Diwali 2019. Bliss And The Blessings Of Light.

“A warm Diwali wish for every happiness. May the warmth and splendor, that are a part of this auspicious occasion, fill your life with happiness and bright cheer and bring to you joy and prosperity, for the whole year.”
–Diwali Blessing

The house is cleaned and the diyas (lamps) are lit. These simple rituals are the basis of good fortune in the Hindu tradition of Diwali, the Festival of Light. In tribute to Vastu Shastra, the origin of Feng Shui, I invite you to be part of the celebration of gathering in goodness, joy and heaven t0 bless you and the ones you love for celebrating the Light not only raises your energy but the vibration of humanity and cultivates eternal bliss. This year it culminates on the new moon, October 27, 2019.

Diwali is about celebrating the sweetness of life and a time of reflection too. Those who practice this festival entertain the changes they will make to improve the upcoming year. The following customs are practiced with sincerity to raise the pulse of all human beings, everywhere. Maybe all it really takes is to remove some bits of dust and light the corners in our homes to magnetize an auspicious year.

Forgive and forget Forget the wrongs done by others. It’s a cleansing process that lifts the air with festivity and friendliness.
Rise with radiance Waking up an hour before sunrise is a great blessing that promotes health, ethical discipline, efficient work habits and spiritual development.
Merge and meld Mingle with others and find your commonality. Share greetings of love to create an atmosphere pungent with kindness.
Accomplish and advance Merchants open their account books and pray for success and a prosperous year. You can do like the citizens of India: purchase new clothes. Homes are cleaned and decorated and lit with earthen oil lamps. Perform good deeds. The poor are fed in massive numbers.
Polish your inner self The Hindus believe there is a light of lights that steadily shines in the Tao of your heart. Sit quietly and focus your thoughts like a laser beam on this supreme brilliance that illuminates your soul.

A well designed space allows you to access positive energy at all times. Call upon me to help you arrange your home where you feel fully supported. I am available for a full consultation Service or for an hour telephone conversation. Details are at this link Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

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