The Bagua: Build The Life You Want.

“I’d always believed that a life of quality, enjoyment, and wisdom were my human birthright and would be automatically bestowed upon me as time passed.  I never suspected that I would have to learn how to live – that there were specific disciplines and ways of seeing the world I had to master before I could awaken to a simple, happy, uncomplicated life.”
-Dan Millman

You have an intimate relationship with your home. Every object within your space has been hand selected by you. What story are these objects telling about you? More importantly how are they talking to you? Are they reminding you there is something more waiting for you? Or knickknacks on the shelf?

Great filmmakers leave no room for chance when it comes to storytelling. With singular artistry, they shape their tale and bring their vision to life with lighting, sound, ambiance and placement. They create a super reality that transcends time and space. If your home isn’t reminding you that there is something more to your life, more wholeness, more joy, more creative expression, more adventure, you too can use your artistry with your home as your set to envision a new story; a story that transcends your current reality and builds the life you want to live.

The Cornerstones: Build The Life You Want.

Being grateful for the goodness that is already exists in your life fills you with wholeness, wellness, happiness and more of what you have. Develop a gratitude routine. Either write about or speak out loud five events in your day that you feel thankful for – especially if they set you on a trajectory to achieve a specific goal.

The universe is listening to every word you say and everything you think. Becoming still is a sacred space in your heart-mind where you create a place for your vision to unfurl because this allows your imagination to design a new reality in vivid detail without distraction. This intention stabilizes and transformation invokes the events and people who will help you manifest your intention.

When you commit wholeheartedly to doing what your soul is here to create, “it comes fully-equipped with an ineffable force”. Your devotion and dedication create a momentum that cannot be denied. It is an immersion of joy and creativity. Let it take you places you could not have imagined if you chose a lesser inspired path. Take time to ask yourself questions and check your responses to each. You will know it is the right one as your heart will release a flood of endorphins and fill your body with love so build the life you want.

Elevated Emotions
Your heart holds the key. Expanding the energetic field around your heart through mindful meditation expands your capacity to attract magic – those synchronous events that cannot be predicted. The more you brand the emotion to the image of joy, abundance, and freedom, the more your brain pays attention to this elevated emotion and it begins to identify with the future. Build the life you want with a morning practice of breath work combined with meditation. These will release attachments, decrease distractions and enhance your awareness and receptivity of the positive experiences coming to you.

The Corners of Your Home: Build The Life You Want.

We know ourselves best when we find in our hearts home. The Mountain symbolizes taking the time to climb to the quiet heights within ourselves, to contemplate our experiences. There we find a lush verdant hill of knowledge that we can access any time we view the Knowledge adjustment. It could be a picture of a mountain that you once climbed or feel an affinity to. Or place a gong in this area to wake up your awareness. If you want to do well in the stock market, hang a wind chime from a red cord.

Wealth is the Persistent Influence of Wind. When we take our time to shape our wealth through slow and steady persistence, adopting the yin qualities of patience, trust and self control we build a solid financial foundation. It is the quality of mind in this gua to be adaptive and bend with circumstances. A koi painting of eight red fish and one black bring Yin Yang balance to your dealings with others. The 12 Jade Zodiac animals strung with a red cord bring wealth because money comes from harmonious relationships. People you work with affect how you bring money into the household. Visualize that money comes from your relationship. The image of grasses blowing in the wind attract the qualities purity, subtlety, leverage and perseverance, investing you with the acumen to magnetize what is important to you.

In the I-Ching this is Receptive Earth. It is associated with adaptability, devotion and unconditional support – qualities that we find in self love, true love and happy marriages. Cultivate the dance of responsiveness in this gua. Place a bowl, a cauldron or a ceramic container (in your garden) in this area. Visualize it holds all there is bringing an open heart, simplicity, nurturing (if you have a troubled mind) support and stability.

Helpful People
Benefactors and mentors are gathered by the energy of complete abandon with which you pursue your task because Heaven opens the skies for power, synchronicity, inspiration and confidence to flow into this area of your home. Cultivate grace and ease and accept all benevolent guidance that comes to you when you place an image of an animal associated with this gua. The Five-toed Imperial Gold Dragon will bring boons. Horses mean success. Lions bring courage and good heartedness. Heaven opens the door for opportunities to knock when you visualize your intention.

Allow me to help you arrange your home where you feel fully supported. I am available for a full consultation service or for an hour telephone conversation. Details are at this link Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.