Don’t Let Bad Feng Shui Steal Your Joy

“One of the secrets of success is to refuse to let temporary setbacks defeat us.”
–Mary Kay Ash

What is bad Feng Shui? Let’s follow the Ch’i in these scenarios. Did you recently purchase a new home? Move into an apartment? Add a bathroom to your house? Was your joy upended (a fall that required surgery. Suffered a big cash loss. Were you by-passed for a promotion at work) by something like one of these events? Maybe you’re feeling cautious and wondering, can I handle the tension? Now if a wise friend steps in and says you need to look at the Feng Shui, would you take their advice? Bad Feng Shui design is a motivator to change the arrangement of your home with the bonus that it will help you let go of stress.

Intangible yet palpable, energy in our environment silently influences our motives, decisions and choices. Professor Lin would often describe Ch’i (energy) as the harmony of yin (invisible) and yang (visible). We may not see a tornado developing (yin), but we do see the destruction (yang). We may see political demonstrations, murder or hijackings (yang), but we don’t see the underlying intrigue of a political coup (yin). We may see someone fired (yang), but we must also see that his or her firing can affect the next “owner” of the job (yin). There is a yin side to every story.

Let’s start with a home purchase. If after you moved in money started going through your hands like water, here’s what you might see as bad Feng Shui in your home’s design. When the Wealth gua (Hsun) is missing either on the lot or the house, money has no place to land. You may be convinced you are inhabiting a money pit (install a light pole at the projected corner of the missing area). Sliding glass doors invite money to fly out the back (mount a round 3″ sun moon mirror over the inside of the back door with the sun side facing into the house to hold the yang energy in). A bathroom or a bathroom in an extension in the Wealth gua depletes the Ch‘i as you watch your finances spiral down the drain (place a round 3″ mirror over the toilet to counteract the drain). Money missing from your bank account? A closet in the Wealth gua suggests someone is squirreling it away. It’s a delicate situation but your partner might be the one (place a light inside the closet to “reveal” any miscreant behavior). A detached garage adjacent to the Wealth gua of the house suggests crooks (relatives or unscrupulous friends) are stealing your money (attach the garage to the house with a sacred ceremony). Avoid sharp or prickly plants at the front door, for they may invite scoundrels and other difficult problems that disrupt the entire family. A dining room is a secondary source of income. Too close to an outside door and you may lose not only money but friends and your health (hang a 40mm clear crystal or wind chime between the door and the dining room table). There is no need to despair over these setbacks. The aforementioned sacred objects (placed on your altar for nine nights with intention) harness the dynamic forces that adjust the Ch’i and balance your home. 

What design in the condo could have influenced a nasty fall? Believe it or not check the position of the stove. In the Feng Shui metaphor a stove that faces a door leading to the outside portends a lot of illness or unexplained illness. Being cut. Surgery. Constant worry and pressure may weaken everyone in the house. Family problems may be unresolved (place a wind chime or crystal ball between the door and the stove). Next look for stairs. Stairs anywhere fluctuate the Ch’i but in the center this results in a health problem. It can be illness, surgery, even a break in the body (place a large mirror at the top of the stairs to lift the Ch’i up. If you cannot place a mirror then a 40mm clear crystal will adjust the stairway). In the Feng Shui allegory the four corners of the lot represent the limbs of the body. The four corners of the house also relate to the limbs. The four corners of the master bedroom relate to the limbs. If someone breaks a bone, adjust the four corners of the house or the four corners of the master bedroom. Do not be hasty to cut down trees in your yard without performing a sacred ceremony.

If you have repeatedly felt setback by circumstances such as overlooked for a raise or a promotion what can your apartment tell you? The front entry represents the head, health, reputation and helpful people. Walking into a cramped, dark entrance depletes your Ch’i and suppresses your chances for advancement (a bright light on the outside will enhance everyone’s career, but if not possible then add a brighter light to the entry’s fixture. Include a large mirror or an image that has perspective, such as a landscape, to open up the space). Lack of command of the bed will rob you of opportunity. If your bed is on the door wall you may experience restless sleep, anxiety, heart arrhythmia and a murmur, even anger. Debilitated by your emotions, you may not be able to handle more responsibility that comes with a career advancement (place the bed where you can see the door but not be in line of the door). Feeling rudderless can be the result of a bed that floats in the middle of the room. If times are tough, place at least one side of the bed against the wall. You will reassure strong support and a feeling of security.

Tapping into hidden Feng Shui energies you turn probability into actuality, latent potential into reality, disappointment into joy, lack of confidence into courage. One design change can save your sanity.

Allow me to help you change any bad Feng Shui that is stealing your joy. I am available for a full consultation service or for an hour telephone conversation. Details are at this link Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

COVID And Divorce. Feng Shui for Pandemic Friction.

“If there is light in your heart, you will find your way home.”
– Rumi

According to The National Law Review’s October 16, 2020 article, the divorce rate among Americans is rising. “… (the) lockdown has exposed issues that run deeper and offered ample time for reflection, leaving couples to wonder about their options for pursuing separation during the pandemic.” This statement compels me to ask, Have you struggled within your relationship more than once this past year? Have you sought help but arguing continues? COVID and divorce are on a lot of couples’ minds. If conflict has exhausted your ability to cope, take courage, your home could hold the secret. The following Feng Shui details are underlying to marital strife and relationship problems. My hope is you receive benefit from these alternative solutions to replenish love in your relationship.

The Mouth of Ch’i
Let’s start at the front entry. The front door represents your career, your future, your reputation, your head, Helpful People and your health. You may suddenly develop a headache here or become confused. You might speak before you think which can incite anger. Possibly you’ve lost your job due to COVID and you are struggling to make ends meet. You and your partner likely have careers and this doubles your stress if your attention is on a career that is not going well. Here are some possible causes.
• A split view at the front door can adversely affect all eight guas, including Family. As the brain is stimulated unevenly, the two sides begin to lack coordination. An imbalance like this can create illness, confusion, and an inability to make decisions. There may be nonstop arguing even violence. Divorce within three to five years. A career downturn. Correcting the Feng Shui can “turn a life around.” You want “both eyes should hit the same target.” (H. H. Lin Yun). If possible place a large mirror then both eyes will be focused on the same thing. Or use real money ($100 bill ). This is a simple yet effective solution because we all need money and we can never have too much. Or hang a faceted crystal from the ceiling on a red cord. This will lift your head and your countenance may brighten watching the rainbow reflect the sunlight.
• Mandarin Duck Stairway is a type of split where one set of stairs go up to the main floor and the other go down. Use the same principal to focus the eyes on one object at the entry. Hang a faceted crystal on a red cord from the ceiling. The two hemispheres of the brain will then work together, accommodating an equitable and useful response to any situation.

Doors Talk
COVID and divorce seem to follow you from room to room? To keep two way communication open look at the doors in your home. In the Feng Shui metaphor a door is a mouth. The following door types can prevent or distort communication especially when they are in the bedroom.
• Arguing Doors are doors which bump up against one another when they are opened. The bumping creates conflict. The mundane solution is to re-hang the door or doors so that they do not touch.
• Biting Doors doors that are misaligned, they bite at each other. It is an imbalance in perception. It is headaches and other problems in the head. It is opinions that are deadlocked. It is situations that cannot be resolved. The effect is the same as a split at the front door.
• Double Doors – Partnership Ch’i can leak out of one of the doors and allow private matters to escape into the community, magnifying and/or distorting any problem.
• Empty Doors – no actual door at the bedroom entry or there isn’t an actual door between the bedroom and the bathroom. A partner may be lost due to an affair, divorce or an accident that leads to death. On the mundane level, hang a door. If not possible then a transcendental cure will work. Hang a faceted 40 mm crystal ball from a red cord at the entry. Use a red (represents power, protection and good luck) cord and you have created a more powerful adjustment.
• Door Leading To Your Bedroom At The End Of A Long Hallway. Chi might be building and coming down the hallway and it might be really hard to focus, especially if your bed is in line with that. You can easily misinterpret a simple comment from a family member or friend and it might set off a reaction that is out of proportion to the situation. Hang a faceted 40 mm crystal ball or wind chime in the hallway.
• French doors can be viewed as two doors. If there are too many French doors in a house, the occupants may often bicker and argue. Minds will be closed, prejudiced and biased. Use the ousting mudra and visualize there is harmony in the house and arguing and bickering are at an end.
• Piercing Heart Doors are where three or more doors line up and you can walk through them a straight line. These create an invisible barrier through the house, which in turn, can create a barrier between partners. As the schism widens over time, it becomes exceedingly difficult to connect with your significant other. Hang one or more crystal balls or wind chimes in the center of the rooms between the doors to slow down the Ch’i, and break down the invisible wall. Or paint a different color in each room along the path to break down the barrier.

Design for Conflict
Does the stress from thinking about COVID and divorce catch you looking askance when your beloved says hurtful words because they are frightened?
• Run Through Kitchen. There is arguing between partners and loss of money for the household. Hang two 40 mm crystals from a red cord, one at each door to slow down the rapid movement of Ch’i.
• A Kitchen In Front Of The Front Door will drive a partner out of the house to eat in someone else’s kitchen. Or they will be distracted by events, activities or hobbies outside the house. Pull the kitchen to the back of the house with a convex mirror.
• A Bedroom In Front Of The Front Door, a partner will find love outside the house, perhaps leaving entirely.
•A Detached Garage in Partnership is when the garage or any enclosed detached building is set close to the Partnership gua of the house. One or both partners may seek attention, perhaps begin an affair outside the home.
• Extension In Knowledge suggests someone is not listening, they think they know more. Balance the house with an adjustment at the corner of Helpful People (in the yard) to complete the imbalance in the shape of the house.
• An Uneven House Shape, whether it favors either the male or the female will give one of the partners the advantage and the disadvantaged partner will harbor hard feelings and feel resentment.
• Beam Running Down The Center Of The Bed, the pressure can split a couple apart.
• Home at the end of a Cul-de-Sac, or near the end, the energy pools and does not circulate back out. Life may feel like a dead end. A couple’s luck, good fortune will diminish and communication will feel stuck in a loop.

The feedback from clients who have adjusted the Feng Shui in their homes say they love the spirit of cooperation when performing the cures. The process helps them feel more compassion for the needs of their partner, their communication improves and it engenders a deeper connection. Love resurfaces when couples make adjustments with the intention to cre