Feng Shui. Mental Health. Take Action.

“There is hope even when your brain tells you there isn’t.”
– John Green

May 20 is mental health action day. We may not always understand the underlying cause why a friend or family member struggles with a mental health issue. It could be a chemical imbalance in the brain, a childhood trauma, an accident, exposure to toxins, brain defect and/or tumor, genetic factors, seasonal changes, history of family origin, violence, stress, family abuse and poverty…. There are more than I can mention here.

As well there may be hidden factors in your home that exacerbate a mental health condition. It can show up in the form of confusion, anger, conflict, addiction and stress. I have never spoken about my sister’s condition to respect her privacy but I think if she knew she could help someone struggling with depression by sharing her story, she would say please share. This one Feng Shui detail had a critical influence on her emotional stability. She had a Mandarin Duck Stairway in her home. First hand I saw conflict and anger at the slightest comment. She was constantly exhausted and did not feel good about herself yet she was a beautiful, loving, extraordinarily talented woman. It was difficult to witness her personal struggles. Professor Lin described this design detail as destroying a person’s sanity. Sadly it’s true. 

Self awareness is key to creating change. For all who are struggling, patient and their family members who agonize over them, here is a short list of design features that can affect one’s mental stability. 

Mandarin Duck stairway (learn more at the link)
Stairs that fluctuate at the front entry. One set go up to the next level while the other go down, the brain is constantly assaulted with this split. 

• Split at the front door
The brain is stimulated unevenly as one eye sees a long view and the other eye sees a short view. It creates an imbalance in the brain, illness along the midline, confusion, non-stop arguing and violence.

• Long hallway
A door at the end of a long hallway can create upset, not only for the digestive system, but upsetting one’s emotional equilibrium. You can easily misinterpret a simple comment from a family member or friend and it might set off a reaction that is out of proportion to the situation. 

Cleaver-shaped house
Think of a razor’s edge however this is a blade on the edge of a home. A master bedroom or office that rests on the knife edge of a cleaver-shaped house partners may cut each other with their words. Parents and children may lash out. A steely edge implies not knowing what might happen next, the feeling of insecurity becomes compounded and overtime there can be a mental breakdown. 

• Bedrooms with high electric and magnetic fields.
Your TV, smart phone, radio, computers all emit electromagnetic pollution. EMFs can increase stress and irritability.

• Windows that begin at a level with which it’s impossible to see out create feelings of limitation and loss of personal power. Many modern prisons and schools are designed with this feature.

• Tall buildings may oppress the Ch’i of a smaller building next to it. The occupants may not develop to their full potential, feel low self-esteem and suffer. 

We all deserve love and affection. Understanding there are multiple factors that may affect a person’s mental health, we are in a better position to support their recovery and help them find their way out of the labyrinth of despair. 

If someone you care about is afflicted and suffering, reaching out may make all the difference in their life. 

Allow me to help you arrange your home where you feel fully supported. I am available for a full consultation service or for an hour telephone conversation. Details are at this link Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

2 thoughts on “Feng Shui. Mental Health. Take Action.

  1. Great article Bette, I hadn’t heard of mandarin duck staircases so looked up some images of them. I had an immediate headache and can understand they would cause disorientation and confusion. I always learn something new from you.

  2. Elly,
    I appreciate your comment. Thank you! I am glad this article was helpful to you.

    The front door represents the head, health, career and Helpful People. A Mandarin Duck stairway stimulates the brain unevenly and stairs are a fluctuating movement. Double the effect. This design feature can affect all the eight guas. I would look at all the areas of the home and what is going on with the occupants besides the influence of the Mandarin Duck stairway. https://shenmenfengshui.com/articles/mandarin-duck-stairway/

    Have a beautiful day!

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