The Super Powers of the Yin Wood Snake

“Just as the flowers start blooming, you too can have a personal renewal, a rebirth of everything that makes you unique.”
–My Bright Future

Chinese Lunar New Year  begins at midnight January 28, 2025 when the robust Dragon reign ends. This year find your balance with the super powers of the Yin Wood Snake when Xiaoling (the Little Dragon) takes the stage. What does this mean for you? The year offers introspection to recharge, find balance in a fast pace world and time for contemplating the spiritual realms. The Yin Wood Snake will influence how you decide to refresh your inner life and expand your knowledge. You might be drawn to pick up yoga or qigong to tap into calm because the Snake’s introspective nature is that strong and healing. Revered for its wisdom, intelligence, intuition and creativity, the Snake symbolizes agility, adaptability, cleverness and strategic thinking. One way to acquire Snake skills is to meditate over brainstorming to channel inspired ideas that will help you manifest your goals and with a lot less stress. Like the Dragon, the wise, enigmatic Snake is a bringer of life. In Chinese culture it controlled the rains and the rivers, symbols of fertility and change. Become friends with renewal in a Snake year. Shedding your skin serves as a powerful metaphor for transformation and letting go of the past.

In fact, losing what does not serve you becomes much easier to discard when you add a bit of alchemy. The hour is NOW to be the change you wish to see in the world. Pull out your “shape shifter” super power, it invites simple truths to unfold in perfect timing. So know your garden. Create your community. Let your attitude shape shift each moment into an awareness of possibilities.

You can alchemize the Yin Wood Snake year when you enhance it with Feng Shui adjustments (always here to help), Chinese New Year ceremonies and carry a talisman for the duration of the year. The curious, innovative Monkey is the Snake’s secret best friend. In the Year of the Yin Wood Snake it is auspicious to carry a three dimensional Monkey with you. “Monkey joins Snake to win success through their brilliance.” Enjoy the inspiration this match brings! (Khadro Crystal Chu). The clever, witty, Monkey favors jade, boxwood or bone. The Secret Friend helps you make the most of the year to achieve maximum results. If you are born in the Year of the Tiger, this Chinese Zodiac animal is at odds with the Monkey so carry the power combo charm of  the Ox and Rooster together in place of the Monkey (which you can find at Feng Shui Shopper on Etsy while talismans last. This shop closes at Chinese New Year, it’s advisable not to delay).

As the sixth sign of the Chinese Zodiac, the Snake is connected to the Fire of the Sun in the summer. Fire is connected to civilization, intelligence, fashion, what is modern and eye-catching Monkey is a curious animal. Monkey is connected to the wind. It learns new leading-edge knowledge and popular fashion very fast. It likes to try new conspicuous stuff. Snake and Monkey can be attracted to each other by the common tastes. According to Chinese horoscopes, Snake is in the Fire group and Monkey is in the Metal group. Metal is afraid of Fire. Therefore, Monkey will respect Snake, listen and follow to Snake’s requests. The metal of Monkey is money to Snake. When Monkey works for Snake, Monkey can make money for Snake. Fire can help Metal to transform a useful tool. That means Snake provides the opportunity for Monkey to become a popular figure.

Do you want to enhance what is already a good relationship with your home, family, your job or partner? I would be happy to help you with your place. “Your House Is Talking” is a full consultation service and Feng Shui A La Carte offers a taste of how Feng Shui can work for you, Let’s chat.  503-232-2543 or

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

Feng Shui! Build A Foundation For Joy!

“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.”
– Maya Angelou

As long as you live you’ll never stop dreaming. So when you realize your home is the foundation for your joy it becomes fertile ground upon which your imagination can create your dream career, your dream partner, your dream vacation or whatever you are dreaming in right now. In BSTB Feng Shui it begins with the Bagua (Template of Life). It’s the most complete guide to revitalizing a home and activating one’s dreams. If you were to craft a room with color, texture, sound or smell or a combination of these using the Feng Shui principles of design and intention, you would find it invokes your imagination. As your home becomes harmonized you are stimulated by an awakening to possibilities; you harmonize with what you desire and this broadens the spectrum of what you can foresee and magnetize.

“The more detail and clarity you bring to your dreams, the more you will be able to attract what you want.” The form and intent of the Bagua is that it is a platform upon which you create something new, to accelerate your aliveness, growth and realize your purpose. As you activate creativity in one or each gua you tap into the energy of abundance and from that frequency you manifest.

My offering this month is imagine, create, design then receive your dreams and more!

Heaven/Helpful People
Not feeling inspired? Want more time to invest in the pursuits that make you feel alive and abundant? The Helpful People gua, represented by Heaven in the I-Ching is the gua of the Creative Principle. Heaven seeds Earth to create the abundance we see all around. Expand time with an adjustment.
Cure: Place a clock with hands and face to amplify time (to do what you love).

Lacking motivation in your job? Do you daydream at your desk? It might be time to reexamine your goals to alter your belief that you can do what you love and make money at it too. Open your mind to the deep waters of your purpose with an adjustment.
Cure: Activate your intuition with the sounds of a water fountain.

Love to journal, doodle in the margins, play with words? Does it appeal to you to turn this into something that is more than a hobby? Visualize a mountain and each step is taking you to your dream. Reinforce your creativity with an adjustment.
Cure: Hang a wind chime to ring in writing a book.

Feeling uprooted? Unable to direct your attention on that dream that keeps whispering in your ear, nudging you to start? Focus your energy like thunder that strikes the ground.
Cure: Place a windmill to get a new project started.

Can’t make out what your inner guides are saying? Didn’t know you have inner guides? Feeling a bit anxious? The Wealth gua is represented by the Wind in the I-Ching. Our words, the words of our loved ones and our guides ride on the wind. Feel the wind support your higher good with an adjustment.
Cure: Hang a rainbow banner to catch the winds of good fortune.

Having trouble putting your heart into what you do? Feeling disappointment when something doesn’t turn out? Wishful thinking occupying your thoughts? Tap into your artistry. Let your heart pump happiness with an adjustment that takes you right into the present moment.
Cure: Install a bright light to illuminate your genius.

Feeling ungrounded? Or stuck in the mud? Trying to do too much for everyone else and forgetting your needs? Imagine trees laden with ripe fruit on an August day with an adjustment that nourishes your soul connection.
Cure: Place a container of seasonal flowers to remind you of the joy of receptivity.

Wonder if creativity bypassed your DNA? Having trouble being spontaneous? When was the last time you had a play date that felt meaningful? In the I-Ching this area is call The Joyous Lake. Drink in refreshment like dipping your toe into cool water on a hot summer day when you make an adjustment.
Cure: Hang a round mirror to remind you to be true to yourself and remember your bliss lies within.

The center represents the Eight Trigrams and the Ten Directions. It covers the ten thousand things. When your life is in transition and you cannot quite grab ahold of your destiny, make an adjustment here to set things straight. The shape of the Chinese coin represents Heaven and Earth, Yin and Yang, The Tao of Creation. Place one here to hold the center together.

Allow me to help you arrange your home where you feel fully supported and build a foundation for joy. I am available for a full consultation service or for an hour telephone conversation. Details are at this link Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

Light Up Your Great Ideas With Feng Shui

“If you can dream it, you can do it.”
– Walt Disney

Your home is not only a place to eat, sleep, grow your family and live out your life. Like a blank canvas waiting for color and inspiration, your home embodies a silent, subtle world that surrounds you. Intangible but palpable, it is the space that defines the rooms and encompasses your furnishings. It is the space that once is activated by turning the couch on an angle or painting a wall red or adding a bright light to the front door, is poised to help you light up your great ideas which one day may include taking a chance on something new.

I am hearing folks talk about the hard truths of 2020. They are passionate about telling their stories and up-leveling their purpose. They are writing books with compelling messages; developing brands to reflect a growing ecological kinship to the earth; planning service strategies that will support their new mission. They are trusting their higher guidance and they want to share it. If you are part of this mindfulness revolution or even dare to take your career on a new path, then let the details from the arrangement of your rooms, the flowers on your desk, the color of your walls, the images you have placed, let these personal items reflect the excitement, the dedication and engagement you give to your work everyday.

All it takes is calibrating your home to what you desire. Before launching your great idea, look around, does your home and home office reflect your value? A new desk placement can change your point of view and bring in a steady flow of income. The right color can inspire your creativity. Let your authentic self shine with Feng Shui.

Create Powerful Momentum For What Is To Come
Take Command Of Your Space
Command position is where you sit at your desk so you can see the door but not be in line of the door. And good desk placement is the mainstay in developing your ideas and services. Here are several distinguished nuances that could set your career on a trajectory for success.
– Face the door wall with your desk is in command This desk position suggests work will be steady.
– Face the side wall but still in a command position. Projects, clients, income, work will come in cycles. You may work hard for a few days or months and then have time for a vacation or simply to slow down. Ideal for a writer.
– Place your desk on an angle. If you want things to move more quickly consider moving your desk to an angled position. You can enhance this position by placing a light that shines on the desk from behind. You can also place a plant in the corner behind the desk. Or you can hang the Ten Emperor Coins with the two bamboo flutes from the Yun Lin Temple on each wall of the corner. However there is a caveat: if you do not have support to take the next steps or don’t have the financial backing to expand quickly, the placement may actually bankrupt you.
– Place your desk with a wall too close in front of you and your open-mindedness and creativity may diminish. Your learning may be slower and you may not acquire a broad range of knowledge. However if there are no other alternate choices, place a mirror on the wall in front of you or place a picture with depth or place a picture of your deity in front of you.
– Sit at your desk with a wall behind you, you will receive support and you will feel supported. You can enhance this position by sitting in a chair that has a solid back and you may receive solid advice from friends and advisors.
– Sit where there is not enough room behind you and you may not be able to turn things around when they get difficult. You may become cornered. You may lose your power and your perspective. You may not leave yourself enough room to turn around or change directions. Things may get very difficult. Make sure you have enough room behind you and if you don’t, move the desk forward.

Speak To Your Strengths
Launching a book or website you want all your forces to support you, that includes a strong front door (the mouth of Ch’i). If your front door does not face the street, it could be what is called a “hidden front door”. This position takes your voice away from the world. Opportunities do not come easily. Isolated is a manifested fear from this design detail.
– Light the top of the Hidden door with a light placed on the ground just opposite the door. It does not have to be turned on.
– Hang a wind-chime at the front door.
– Carefully mark the path to the front door, so there is no confusion. 

Enhance Your Creativity
Every aspect of your profession, service or artistry is a creative endeavor. Add the colors, white, black and green to your home office or where you brainstorm and download ideas. Green plants, flowering plants but fruiting plants in particular will enhance your career.

Reinforce Your Career (Trigram)
Purchase either a wind chime or a 40mm faceted crystal ball. Place it on your altar for nine nights. On the tenth day walk the sacred object to each trigram position of the house or office. Upon arriving at the gua, spin the crystal or shake the wind chime. When complete, walk to the center then you will be assured you have life covered. Visualize all of life’s problems are covered. When you adjust the center you want to visualize that everything is covered. Then you can hang the crystal ball in the center of the gua that needs enhancement. If you are going to adjust Career visualize you are bringing the knowledge with you, you are bringing fame with you, you are bringing helpful people with you to the Career gua so you can move forward. Visualize all the auspicious chi, visualize in with the good and out with the bad, everything is getting better and better. Visualize you have more time to give to your Career and the appropriate salary or compensation, Visualize the color of the Career gua (black). Visualize your job offer is a good package and an appropriate salary. Visualize the color of the gua as you are adding the adjustment.

Steady Your Focus
Tapping the Head three times day (108 times per round) will help you steady yourself and concentrate. The excessive Ch’i is drawn out of the brain. This method is helpful to perform at night when counting sheep has failed.

Calm Your Mind
Calm is often underrated however it is the underpinnings of inspiration when offering your services and running your business. A calm attitude engenders new ideas and insights on how to execute them.
– Color speaks the language of the brain. Wear green to calm your heart. If you or a friend’s emotions are all over the place this refreshing color will help relax (always remember to set your intention) your heart. Earth colors like yellow, brown and orange are calming as well.
– Place a Yu bowl under your bed under your heart to build trust. It allows you to trust yourself and trust what is happening around you.
– Place a red circle that has your name that you wrote on one side with a new black pen and the word “stability” on the other side. Hold your breath while you write these. Next place the red circle either under your heart under your bed or under your office chair with the word stability facing the floor to stay more calm as you create and expand your ideas.

Follow Your Impulses
Place a windmill on your property in the Family Gua to stimulate ideas for new projects.

Build Your Reputation
Red is the color of the Fire element and the Fame gua. Red is an energy source, a stimulator and a way of expelling bad Ch’i. If your reputation has been maligned, if you want to enhance your fame or if you desire to extend your reach beyond the city in which you work, paint a red wall in the Fame gua and set your intention accordingly. If that does not work with your decor plant a conifer in your back yard, the triangle is the shape that represents Fire. Or place an affirmation in the Fame gua of your home that is framed in red.

Perform 9 good deeds in one day. And continue to perform one good deed a day for 27 days. This practice will enhance the Feng Shui in your home. Abundance is synonymous with giving. The key is to help another selflessly.

Enhance Your Feng Shui
When you perform a cure, envision that you are at the juncture between heaven and earth, this visualization enables you to receive universal chi to help you overcome all your obstacles.

Allow me to help you arrange your home where you feel fully supported. I am available for a full consultation service or for an hour telephone conversation. Details are at this link Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

Black Lives Matter. Let Us Rise Together.

“We rise by lifting others.”
– Robert Ingersoll

I am reaching out to you because black lives matter more than ever. If you’ve watched the tragedies unfold these past weeks you must be struggling, suffering, angry and hurt. I feel the same. What has happened shouldn’t have. They are reprehensible, damaging to our hearts and scary. Though it may feel the world is careening off a cliff, you, me, we can steady ourselves. We can seek community, solace with our friends, solidarity with our social media tribe and we can help change the future by what we think, how we speak and what we do.

The black community has suffered injustice, racism and inequality far too long. There are Ch’i adjustments for the house, the property, the individual and the natinon. An important transcendental Ch’i adjustment for humans from BSTB Feng Shui master, H. H. “Professor” Lin Yun is perform good deeds daily. Nine, 27 or 108 magnify the intention and smooth out scoundrel Ch’i. These ripple out into the world in full, broad, beautiful waves of love and can offset forces off lesser intent. They give us back our humanity and we transmute hate by doing good. If you have been searching for ways to be helpful and to show loving kindness to the black community here are five links beginning with George Floyd Memorial Fund. At the bottom of those is where you will find more organizations who welcome your donations. Thank you!

Money, time or a smile. Each or all build a hope filled tomorrow.
George Floyd Memorial Fund: The official GoFundMe to support the Floyd family.
In Memory of Tony McDade: The official GoFundMe to support the McDade family.
Justice for Breonna Taylor: The official GoFundMe to support the Taylor Family.
The National Bail Fund Network: A national project that works with organizers, advocates and legal providers across the country that are using or contemplating using, community bail funds as part of efforts to radically change local bail systems and reduce incarceration.
The NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund: America’s premier legal organization fighting racial justice through litigation, advocacy and public education.
Ways you can support black community and fight racial discrimination. Glaad

Thank you for stopping in. I am open during shelter-in-place. I have added Zoom consultations to on-site. My services are Feng Shui a La Carte, one hour or Your House Is Talking, full consultation. I wish you well and calmness during this extraordinarily difficult time. I look forward to having a conversation with you.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.