Light Up Your Great Ideas With Feng Shui

“If you can dream it, you can do it.”
– Walt Disney

Your home is not only a place to eat, sleep, grow your family and live out your life. Like a blank canvas waiting for color and inspiration, your home embodies a silent, subtle world that surrounds you. Intangible but palpable, it is the space that defines the rooms and encompasses your furnishings. It is the space that once is activated by turning the couch on an angle or painting a wall red or adding a bright light to the front door, is poised to help you light up your great ideas which one day may include taking a chance on something new.

I am hearing folks talk about the hard truths of 2020. They are passionate about telling their stories and up-leveling their purpose. They are writing books with compelling messages; developing brands to reflect a growing ecological kinship to the earth; planning service strategies that will support their new mission. They are trusting their higher guidance and they want to share it. If you are part of this mindfulness revolution or even dare to take your career on a new path, then let the details from the arrangement of your rooms, the flowers on your desk, the color of your walls, the images you have placed, let these personal items reflect the excitement, the dedication and engagement you give to your work everyday.

All it takes is calibrating your home to what you desire. Before launching your great idea, look around, does your home and home office reflect your value? A new desk placement can change your point of view and bring in a steady flow of income. The right color can inspire your creativity. Let your authentic self shine with Feng Shui.

Create Powerful Momentum For What Is To Come
Take Command Of Your Space
Command position is where you sit at your desk so you can see the door but not be in line of the door. And good desk placement is the mainstay in developing your ideas and services. Here are several distinguished nuances that could set your career on a trajectory for success.
– Face the door wall with your desk is in command This desk position suggests work will be steady.
– Face the side wall but still in a command position. Projects, clients, income, work will come in cycles. You may work hard for a few days or months and then have time for a vacation or simply to slow down. Ideal for a writer.
– Place your desk on an angle. If you want things to move more quickly consider moving your desk to an angled position. You can enhance this position by placing a light that shines on the desk from behind. You can also place a plant in the corner behind the desk. Or you can hang the Ten Emperor Coins with the two bamboo flutes from the Yun Lin Temple on each wall of the corner. However there is a caveat: if you do not have support to take the next steps or don’t have the financial backing to expand quickly, the placement may actually bankrupt you.
– Place your desk with a wall too close in front of you and your open-mindedness and creativity may diminish. Your learning may be slower and you may not acquire a broad range of knowledge. However if there are no other alternate choices, place a mirror on the wall in front of you or place a picture with depth or place a picture of your deity in front of you.
– Sit at your desk with a wall behind you, you will receive support and you will feel supported. You can enhance this position by sitting in a chair that has a solid back and you may receive solid advice from friends and advisors.
– Sit where there is not enough room behind you and you may not be able to turn things around when they get difficult. You may become cornered. You may lose your power and your perspective. You may not leave yourself enough room to turn around or change directions. Things may get very difficult. Make sure you have enough room behind you and if you don’t, move the desk forward.

Speak To Your Strengths
Launching a book or website you want all your forces to support you, that includes a strong front door (the mouth of Ch’i). If your front door does not face the street, it could be what is called a “hidden front door”. This position takes your voice away from the world. Opportunities do not come easily. Isolated is a manifested fear from this design detail.
– Light the top of the Hidden door with a light placed on the ground just opposite the door. It does not have to be turned on.
– Hang a wind-chime at the front door.
– Carefully mark the path to the front door, so there is no confusion. 

Enhance Your Creativity
Every aspect of your profession, service or artistry is a creative endeavor. Add the colors, white, black and green to your home office or where you brainstorm and download ideas. Green plants, flowering plants but fruiting plants in particular will enhance your career.

Reinforce Your Career (Trigram)
Purchase either a wind chime or a 40mm faceted crystal ball. Place it on your altar for nine nights. On the tenth day walk the sacred object to each trigram position of the house or office. Upon arriving at the gua, spin the crystal or shake the wind chime. When complete, walk to the center then you will be assured you have life covered. Visualize all of life’s problems are covered. When you adjust the center you want to visualize that everything is covered. Then you can hang the crystal ball in the center of the gua that needs enhancement. If you are going to adjust Career visualize you are bringing the knowledge with you, you are bringing fame with you, you are bringing helpful people with you to the Career gua so you can move forward. Visualize all the auspicious chi, visualize in with the good and out with the bad, everything is getting better and better. Visualize you have more time to give to your Career and the appropriate salary or compensation, Visualize the color of the Career gua (black). Visualize your job offer is a good package and an appropriate salary. Visualize the color of the gua as you are adding the adjustment.

Steady Your Focus
Tapping the Head three times day (108 times per round) will help you steady yourself and concentrate. The excessive Ch’i is drawn out of the brain. This method is helpful to perform at night when counting sheep has failed.

Calm Your Mind
Calm is often underrated however it is the underpinnings of inspiration when offering your services and running your business. A calm attitude engenders new ideas and insights on how to execute them.
– Color speaks the language of the brain. Wear green to calm your heart. If you or a friend’s emotions are all over the place this refreshing color will help relax (always remember to set your intention) your heart. Earth colors like yellow, brown and orange are calming as well.
– Place a Yu bowl under your bed under your heart to build trust. It allows you to trust yourself and trust what is happening around you.
– Place a red circle that has your name that you wrote on one side with a new black pen and the word “stability” on the other side. Hold your breath while you write these. Next place the red circle either under your heart under your bed or under your office chair with the word stability facing the floor to stay more calm as you create and expand your ideas.

Follow Your Impulses
Place a windmill on your property in the Family Gua to stimulate ideas for new projects.

Build Your Reputation
Red is the color of the Fire element and the Fame gua. Red is an energy source, a stimulator and a way of expelling bad Ch’i. If your reputation has been maligned, if you want to enhance your fame or if you desire to extend your reach beyond the city in which you work, paint a red wall in the Fame gua and set your intention accordingly. If that does not work with your decor plant a conifer in your back yard, the triangle is the shape that represents Fire. Or place an affirmation in the Fame gua of your home that is framed in red.

Perform 9 good deeds in one day. And continue to perform one good deed a day for 27 days. This practice will enhance the Feng Shui in your home. Abundance is synonymous with giving. The key is to help another selflessly.

Enhance Your Feng Shui
When you perform a cure, envision that you are at the juncture between heaven and earth, this visualization enables you to receive universal chi to help you overcome all your obstacles.

Allow me to help you arrange your home where you feel fully supported. I am available for a full consultation service or for an hour telephone conversation. Details are at this link Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

Spring Equinox Ritual To Wash Winter Away

“Spring is proof that there is beauty in new beginnings.”
– Matshona Dhliwayo

The spring (vernal) equinox, when polarities find balance: night equals day; yinyang distributes the eternal Tao; the sun and moon reflect heaven’s benevolence and the earth receives the hidden treasures from winter’s slumber. If we take time for reflection to reboot, to reset, and renew our life force, then our endeavors will be more powerful, our inspirations greater and our burdens lighter. Connecting our hearts to the galactic rhythm available on this day, resonance will be available when we need it most. Wash Winter from your front door with the Door Washing Charm. Enjoy!

The Door Washing Charm
A spring equinox ritual to harmonize and protect the loving energy of the hearth and home from the Goddess and the Green ManThis simple charm helps to safeguard the home and boost harmonious energies within. And who knows a little magical gift for your visitors too.
3 drops of orange essential oil. It invites good fortune, happiness and contentment.
2 drops of clove essential oil. Clove oil encourages courage and protection.
2 drops of lime essential oil for purification and love
Hot water
A white cloth
A bowl or bucket
Place all the essential oils into your bowl and pour hot water over them. When the water has cooled stir well in a clockwise fashion. Next take your cloth and gently wipe your door starting in the center, work outwards in a clockwise movement. While you are doing this, say three times (either out loud or silently): “I protect this home and shield all within. Love, peace and harmony, I call you in…”

When you have completed the ritual, wring your cloth out under running water, dry it thoroughly and keep it for future cleansing. Where it is safe, pour your water outside. Feel the love and joy of spring.

Beginnings are potent. Whatever you do may it reflect what is important to you. A Black Sect Feng Shui adjustment when leaving the house for an important meeting or event like getting married or closing on a home, leave the threshold on your left foot. It will bring you luck.

Happy Ostara, Happy Spring Equinox

Allow me to help you arrange your home where you feel fully supported. I am available for a full consultation service or for an hour telephone conversation. Details are at this link Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

Simple Feng Shui Rituals To End 2020

“You can’t always choose what happens to you, but you can always choose how you feel about it.”
Danielle LaPorte

Feeling unsafe and uncertain have been the big themes of 2020. Jobs were lost, spouses divorced, family members died from COVID-19, homes went into foreclosure….We had to make tough decisions. Yet there were silver linings too. Couples bonded in ways they had not before. Parents spent meaningful time with their children. We discovered what matters most. As 2020 draws to a close I bring to you Feng Shui rituals and companion rituals that I believe offer a different way to reflect upon the year. These might be new for some of you or they might be a helpful reminder that ending the year with a positive mindset quickly releases the past and brings what you desire with sure footedness.

De-clutter your home. Clarity.
This first of the Feng Shui rituals might seem counterintuitive however the magic of de-cluttering is it wakes up the brain. 
It engages both the left and right hemisphere of the brain. In BSTB Feng Shui Professor Lin would say to move 27 things in your house to bring good luck. If you wish, move 27 things out of your home. Marie Kondo’s simple and gentle advice for releasing the physical things that no longer serve you honors the object and the process. First hold the object in question. Ask yourself does it bring me joy? Do I feel love? If not, thank it with sincerity for the time it served you and find it a new home.

Reflect and review. Release.
Another one of my favorite Feng Shui year end rituals. Purchase a new white candle(s). Find a place in your home where you will not be disturbed. Best times are 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. or 11:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. If this is not doable, perform this ritual when it suits your schedule. Orange or lemon essential oil are perfect for purifying your space. Pour a few drops onto the burning candle or in a diffuser. Or cut circles out of the zest of an orange or lemon and sprinkle around your room. Reflect upon the highlights and what brought you low points. Declare how you felt about each situation. Write these down on several slips of paper or just one page. Say out loud what you want to let go. Throw the paper into a small fire-proof cauldron or cooking pot or let the candle burn them. Feel the burden lift off of you. Feel your breath deepen in your tan’tien (belly). Feel the transformation in your heart. You have exited one portal and entered a new phase of your life.

Shift your focus. Forgive.
Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian art of healing, which developed as a social practice, is a way of resolving conflicts between people, families and groups. Ho’o means to cause something to happen so ho’opono means to cause something to be pono – to be right, to be good, just or caring and/or in alignment with all people, places and things. By duplicating pono the word ho’opono, is full of achievement, goodness is accentuated.

To do the four phrases practice, we can use anything as a focus. We can use an emotion, a tendency towards certain kinds of action (e.g. impulsive buys or self-blame), a person, a place, an event, anything. We first choose our focus and then we formulate statements about it using the four phrases as guidance.  Inwardly, we say: “I’m sorry that __________.” Then “Please forgive me for ____________.” Then “Thank you for ___________” and end with “I love you.”We offer this “I love you” both to the focus of the practice and, ultimately, to the greater ‘something’ beyond.
– Adam Pearson

Complete the challenges on a high note. Chant.
“A mantra is a magic formula that, once it is uttered, can entirely change a situation, our mind, our body or a person. But this magic formula must be spoken in a state of concentration-that is to say, a state in which body and mind are absolutely in a state of unity.”
– Thich Naht Hahn

If you are having trouble with reflecting, forgiving or letting go, a mantra or an affirmation when repeated again and again will release your mind of the burden that is distracting you. This seed language is like a reminder note to be compassionate with yourself and open to what your heart has to say. I recommend the Six Syllable True Words Mantra: Om Mani Padme Hum or from Chinese Buddhism, The Calming Heart Mantra, Gate, Gate, Para-Gate, Para Sam Gate, Bodhi Svaha. Multiples of nine (the number of completion and peak accomplishment) are suggested. Nine means forever so you are setting your intention into stone, so to speak.

See the good in the past. Appreciate.
There is no one perfect or right way to say goodbye. There are ways that make the process of ending 2020 with “You got this! You are the eagle soaring into the sky.” Whatever you do as this week winds down to January 1, 2021, these Feng Shui rituals may initiate insight into the gifts of 2020. While you are sipping  your tea or coffee, give yourself a big hug and lots of love for all the ways you made the year yours. 

A well designed space allows you to access positive energy at all times. Please feel free to call upon me to help you arrange your home where you feel supported. I am available for a “Your House Is Talking” full consultation service or for an hour telephone conversation, Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

Winter Solstice 2020. Dreaming In A New Era.

“If you can see yourself as an artist, and you can see that your life is your own creation, then why not create the most beautiful story for yourself?” 
― Don Miguel Ruiz

Winter Solstice 2020 heralds the return to light but this year is exceptional. We will experience an astrological phenomenon of a grand design. Saturn and Jupiter in a rare, dynamic rendezvous will ascend upon the horizon just after dusk. Their massive, celestial bodies will appear like starry lovers embracing on a dance floor. Look to the west-southwest and you will see the coupled planets shining through the twilight.

What does this mean for humanity? Compared to the Christmas star that guided the wise men, the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter means old, tyrannical ways will be released. Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius will help us dream in a new era where humans will experience an expansion of consciousness, compassion and concern for the well being of the eight billion people on this planet. We will become global citizens. We will see more humanitarian policies set in place. Climate change will be addressed in more aggressive measures. Technological advancement will seem beyond miraculous, so buckle up.

What it means for you personally? There will be a greater impetus to realize your purpose. If you want to write a book, change your career or begin a project, this conjunction is fresh with innovative ideas. It’s the best time to tune in. Meditate and the small, still voice will whisper with clarity. Hold your thoughts in sincerity and devotion and you will be set on a trajectory to create something new and meaningful. Give it your full expression and heart, and it will receive the support it needs.

This conjunction is considered the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. We will use empathy to change the world. “Everyone will feel encouraged to embody the highest vibration in the form of social and progressive social activism.” Gandhi’s quote will be more relevant than ever, “Be the change you wish to see in the world”. 

Consider the following if you want to align with the momentum of the Winter Solstice 2020 and the new energies of Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius. Plan time to meditate and perform rituals. Engaging your senses with your psyche you will nourish your body and spirit. These practices will help you hold your life’s vision while you “write the most beautiful story of yourself”.

Straighten your house. Begin with the front entry. Remove clutter, especially shoes (or organize them). When they are in disarray (in the Chinese language it means chaos or evil reside here)  the mouth of Ch’i becomes unruly. Bad luck follows.

Wash with orange peel. Cut nine circles from the skin of the orange. You will only want to use the zest (one of the reason oranges are used is their roundness means is not only as a symbol of gold but also completeness). Break down the peels to release their essence. While you are breaking the peels into smaller pieces, visualize the light of 10,000 Buddhas is emitted into the peels. Or visualize a deity of your choice. Chant Om Mani Padme Hum nine times or say a prayer. Draw a warm bath and drop the peels into the water. Let it sit a few minutes to infuse the water. Step in and wash your body. Do not forget to wash your hair. Feel the purification. Feel your Ch’i revived and refreshed.

Purify your space. Purchase nine oranges. The night before the Winter Solstice, this year, Sunday, December 20 at 11:00 p.m. open all the windows in your home. Cut (as you do with the orange peel bath) nine circles out of each orange for a total of 81 circles of orange peel. Break down the peels to release their essence. Nuance: talk to the oranges. Tell them they are being used in the best way possible. While you are breaking the peels into smaller pieces, visualize the light of 10,000 Buddhas is emitted into the peels. Or visualize a deity of your choice. Chant Om Mani Padme Hum continuously (at least 108 times) until the last circle is broken down. Begin at the front door. Quiet your body, mind and spirit. Walk around the house either clockwise or counter clockwise. Take a very small handful and scatter the peels out, as if you are feeding chickens. This mudra feeds “the hungry ghosts”.  At the same place take another very small handful of the orange peels, cast them straight down. You are ”planting auspicious seeds”. Stay in the same place and take another small handful and throw up into the air, chant Om Mani Padme Hum in excitement. You are sending blessings to heaven. Move throughout the house, upstairs and downstairs until you have covered the house. As you are scattering the peels visualize that tens of thousands of Buddhas’s light are filling every corner of your house. Stand at one open window, take a deep, deep breath and exhale while chanting Om Mani Padme Hum nine times in short puffs (use only one breath – do your best). See the mantras cleansing the room of any negative ch’i such as illness, bankruptcy, death, etc. See the room filled with positive ch’i and good fortune. You and the room receive the blessings of Heaven and Earth. Close the windows and end the ceremony at the front door with the Calming Heart Mudra and chant Om Mani Padme Hum nine times. You are complete. If you are experiencing digestive issues do this adjustment. It will remove old patterns, resentments and vendettas.

Meditate to focus. Find a comfortable sitting position. Hold the ‘gyan’ mudra, (The Mudra of Knowledge). It will improve your mental and physical health – increasing your memory power, pituitary gland production and improves the nervous system. Touch the tip of your index finger to your thumb. Hold the other three fingers straight and stretched. Be sure they are parallel to each other. Do the mudra with both hands. Rest your hands onto your knees. Close your eyes. If you can open them slightly and focus on your nose bridge if that is comfortable. Breathe in for the count of five and exhale for the count of five. Keep your spine straight during the mediation pose. Let your mind become empty just watching your breathe (in and out). If you choose you can chant Om or Om Mani Padme Hum at least 108 times to 216 to 324 times. Hold this for at least 15 minutes if not 30 minutes. The posture will promote the flow of prana; improves focus; enhances memory and promotes of sense of balance.

Journal after meditating. The flow of Ch’i will be enhanced and your mind will be open to channel ideas and insights not available to your rational mind. Write whatever comes into your consciousness. Do not censor. Appreciate the stream coming to you and the ideas for your new project, new career or new book will flow.

If you are looking to build a new home, remodel, plan a wedding, purchase a home or sell one, when you begin has tremendous influence on the outcome of your event. Beginning on the right foot with an auspicious date and time will bring success to your endeavor. Contact me, for details of how I can assist you with getting started.

Allow me to help you arrange your home where you feel fully supported. I am available for a full consultation service or for an hour telephone conversation. Details are at this link Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

Photo credit: Daily Express

The Thanksgiving Gift

“May you experience each day as a sacred gift woven around the heart of wonder.”
– John O’Donahue

We’ve been through more than we knew we could handle and though the struggle has been challenging, I believe we have been given this year to birth something new in each one of us. I admire your courage to overcome the obstacles that came your way and your fortitude to grow in love. The signs tell us we are coming into a state of grace and it begins with the Thanksgiving gift. 

Wealth is a reflection of good-heartedness, trust in the future and generosity. Here is my Thanksgiving gift to you as “something beautiful to hold in your heart to survive difficult times and enjoy good times.”

The Three Harmony
If a house is square or rectangle and there are  no extensions you can magnify this shape with the Three Harmony. It’s a method from Professor Lin to create auspicious extensions in your home. If you wish to improve your career, go to the Career gua (middle front) and place a mirror. Visualize a projection and in your visualization, the mirror becomes an auspicious extension. You may stop here OR enhance the mirror placement in Career, by placing a mirror in Wealth (far back left) and one in Partnership (far back right). These guas harmonize with Career and this adjustment is The Three Harmony of Water (water is the element of the Career gua). Complete with the Reinforce with each adjustment with your body, mind and speech.

Three Harmony of Water - Career, Wealth and Relationship. Add mirrors to each sector (guas) of the home. Shen Men Feng Shui, Portland, Oregon

             Three Harmony of Water

If you are looking to build a new home, remodel, plan a wedding, purchase a home or sell one, when you begin has tremendous influence on the outcome of your event. Beginning on the right foot with an auspicious date and time will bring success to your endeavor. Contact me, for details of how I can assist you with getting started.

Allow me to help you arrange your home where you feel fully supported. I am available for a full consultation service or for an hour telephone conversation. Details are at this link Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

Photo credit: Jack Hood, Flickr

The Creative Power of the Pumpkin

“I’d say the first thing you need is … a pumpkin.”
– Cinderella

For centuries the Chinese have displayed pumpkins in their homes in the fall believing this edible squash has the alchemy to create golden opportunities. It began with a folk tale. A scanty village girl named Huang Hua lived with her sickly parents who were unable to care and feed themselves. One day searching for food she came across an oddly shaped melon in a field and took it back to her thatched cottage. She figured out how to prepare the large melon and fed it to her parents. Not long afterwards they made an inexplicable recovery. Since it was found near South Mountain they named it “south melon” or “nangua” which is the Chinese word for pumpkin. 

Since that time eating pumpkins have become an integral part of the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival that is held at the full moon (the 15th day of the eight Chinese Lunar month). The tradition started in ancient China. Poverty stricken families living south of the Yangtze River ate pumpkin because they couldn’t afford the fancy ornamental mooncakes.

In folkloric tradition, farmer’s wives would carve out the belly and place items in them to attract wealth.

Their symbolism is as generous as their size. You may expect to increase:
• Prosperity
• Abundance
• Attain good luck from your ancestors (this quality derives from the ‘flood myth’).
• Insure your children will have illustrious careers.
• Acquire an enchanting life
• Draw the earth energy to manifest gold.
No wonder they are so revered around the world.

Welcome prosperity Ch’i and good fortune with pumpkins lined at your front door or incorporate them in arrangements at the inside entry to magnetize abundance.

How did the old couple survive just eating pumpkin you ask? Pumpkin has high levels of carotenoids, proteins, antioxidants and vitamin C. It health benefits are as massive as its size: it will boost your mood, keep your eyes keen, help you repair after a work out, assist in weight loss, reduce your cholesterol and advance your immune system. Its even thought to reduce the risk of cancer.

If you are looking to build a new home, remodel, plan a wedding, purchase a home or sell one, when you begin has tremendous influence on the outcome of your event. Beginning on the right foot with an auspicious date and time will bring success to your endeavor. Contact me, for details of how I can assist you with getting started.

Allow me to help you arrange your home where you feel fully supported. I am available for a full consultation service or for an hour telephone conversation. Details are at this link Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

Sun Moon Good Fortune Feng Shui

“Yeah we all shine on, like the moon and the stars and the sun.”
– John Lennon

Mid morning walks in August are invigorating. I point my feet south and start absorbing all the sights and sounds that make this life technicolor brilliant. It’s also a potent time to observe the heavenly bodies. The Sun and the Moon share the same sky (it’s also an early evening phenomena later in the moon’s lunation). I couldn’t be more “over the moon” because in Chinese Feng Shui this celestial pairing has two meanings. It can be a good sign for the collective or a personal gift that a positive shift is coming. If you’ve been staying home and staying safe that’s a wise decision but I wouldn’t want you to miss your shining moment in your career or your relationship. The timing is perfect to illuminate your projects and manifest good things.

Rainbows, colorful clouds, hail, lunar halos, shooting stars, sun moon in the sky at the same time, all of these can have consequential actions for us. In his workshops Professor Lin’s would teach, “Climate and natural phenomena have an effect on humans, both their physiology and psychology.” When the sun and the moon are visible during the day, it is a sign that the country (or area) will see great progress. If you see the sun moon during the day, it’s a personal advancement. Here’s what you may experience.
• Increased intelligence is available.
• Improved lifestyle; good things will happen for you.
• Advanced placement in your career.
• Purchase real estate for a good return or enhance your family relationships.
• Book a ticket or tune up your car for a trip.
• Begin a book.
• Make an investment.
• Declare a wish.
• All good things will happen genuinely. Actually if you do not see the sun and the moon it will still have positive effects. This auspicious phenomena can influence making a lucky investment. If you do see both (the sun and the moon) the gain may be more particular to you.

A secret within a secret
Catch the moment when you see the sun moon at the same time. Envisage the light of the sun and moon shining upon your children, your home, your office. Imagine the light shining upon a new project, a business deal, or upcoming event. See the blessings plentiful.
Warning: Do not hesitate. It must be split second timing. Focus on one thing otherwise the good fortune from this ritual will be diminished.

If you are looking to build a new home, remodel, plan a wedding, purchase a home or sell one, when you begin has tremendous influence on the outcome of your event. Beginning on the right foot with an auspicious date and time will bring success to your endeavor. Contact me, for details of how I can assist you with getting started.

Allow me to help you arrange your home where you feel fully supported. I am available for a full consultation service or for an hour telephone conversation. Details are at this link Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

Take Your Dreams To Heart

“One moment can change a day, one day can change a life and one life can change the world.”
– Buddha

You have an amazing heart and for that I have a special blog for you this month because I know it’s been a big job to hold strong, to have faith, to practice your best self when Covid-19 has pulled the rug out from under your plans and your future feels hijacked. You’ve got this and I want you to get more. I want you to know there is a benefit to the reality that is shifting before your eyes. These are fertile times for personal illumination and destiny is calling us to live our dreams through our hearts. 

Recently I have been enjoying a beautiful meditation by Gregg Braden. It opens the heart to the extraordinary feeling of bliss because this is the space from which dreams come true. And I am supplementing this opportunity for expanded intuition and creativity with four Feng Shui adjustments that correct and enhance “Li” the gua related to the heart.

Gregg shares we have 40,000 brain-like cells,  ‘sensory neurites’, concentrated in such a way that they are called the ‘little brain in the heart’. They can learn independently from the neurons in our brain. They can think and remember independently from the neurons in the brain. They communicate separately to us from the neurons in our brain…When we marry the heart and the brain together, when we harmonize the heart and the brain together, this extended neural network makes us different from all other forms of life. This is where our deepest empathy, compassion, intuition comes from. When we harmonize the little brain heart with the big brain in the head we can process information very quickly. Really fast information recall. Here is the reason why: when we access with our heart, using our intuition we don’t go through the logic and the fear, self esteem and all the doubt that we have in our brain which defends with ego resistance nor are we slowed down by our mental functions.

Our heart doesn’t work that way. Affirmations are powerful tools to implement change in our lives at any time. They are especially potent when we are communicating with our subconscious in a language that our subconscious recognizes. When we harmonize our heart and our brain, this is the hot line to our subconscious. Our affirmations of our perfect relationships, our healing, our dreams begins in our bodies. Extraordinary states of deep intuition are available through harmonizing the heart and the brain. There are three steps to creating this harmonious awareness that come from ancient traditions. (This can be performed just as you awake or go to sleep because these are excellent times for intention setting and opening the channel to the subconscious. Enhance the meditation with background music, lighting a candle, burning incense to clear energy, diffusing sandalwood or frankincense essentials oils. – Bette Steflik)

• Simply and gently place either one finger or your hand or your palms or the prayer mudra on the sternum of your heart. Your awareness will always go to the place in your body where you feel the touch, the sensation. Allow your awareness to move there.

• Slow your breathing. Five seconds on the inhale. Five seconds on the exhale. This sends a powerful signal to your body, from your mind to your heart that says I am turning my attention inward. You are telling your body that “I am safe”. That frees your body to let go of the stress hormones and the feelings of stress. When that happens the healing chemistry begins….Now the body is awakening to its powerful immune response and anti-aging hormones. Breathing slower you are telling your body it is safe.

• Create a feeling in your heart where you feel the touch. Feel one or some combination of the following four feelings: care for anything or for anyone. Appreciation or anything or for anyone. Gratitude or anything or for anyone. And compassion for or anything or for anyone. Researchers have found these four key words will trigger the experience between our heart and our brain to create that coherence .1 Hz. To the best of your ability feel those feelings and breathe from your heart center. Do that for 60 seconds. This ritual is ancient and primal. It is the key to the deepest truth of who you are in this world. The positive vibration you created will hold for six hours after you open your eyes. 

Why do this? This is where the super learning comes from. Or when you are working to solve or create something new: a book, poetry, music. Your creativity comes from this deep space.
– Gregg Braden

In the Bagua formation, Li, the Fame gua is connected to the Fire element of the Five Elements. The heart which is known as the Emperor in Traditional Chinese Medicine is the organ that represents this phase. When standing at the front door facing into your home, the location is the central back section of your house. It rests between Hsun, the Wealth gua to the left and Kun, the Partnership gua to the right.

If this area is missing or depleted by a design feature such as a bathroom it may be difficult to excel in your career, pass examinations, receive recognition for a promotion, improve your status, and connect with networking groups that can enhance your visibility and that affects your sense of esteem and well-being. Physically you may develop eye disorders. Mentally your clarity, whether it’s your goals, being self directed or your vision of your future, may be obscured. A side note when Fame is enhanced this activates and improves your career. Want more name recognition? More heart in your relationships? More joy in your life? Here are four Fame tips to increase your influence.

Correct A bathroom in the Fame gua depletes this area (see above). Place a mirror on the outside of the door. It will reflect whatever is in front of it and the bathroom will transcendentally disappear. The nuance from Professor Lin the door may remain open and the cure still works.

Color Red is associated with Fame and Fire. Color may be used to fill in a missing area. Painting the wall red with the visualization that the color is pushing the wall out will transcendentally correct the missing area of the house. The added bonus is you’ve added your “Wall of Fame”.

Center Stage Li means “bright”. When you project yourself from a place of courtesy, professionalism and regard, you raise your esteem and others will view you as confident, considerate and connected. This place of power raises your status. Activate this area with diplomas, awards, and recognitions. The triangle shape is associated with this gua. Animals that represent Li are the tortoise, crab, pheasant (from The Form School) and shellfish. Illumination is a quality of this gua. A framed sunset or a rainbow are suitable for this gua as well.

Credit Believe in you, find your mantra and light your fire with an empowerment. Place an affirmation in this area, such as “I am so grateful and happy that I am now…(fill in the blank) or I am endlessly abundant with talent, skill, intelligence and joy that I utilize everyday. 

If you are looking to build a new home, remodel, plan a wedding, purchase a home or sell one, when you begin has tremendous influence on the outcome of your event. Beginning on the right foot with an auspicious date and time will bring success to your endeavor. Contact me, for details of how I can assist you with getting started.

Allow me to help you arrange your home where you feel fully supported. I am available for a full consultation service or for an hour telephone conversation. Details are at this link Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

Black Lives Matter. Let Us Rise Together.

“We rise by lifting others.”
– Robert Ingersoll

I am reaching out to you because black lives matter more than ever. If you’ve watched the tragedies unfold these past weeks you must be struggling, suffering, angry and hurt. I feel the same. What has happened shouldn’t have. They are reprehensible, damaging to our hearts and scary. Though it may feel the world is careening off a cliff, you, me, we can steady ourselves. We can seek community, solace with our friends, solidarity with our social media tribe and we can help change the future by what we think, how we speak and what we do.

The black community has suffered injustice, racism and inequality far too long. There are Ch’i adjustments for the house, the property, the individual and the natinon. An important transcendental Ch’i adjustment for humans from BSTB Feng Shui master, H. H. “Professor” Lin Yun is perform good deeds daily. Nine, 27 or 108 magnify the intention and smooth out scoundrel Ch’i. These ripple out into the world in full, broad, beautiful waves of love and can offset forces off lesser intent. They give us back our humanity and we transmute hate by doing good. If you have been searching for ways to be helpful and to show loving kindness to the black community here are five links beginning with George Floyd Memorial Fund. At the bottom of those is where you will find more organizations who welcome your donations. Thank you!

Money, time or a smile. Each or all build a hope filled tomorrow.
George Floyd Memorial Fund: The official GoFundMe to support the Floyd family.
In Memory of Tony McDade: The official GoFundMe to support the McDade family.
Justice for Breonna Taylor: The official GoFundMe to support the Taylor Family.
The National Bail Fund Network: A national project that works with organizers, advocates and legal providers across the country that are using or contemplating using, community bail funds as part of efforts to radically change local bail systems and reduce incarceration.
The NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund: America’s premier legal organization fighting racial justice through litigation, advocacy and public education.
Ways you can support black community and fight racial discrimination. Glaad

Thank you for stopping in. I am open during shelter-in-place. I have added Zoom consultations to on-site. My services are Feng Shui a La Carte, one hour or Your House Is Talking, full consultation. I wish you well and calmness during this extraordinarily difficult time. I look forward to having a conversation with you.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

Building Design Affects The Human Body

“Houses are like the human beings that inhabit them.”
– Victor Hugo

Our home’s building design is an active participant in our homeostasis. It affects our health and mental outlook on a daily basis. When a client comes to me with a health condition, depending on the ailment, I will look at anyone of the following systems of the house and inquire into its condition.

An example of how the mechanical, electrical, plumbing – all the building design works together. If you are sick or a family member, look at the mechanical, electrical, plumbing – all the systems of the house. Draw an outline of the body onto the house and put the head (face down) at the front door then locate the heart in the house. Where the heart lands in the house correct that system, not just the plumbing which is associated with the circulatory system. Address  flooding in the house, even the basement because these will affect the circulatory system.

• Main Entrance and foyer correspond to the head.

• Electrical wiring corresponds to the nervous system.

• Plumbing corresponds to circulatory system, circulation of the blood.

• Sewage System relates to the urinary tract, guts, digestive system–stomach, large intestine.

• Respiratory corresponds air conditioning, ducts, chimneys, sky lights,

• Roof and Beams correspond to the spine.

• Four corners of the house or lot correspond to the four limbs. Front corners would be the arm, the back corners would be the legs and feet.

Free International Health and Wellness Summit, Saturday May 9, 2020
“Healthy Home. Healthy Body. Keys To A Better Mind, Body and Life.”
Sign up for my blog and you will receive an invitation link via Eventbrite.

I will throw open the doors and speak truth about health and Feng Shui. Journey with me through a home’s arrangement and discover the unfolding story of how placement can radically influence your well-being.

The International Health Summit was generated to showcase natural, leading-edge processes to grow a healthy you. Chosen from the best in their field, the presenters’ expertise include: Dowsing, Huna (ancient Hawaiian spiritual practices), Psych K (Psychological Kinesiology; methods that change your subconscious beliefs), Restorative Hypnosis, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming improves communication skills), Aromatherapy, Nutritional Counseling, Feng Shui, Body Code (energy balancing system that uncovers root causes of discomfort, sickness and suffering), Herbs for our times, Reiki (a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing) and more. Check out details on Facebook

Thank you for stopping in. I am open during shelter-in-place. I have added via Zoom besides on-site consultations.  My services are Feng Shui a La Carte, one hour or Your House Is Talking, full consultation. I wish you well and calmness during this extraordinarily difficult time. I look forward to having a conversation with you.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

Photo credit: Getty Images