousness in and around your brain.

• Lift your vitality. When you want to avoiding decisions, hold your hands left over right, thumbs together and palms up, over your dan’tien (at the level of your navel). Take in a deep breath in through your mouth and visualize universal light, positive Ch’i and good luck enter and circulate throughout your body and all your cells. Exhale in eight short puffs with the last one, ninth, expelling all the negative Ch’i, bad luck and obstacles. Repeat nine times and finish with the mantra Om Mani Padme Hum nine times.

• Alleviate exhaustion. Over thinking can lead to fatigue. Trying to choose which items to keep and what to let go, especially your sentimental items may create frustration. Beating the Heavenly Drum can relieve exhaustion. Put both of your palms over your ears and then put your fingers to the back of your head. Put your palms tightly over your ears and then you snap your pointer finger from your middle (third) finger down onto your head at the occipital bone of the skull. It makes a hollow drumming sound and it is a really good way if you are exhausted to bring your energy back. Perform this nine times.

If you still feel exhausted check for these design features which manifests exhaustion. Lack of risers on your stairs will “steal your chi”. Place a live lush plant (a silk plant will work too) underneath the stairs. The plant’s life force will lift your energy. A contrary door, especially your main door that opens you into a wall (into the small part of the room) is like it’s hinged incorrectly. This is a big part of exhaustion. You might begin to feel a little angry and a little resentful. Move the hinges to the other side of the door or place a large mirror on the wall to open the space (either or, not both).

• Release former Ch’i. Hold  three sticks of incense between your fore finger and third finger, rest the bottom of the incense on your thumb to secure them. Light with a torch (not matches). Do not blow on the incense to get it started. Begin at the front door walk either left or right. Brush, in a circular motion, the incense up towards the wall where it meets the ceiling. See any former predecessor Ch’i leaving. Chant Om Mani Padme Hum continuously. See your prayers traveling to Heaven on the incense. With the opposite hand perform the ousting mudra (grab good Ch’i from Heaven with the third, fourth finger and thumb). Release any negative Ch’i to the floor. Repeat this gesture as you walk around the house. End at the front door. Any unburned incense goes into an incense holder at your altar below your deity if you have one.

• Clear old patterns. Between 11:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. open all the windows of your home and leave open during the ceremony. Cut nine circles from nine oranges or tangerines for a total of 81 orange peels. Break these down and visualize the light of the 10,000 Buddhas entering into the orange peel pieces. Begin at the front door and walk either left or right. Use the “feeding the chickens mudra”. Cast a few orange pieces and see the spirits moving on. Next use the “planting seeds mudra” and visualize new energy and projects coming to life. Finish with “throwing your wishes to heaven mudra” see the 10,00o Buddhas aiding you. All the while chant Om Mane Padme Hum. Walk the entire house, all levels performing the ceremony. End at the front door and finish with saying Om Mane Padme Hum nine times. For the complete version of this space clearing tip email me bette@shenmenfengshui.com. Nine red envelopes are requested.

BTSB Ceremonies

In general when you perform a blessing its important to remember to visualize that the blessings remain. It is not just the blessings of the moment. Your intention should be that these blessings remain. Before you begin: show respect to the items you use, treat the incense like it is a sentient being. Talk to it. Tell the incense sticks that the light of the millions of Buddhas is shining upon them. Their effectiveness is greatly enhanced and the blessing is strong and powerful. Talk to the oranges. Tell them they are being used in the best possible way. Great auspiciousness is created. Offer your thanks.

Allow me to help you arrange your home where you feel fully supported. I am available for a full consultation service or for an hour telephone conversation. Details are at this link Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

Natural Remedies To Drive The Cold Winter Away

“Don’t think the garden loses its ecstasy in Winter. It’s quiet but the roots are down there riotous.”

Nature is a pharmacy of natural remedies. It may seem counter to our modern sensibilities of running at top speed that the wet, dark slow cold is Winter’s cure. But conserving our life force brings a more robust Spring. Wintertide supports extended periods of rest and rebuilding your reserves. Imagine the hawthorne submerging its energy into its roots; the gestating acorn dreaming of becoming the mighty oak; the bear huddling in its cave, breathing an imperceptible but rhythmic breath. It is a time when your physical strength and psyche are succored by your ancestors’ wisdom. For those of us in the northern hemisphere the weather may be cold this time of year, but for all of us worldwide, we can put to good use these five forbearers’ customs that bring in good cheer.

Create A Circle Of Harmony. Celtic custom: Our entry protects us from the outside so what we place on our door is important. A wreath blesses, unites and insures harmony. A circle is a key feature of a wreath, it suggests inclusion and encloses that which is sacred and our homes are our sacred space. Winter Solstice and Christmas evergreen wreaths cast a field of vitality that protects us during the cold winter months. Look forward to escaping to a holiday instead of setting an appointment with a doctor.

Bring Life To The Dark. Viking custom: Pine, spruce and firs represented eternal life because they remained green throughout the year. Boughs were hung above doorways and over windows as a reminder of the bountiful crop ahead and to ward off ghosts, witches, evil spirits and illness. Evergreens adorned homes on the Winter Solstice, primarily in the belief that the sun, made sick by winter, would be restored to good health at the solstice being both the shortest day and longest night of the year.

Foot note: 25 -30 million real Christmas trees are sold and discarded in the United States every year. When an acre of trees are cut down, the daily oxygen needed for 18 people is destroyed. If you put up a live tree consider one of the following: rent a living tree that is delivered to your doorstep in a pot. Or plant a tree in your yard and on Christmas you can gather around the tree and celebrate with hot cider and songs. (resource from Raeanne Rubenstein)

Decorate With A Splash of Red! Chinese custom: Outside or at the inside of the front door, don’t forget a splash of red. It means happiness and auspiciousness. Its radiance is a heart/mind protector and it dispels negative Ch’i. And who will know but you that you are keeping your home safe and out of harm’s way.

Cleanse With Citrus. Chinese custom: Purchase nine oranges (or lemons). Cut nine round circles from the zest for a total of 81 circles. Break them down with your fingers onto a plate. Take the plate and walk to the front door, then begin clockwise or counterclockwise walking the interior perimeter of your home casting the peels using the “planting seeds mudra”. This space clearing cleanses your home of unwanted energy. Where lemons calm, lighten and refresh, oranges are auspicious and bring good fortune. Leave them one day, three or nine days. And if you are looking to tame your cat, the peels will keep your fur baby at bay.  I am again offering the Chinese Lunar New Year Ceremonies where you can purchase the complete version of this ceremony (see below). 

Hyggelig Your Holidays. Norwegian custom: Hygge is a Norwegian word for “well-being”. It is believed to have made the cold and dark winters more tolerable. Hygge (get cozy) is about spending quality time with no agenda. It’s about warmth, humor and being connected. It’s about spending time alone and with family. Remember if you get out your to-do list, it will vanish.  Next time you are with friends, throw into the conversation “this is hyggelig,” and see if you don’t get a smile. (source PBS Newshour)

Ritual celebrations help us link to the past. It strengthens our ties and builds our Ch’i. Celebrations are necessary for society and for the individual–for they are about cultural identity, life transitions and personal discovery. The Chinese believe they form a spiritual protection against unseen forces. Creating stability leads to success and prosperity.

My mission is to help you strengthen your Ch’i. I have put together “Three Lucky Feng Shui Secret Traditions Packet”+ Two Bonus Cures and the Three Secret Reinforcements (body, mind, speech) to amplify your intentions. $27 + nine red envelopes. Please remit with your payment + nine red envelopes by January 19, 2017 to receive “Three Lucky Feng Shui Secret Traditions Packet”+ Two Bonus Cures ceremonies to you before Chinese Lunar New Year”s Eve.

Wishing you supreme abundance and infinite joy for now and the coming year!

Welcome the light with Recipes For Living Coloring Journal. Turn your writing into an ecstatic journaling experience plus give yourself permission to color and dream. Each chapter ends with a mindfulness “recipe” to help you integrate the practice.

Have you decided this will be your season? “Boldness has genius”…start with one hour of Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

What To Practice Before Space Clearing.

“The very center of your heart is where life begins – the most beautiful place on earth.”

Have you noticed that what you do in a worried state affects the results and the people involved? Have you noticed the opposite? Results are by far more successful when you feel calm and clear. Before you cleanse your land of unwanted energy it makes sense to cleanse your heart. There is a simple and profound yogic gesture, a mudra, that is recognized in the west as a prayer posture. It nourishes your heart and calms your mind. It encourages connection first to yourself and then to the Divine in other. It is as universal and timeless as the Tao itself.

Mudra in Sanskrit means ‘seal’ or ‘sign’. Sacred hand gestures and whole body positions are mudras that invoke a prescribed inner state. The Anjali mudra, the prayer posture, is an offering, in fact the word means offering. It is the practice of seeing the Divine in all of creation. When we bring our hands to our heart, we are meeting in the middle. It positions us at the core of our being. The roots of BTB Feng Shui stem from Hinduism. Many of the BTB Feng Shui mediations and adjustments on the cosmic scale, place the human, the mediator, in the middle, between Heaven and Earth.

When you bring your hands together you return to your heart. Literally you connect the right and left hemispheres of the brain. In yogic practice the energetic heart is visualized as a lotus at the center of the chest.  “Anjali mudra nourishes this lotus heart with awareness, gently encouraging it to open as water and light do a flower.”– Shiva Rea, The Yoga Journal

Before purifying the land and space clearing with Feng Shui ceremonies, it is essential to nourish the lotus heart within you. It is then easier to be present and joyous with the ceremonies. The salutation involving the Anjali mudra “aligns your mind (awareness), feeling (heart) and actions (body).” The BTB method that incorporates this yogic gesture is The Purification of Negative Karmas. We begin with stretching our arms wide and then bring our palms together, holding the Anjali mudra over our crown chakra or sahasrara. This posture is accompanied by the chant, Om. As the sound reverberates in the space, we gently bring our awareness and palms to our mouth/throat, vocalizing the sound, Ah. Next lowering our palms to our heart chakra or anahata, suspending them in this place we express Hum. Completing the cycle here, we bring our palms together briefly and then cast our hands down our sides to the Earth with the request that all karmas are purified rapidly, the sound we utter is Shia. This is repeated two more cycles with the second cycle removing negative karma from the body, speech, mind. The third cycle involves releasing bad luck and sick chi and finish by inviting virtuous deeds and positive karma to blossom rapidly. This purification is a way of bridging inner and out experience; it can cool the fires of stress or when you feel reactionary. From here you can begin any activity from a place of connectedness. This purification stabilizes your body and mind before performing a space blessing. With peace and clarity your land or home receives your deepest intentions.

Want to focus on one or two areas of your home? Feng Shui A La Carte is designed get you started on harmonizing your space right away.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.