Feng Shui Design For Better Immune Health

“You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control  what goes on inside.”
–Dr. Wayne Dyer

Staying healthy is a premium during this Covid-19 quarantine. Immune health isn’t necessarily a goal we connect with our homes but in reality our spaces are the barriers against illness. I have been contemplating what will be useful to you during this extraordinarily difficult time. I have curated ten adjustments and ceremonies (a qigong practice too) to help you minimize stress, strengthen your immune health and a Feng Shui tip for the front door to get clarity about what course of action to take.

Defense against stress
Over the past 20 years scientific studies have reported stress is the number one causes of illness besides inflammation. If you are working from home and if you are looking after your children, place three lush, green plants in every room where you work and also where you supervise your children. Plants enhance concentration, abate air toxicity, minimize tension, increase your immune health and lift your frame of mind.

Light the front entry (the brighter the better), both the outside and the inside of the front door. The front entrance represents your head besides your health, the light brings more clarity to your brain, helping you choose the right course of action to take.

Worried about the future? Adjust any dark small or narrow area near the front door or the door you enter often. Add sound here. Hang a bell on the door or a wind chime from the ceiling. Clean up any untidy plants at the front door.  Adjust the Helpful People area with a statue or an image of someone who is a mentor, teacher, someone you highly respect. It can also be an image of a deity. If a statue of a deity make sure it is up off the floor. Or place an image or statue of a dragon, (not red, that is a cooked dragon). They are mythical creatures who have benevolent intent to help humans. 

Lost your job during this time? Check to see if one of your doors, particularly the front door opens to a wall. This is known as a contrary door. Your shoulders may be starting to weigh upon your heart and lungs, depleting your pulmonary system, weakening your ability to ward off virus and illnesses. Adjust this feature by hanging a mirror (be sure not to cut off the top of your head nor chin) on the wall that you see as you enter. This wakes up your Ch’i .

SARS outbreak of 2003, scientists discovered the infectious disease spread like wildfire throughout an apartment complex via the sewage pipes. Clean your sewage pipes. If you live in an apartment building contact your landlord.

Harmonize Your Energy
Dried orange peels were used for centuries in ancient China. They were an important part of traditional Chinese medicine. Perform a ceremony with nine whole oranges. Cut nine circles out of each orange for a total of 81 circles. Break those down on a plate and while doing so see the light of 10,000 Buddhas being infused into the peels. Start at your front door and walk around your home (either clockwise or counter clockwise) casting the peels onto the floor. Visualize the light of 10,000 Buddhas is removing any sick Ch’i, bad luck Ch’i and bankruptcy Ch’i, instead happy Ch’i, wealth Ch’i and abundant blessings have come to nest in your home. Best to do this at 11:00 p.m.

Acrid odors have been used in China for centuries to stave off illness. Hang one of the following in your space. Be sure it is visible to everyone. You are adjusting by the sense of smell.
Cloves of garlic
Curry, dill or duren
Garlic chives
Red pepper
Raw onions
Orange peel

Besides cleansing your surfaces, take the opportunity to cleanse your lymphatic system. “This system builds immune health by making special white blood cells called lymphocytes that produce antibodies which are responsible for immune responses that defend the body against disease.” (Unity Point) Tai Chi Forest qigong shares a calming, clarifying short video on tapping the lymphatic meridians. 

According to Thich Nhat Hanh, “a mantra is a magic formula that, once it is uttered, can entirely change a situation, our mind, our body or a person. But this magic formula must be spoken in a state of concentration-that is to say, a state in which body and mind are absolutely in a state of unity.” Tara is the “Mother of all the Buddhas” and she protects the welfare of all beings. Find an image of Red Tara to help you focus. Red Tara eats up illness. Her right eye reflects the sun and kills the virus. The left eye reflects the moon. An elixir pours out of her eyes healing those afflicted. As you face her she connects to your heart and the light sends to you comes from your heart and circles the planet. As you visualize the above, chant, “Om Tara Tuttare Ture Soha” 108 times.

Kindness matches the same vibration as abundance. Perform one good deed a day for 27 days or 9 good deeds a day for nine days to improve your luck and strengthen your cures.

I wish for you good health, peace and hope.

Allow me to help you arrange your home where you feel fully supported. I am available for a full consultation Service or for an hour telephone conversation. Details are at this link Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

Take Command Of Your Sleep, Start With Feng Shui Design

“By helping us keep the world in perspective, sleep gives us a chance to refocus on the essence of who we are. And in that place of connection, it is easier for the fears and concerns of the world to drop away.”
– Arianna Huffington, The Sleep Revolution

In July I shared with you I will be part of an anthology, Recipes For Living Coloring Journal. It’s no surprise my chapter is devoted to how Feng Shui bedroom design helps you sleep better. I truly believe the bedroom is the most important room in the house. So when I read Arianna Huffington’s account of her “wake up call” in The Sleep Revolution, I knew that the benefits of Feng Shui design need to spread throughout the world.

“We are in a sleep deprivation crisis,” writes Ms. Huffington. “I experienced firsthand the high price we’re paying for cheating sleep when I collapsed from exhaustion.” She goes on to say, “If we look at our lives as a spiritual journey, sleep becomes a key paradox: when we completely identify with our persona in this world–with our job, our appearance, our bank account–we are asleep to life’s deeper dimensions….We are living in a golden age of sleep science–revealing all the ways in which sleep and dreams play a vital role in our decision making, emotional intelligence, cognitive function and creativity. And how lack of sleep is often the culprit behind anxiety, stress, depression and a myriad of health problems.” (Harmony Books, The Sleep Revolution)

Consulting with my clients I have discovered a similar loop. Usually it takes the form of an underlying anxiety that monitors their decision making where their choices are based on a stress response. For nearly everyone of them this stems from an exhaustive bedroom design.

Sleep not only helps you work efficiently but be a productive part of society. Yet productivity is but one piece of the well-being matrix. Living fully and consciously means tapping into your creativity, your rich well of emotions and you soul’s purpose.

Of all the Feng Shui design advice I give on the bedroom, I have found “placing the bed in command position” carries the most weight in addressing productivity (yang) and creativity (yin) of our everyday lives. And for those who constantly deal with anxiety, worry and depression, it is a gift for the soul. Bed placement creates a palpable shift in your emotions and I have seen a positive attitude change as a result. Choices come from confidence rather than the seat of the pants. Clarity eliminates self-sabotaging behavior that cycles into stress. Inspiration flows freely as the brain functions at its optimal capacity rather than run on auto-pilot.

If you’ve had doubts why changing your bed position is a good idea, I’ve included a short list. You may be surprised how it influences your health and peace of mind.

  • Heart troubles. Where your bed is positioned can place stress on your emotional heart. Prolonged stress can develop into physical heart troubles including a murmur and arrhythmia.
  • Illness along the midline. Your major organs from your brain to your kidneys can be affected.
  • Insomnia and restless sleep. Our brain is responsible for our survival. It we’re too close to an entrance, either facing it, to the side of it or behind it, this placement triggers the amygdala (the fight-or-flight mechanism). Our brain never shuts off and this weakens the immune system which depends on releasing toxins and building tissue in sleep.
  • Missed opportunity. If you sleep in line of the door your body never lets down at night to rejuvenate. During the day you may be preoccupied with a low grade headache which will invariably eclipse a chance meeting or being considered for promotion.
  • Mood swings. If your bed is on the door wall, you cannot see who is coming, you may feel a sense of danger and you may be blind-sided.

Command position is based on H.H. ”Professor” Lin’s Theory of Relative Positioning which states, the energy that is closest to you affects you the most. Think of the gunslinger in the old westerns. He always had his back to the wall and his eye on the saloon doors. Never too close and not in line of those swinging doors.

  • Your bedroom door determines command position.
  • The door should be within eyeshot of the bed.
  • The bed placement should allow the widest scope of vision of the door.
  • The best placement when feasible is the farther wall from the bedroom door.

As you lay in bed tonight take a moment and observe your surroundings. What do you see? What do you feel? Self awareness is key to getting a good night’s sleep.

Have you decided this will be your year? “Boldness has genius”…start with one hour of Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

December 11 New Moon. Dancing With The Stars.

“That’s what makes the tango so great. If you make a mistake, get all tangled up, just tango on.”
–Lieutenant Colonel Frank, Slade, Scent of a Woman

Dancing with the stars and the December new moon, Rat skillfully glides onto heaven’s indigo sky. Rat, the first animal of the Chinese Zodiac is associated with water, the start of life and wise souls are they. Life shows up for everyone as an occasional unexpected event or un-welcomed change but with Rat’s clever mind, quick-witted response and steady persistence, he/she can untangle a difficult situation and tango on with ease. Grounded, peaceful, social and caring, Rat is devoted to friends and family. Love runs deep and when things go sour, they can easily get their toes stepped on. However with philosophical perseverance, they gracefully two step through sorrow to come back to their inherent disposition of peace, hope and happiness. If conflict arises, take a hint from Rat and tango on. The holidays are here to enjoy!

For some Chinese zodiac animals the month may feel like a switch in tempo. Be prepared with these Month of the Rat soundbites if your dance partner waltzes you into a fox trot and onto a rumba. Rat: helpful people are watching your back but it is not an excuse to drive in the fast lane. Be conservative and you will easily gain what you desire. A month to focus on harmony in relationships. Ox: a Six Harmony month! The auspicious energy will have you feeling your best. Wealth luck is extremely good. Potential for a wedding or special occasion is in the air. Besides all this luck continue to perform good deeds then your success will take little effort. Tiger: a good month to be reserved. Speaking could lead to mistakes. The stars indicate accidents or disasters could happen. You could be offered a promotion, accept it! Rabbit: focus on family and your partner this month. Your finances are on the upswing. You have the opportunity to make money from proper and alternative sources. Perform good deeds to help you get past any adversity. Dragon: a red banner month! Career, happiness, wealth and good fortune find their way to you. Helpful people are nearby to support you. Be careful about impulsive actions. Snake: luck is riding on your shoulders! Your finances rise and your investments pay dividends. Wherever you have put your efforts, the energy comes back to you, even in the form of a promotion opportunity. Horse: be mindful, the energy has shifted and there are dark clouds on the horizon. An accident involving blood is possible. Don’t be drawn into other people’s affairs. Live honorably and play it safe. Ram: a “Most Confrontational” month. Not only will you experience obstacles but your peace of mind will be affected. There may be malicious gossip about you. Keep a low profile and remain conservative. Monkey: money and fame follow you everywhere. Your family is united or reunited and there will be great joy from this. If you are a business person you receive a promotion. If you are a student you receive recognition. Rooster: you may be feeling unstable. You and your loved one may have spats that affect you at work. With your colleagues be compassionate. But that applies to everyone too. Dog: adversity is around the corner, focus on calm to get you through. Never trouble until trouble, troubles you. Pig: like a beautiful lake everything looks calm when in fact you have a lot on your mind. You may experience disputes with family and peers. Settle quickly with an agreement.

Happy Holidays, Zodiac Friends! May all your wishes come true!

Thank you to Khadro Crystal Chu, Black Sect Esoteric Buddhist Feng Shui for your unfailing command of Feng Shui and Chinese metaphysics.

Have questions about your home? Design it with vitality and beauty and feel at ease with Feng Shui A La Carte.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.