What To Practice Before Space Clearing.

“The very center of your heart is where life begins – the most beautiful place on earth.”

Have you noticed that what you do in a worried state affects the results and the people involved? Have you noticed the opposite? Results are by far more successful when you feel calm and clear. Before you cleanse your land of unwanted energy it makes sense to cleanse your heart. There is a simple and profound yogic gesture, a mudra, that is recognized in the west as a prayer posture. It nourishes your heart and calms your mind. It encourages connection first to yourself and then to the Divine in other. It is as universal and timeless as the Tao itself.

Mudra in Sanskrit means ‘seal’ or ‘sign’. Sacred hand gestures and whole body positions are mudras that invoke a prescribed inner state. The Anjali mudra, the prayer posture, is an offering, in fact the word means offering. It is the practice of seeing the Divine in all of creation. When we bring our hands to our heart, we are meeting in the middle. It positions us at the core of our being. The roots of BTB Feng Shui stem from Hinduism. Many of the BTB Feng Shui mediations and adjustments on the cosmic scale, place the human, the mediator, in the middle, between Heaven and Earth.

When you bring your hands together you return to your heart. Literally you connect the right and left hemispheres of the brain. In yogic practice the energetic heart is visualized as a lotus at the center of the chest.  “Anjali mudra nourishes this lotus heart with awareness, gently encouraging it to open as water and light do a flower.”– Shiva Rea, The Yoga Journal

Before purifying the land and space clearing with Feng Shui ceremonies, it is essential to nourish the lotus heart within you. It is then easier to be present and joyous with the ceremonies. The salutation involving the Anjali mudra “aligns your mind (awareness), feeling (heart) and actions (body).” The BTB method that incorporates this yogic gesture is The Purification of Negative Karmas. We begin with stretching our arms wide and then bring our palms together, holding the Anjali mudra over our crown chakra or sahasrara. This posture is accompanied by the chant, Om. As the sound reverberates in the space, we gently bring our awareness and palms to our mouth/throat, vocalizing the sound, Ah. Next lowering our palms to our heart chakra or anahata, suspending them in this place we express Hum. Completing the cycle here, we bring our palms together briefly and then cast our hands down our sides to the Earth with the request that all karmas are purified rapidly, the sound we utter is Shia. This is repeated two more cycles with the second cycle removing negative karma from the body, speech, mind. The third cycle involves releasing bad luck and sick chi and finish by inviting virtuous deeds and positive karma to blossom rapidly. This purification is a way of bridging inner and out experience; it can cool the fires of stress or when you feel reactionary. From here you can begin any activity from a place of connectedness. This purification stabilizes your body and mind before performing a space blessing. With peace and clarity your land or home receives your deepest intentions.

Want to focus on one or two areas of your home? Feng Shui A La Carte is designed get you started on harmonizing your space right away.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

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