Frost covered windows, whirlwinds of golden leaves, nimbus clouds dominating the sky and the shrinking light can affect your mood, influence your focus and feeling centered. Your enthusiasm may become dampened and your health regime could take a hit. Go to the center of your home to regain your inner composure. A home with a strong center gives you a sturdy base. To feel balanced again hang a 50 mm faceted crystal (Swarovski preferred) in the center from a red cord in increments of nine.
Need extra cash for holiday shopping or a long weekend getaway? Perform The Three Harmonies of the Wood element: Wealth, Career, Relationship. Draw a rectangle of your house. Identify Wealth, Career, Relationship on that drawing. If you wish to improve your finances, go to the Wealth gua and place a 40 mm faceted crystal there. Visualize there is an appendix in this area. See your visualization in detail that the Wealth gua protrudes beyond the house. You are creating an auspicious extension. This is the “regular” way to proceed.
However, if you wish to further empower the placement of the crystal in the Wealth gua, place two more crystals. Place one in the Career gua and one in Partnership. These guas are in a Three Harmony relationship with Wealth. This adjustment then becomes the Three Harmony of Wood (as Wood is the element residing in the Wealth gua). Now you have greatly enhanced the position of Wealth.
Feel like money slips through your fingers? Does fatigue cast a shadow over you as soon as you enter the house? Likely you have a stairway facing the front door. Not only will your wealth be affected but your health as well, particularly the organs along the midline specifically your heart. If you rather be with family than at the hospital over the holidays, place a 50 mm faceted crystal between the front door and the stairway. Visualize the crystal is protecting you and preventing precious Ch’i from leaving the house. The bonus: its beauty will dazzle your guests.
The holidays are hard on many people, especially those less fortunate, infirmed or elderly. Take every chance you can get to do something for someone else. Like making them a cup of coffee or brightening their day with a smile. It all builds up, the small and the steady and things are created faster and faster then if you just do an occasional big deed. Be persistent. Practice kindness.
What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.