Design Your Life Around Your Purpose

“Your life has purpose. Your story is important. Your dreams count. Your voice matters. You were born to make an impact.
– Author unknown

When you make a decision you’re dynamic and you are powerful (thank you Abraham Hicks). This mindset immediately creates a field that surrounds you with positive intent where everything moves in cooperation with what you’ve asked for and supports your alignment with your desires.

When you are in symmetry with your desires (this is where Feng Shui comes in) the design of your home, the arrangement of your furniture, the position of your desk, bed and stove, the alignment of Ch’i and the accents to the front door maximize the wish-fulfilling energy coming into your house. This positive Ch’i creates worlds. So you may want to consider this: envision the walls in your home, the shape of your furnishings, color and lighting in your rooms, less as physical, finite objects and more as you’re composing a directive to assemble the people, places and events you desire to experience. Consciously putting your home into order yields the good fortune (luck, money, love) that blesses you.

For my September blog I am offering a secret enhancement to design your life around your purpose. This cure is from Professor Lin’s infinite body of Feng Shui wisdom. But before I give you the secret cure, consider implementing these practices, they are 99% on the mark to help you succeed.

Professor Lin recommends that meditating daily has extraordinary benefits: it calms your mind, you develop the focus to act with discernment and it broadens your inspiration, all of which help you master your life. Allow meditation to have a place in your day to access your inner voice, your intuition, it has wise messages for you. Add journaling and chanting to encourage self-esteem and self-reliance. Include a personal mantra or Buddhist mantras to transform your inner dialogue so that you recognize what you nurture, you becomeThen this cure will be the most effective and powerful.

Place the bed, desk and stove in command position (you can see the door but not be in line of the door) because these areas are your command centers. You make more powerful yet meaningful Feng Shui adjustments when you understand how lack of command hinders your ability to stay aligned with your desires. The necessity for command position influences your sense of safety; you may experience lack of opportunity; anger and mood swings. In the case if the bed is out of command heart trouble, insomnia and illness along the midline (among other health issues) may arise. When your desk is out of command you may have an outdated perspective, unable to see both opportunity and trouble coming and experience lack of support. If you cannot see what is going on while you are at the stove, this suggests a downturn in finances, diminished good luck and heart trouble. Referred back to the 27 Bedroom Concepts for how to place your bed in command, it will apply to the desk too. If you have a question about command position I am happy to answer your inquiry. Please contact me (I follow the Red Envelope Tradition). In Feng Shui Matters To Your Heart, I share a list of design features that affect your focus and clarity. The list can be useful when you are wanting to make a change.

Ba-gua Formation
Choose either your house or your lot, but do not mix and match them. Perform this sequence for either the house or the lot not both. It’s like saying you do not trust the cure’s effectiveness. These specific adjustments mentioned are meant to be suggestions. Please be mindful of the character and qualities of the gua you are enhancing. If you go your own way, your cure could be less effective and then you may conclude the cure does not work.

Perform this cure between the hours of 11 pm to 1 am (Zi hours) or 11 am to 1 pm (Wu hours). You will complete this cure in eight days. If you miss a day you must start over at Helpful People.

Day One
Begin with the Helpful People (Chien)Gua. It is located in the front right corner of the house or lot. Outside you can place a tall rock or a bird bath, a statue of a Buddha. Place something that has weight. Inside a photo of a travel destination you love. A mirror will expand this area with the proper intention.

Day Two
Move clockwise to Career (Kan). If you know a blessing ritual from the Black Sect Buddhist Feng Shui perform that. An image of water or an actual water feature or a photo of your ancestors or an affirmation for your career are appropriate.

Day Three
Next move to Knowledge (Gen). It is located in the front left corner of your home or lot). Hang a wind chime or place an image of a mountain or a pathway or archway. Something that leads you into contemplation.

Day Four
Continue clockwise to Family (Jen). Hang a wind chime to encourage good luck for the family. Or plant bamboo. It bends in the wind; it bows in the wind and implies having the flexible Ch’i to get along with family members. Or hang an image of bamboo in this area of your home.

Day Five
Move to the back left corner to Wealth (Hsun). It is related to Wind in the I-Ching and also the Wood element. Water is usually depicted here. Hang an image of grasses blowing in the wind. Or place a convex mirror to expand the various resources to receive money.

Day Six
Continue on to the back center of the house or lot. This is the Fame Gua (Li). It means Radiance or Clarity also Clinging (as Fire clings to whatever it is burning). A spot light here to shine the light on your reputation or a crystal to add radiance to your visibility in your community.

Day Seven
Move in a clockwise fashion to Partnership (Kun) which is in the right back corner of the house or lot. This is an Earth gua. Containers, pottery, a bench, or a wheelbarrow are appropriate. Add pink roses in the house or plant roses in the yard in this area.

Day Eight
The last enhancement. This area is the Children Gua (Dui). It is mistaken for Creativity, creativity belongs to all the guas. A white statue for the lot or place a metal statue of children playing. Something hand made by a child like a drawing would activate the Ch’i. 

A home that is not a complete rectangle may have a missing area or in some cases like an L shape home, an extension. These need an adjustment before you begin the Bagua Formation cure.

Want to get started right away? Design your life around your purpose? Let’s get started! A well-designed space allows you to access positive energy at all times. Call me, 503-232-2543 and I will help you arrange your home where you feel fully supported. I am available for a full consultation or for an hour telephone conversation, Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

Say Yes! To Abundance And Change

“There is only “yes” in the Universe!”
Abraham Hicks

Let’s start the new year with a big Yes! Big dreams manifest when you play with the design in your home! Design that nurtures, comforts, moves, attracts and manifests abundance. Feng Shui, is the game-changer and when we decorate our homes with beautiful decor, life force and lots of love (for love is Ch’i), prosperity flows right into our front door.

Are you ready for change? The Year of the Yang Earth Dog (why Chinese new year is celebrated ) begins February 16, 2018. Rumors promise it will be a year of harmony yet a mountain is a mighty big force to move. Eminent astrologers are predicting we can expect standoffs too. Maybe your parents, your spouse or your children will take on the stress. The month before the lunar calendar shift is a perfect time to prepare for the change. My method: measuring tape, deep breaths, chant a few mantras, then decorate for success. I want you to accomplish anything you set your mind to do, so I’ve included eight life designs I believe will inspire you to create abundance and manifest your dreams in 2018.

Function At Your Highest Potential Beginning the year in a mood swing only blocks our higher instincts. But we can eliminate self doubt, anger and fear with a qigong practice. Similar to an acupuncture treatment tapping opens the meridians in the brain and dissipates excess energy. The clarity helps us to get an objective distance on the internal conflict.
Tapping the Head.
If you have trouble sleeping this practice can restore energy, enthusiasm and reverse the downward spiral of pessimism. Also if you have a problem to solve the answer may appear spontaneously.
• Use the ends of the fingers of both hands, tap simultaneously on the the head at least 108 times.
• You may repeat this cycle two more times for a total of three times or 324 taps.
• Perform this exercise every morning, noon and evening.
• Repeat for 27 days.

Open New Doors Literally! If you never use your front door (only entering through the garage) this can cause a sense of suffocation in the house. It will create lack of Ch’i of all kinds: health ch’i, wealth ch’i, spiritual ch’i… When the front door isn’t used, there is a feeling of no place to go nor a sense of oneself – the Ch’i is stuck. It’s difficult to feel abundance, make money nor ask people for money. Use the front door at least once a month. Or open it nine times a month. Nuance: The front door represents Helpful People. Create a well-defined path with lush greenery, colorful plants and lighting. Add a bright light at the door and for greater emphasis an automatic sound that goes off or a light that comes on upon entering the home. We need for Helpful People have to know where you find us.

Counteract A Financial Downturn December 2017 the east coast of the United States experienced a supersize snow storm creating a supersize void in income. Staying home and playing it safe was important, but making a livelihood is too. This Feng Shui solution can turn our finances to flowing again. Keep in mind the stove is symbolic of our finances. A vent or microwave over our stove oppresses it. Applying green above our stove will lift the energy, creating more opportunities for money to come to us:
• easily
• without pressure
• relieves worry

Spin The Wheel of Fortune If your financial situation has you worried, place an image of a wind mill into Hsun, the Wealth corner, of your property or home. If a three dimensional wind mill is used, make sure the spokes move. The movement will get your luck with finances moving again.

Promises From Heaven If there is an image of the sky represented in a picture in the home, a mirror can be hung in your Wealth corner to capture and move the image to Hsun/Wealth. A clear, bright sky represents heaven. The mirror may allow the kingdom of heaven to penetrate the material world bringing prosperity.

Advise That Keeps The Pocketbook Happy We need Helpful People in our life. We need the right advisers. We need not find someone who will send us down the wrong path. The front right corner of our property is the Helpful People corner. Place something here that has weight like a statue of a deity, a bird bath or a rock from Mt. Tai Shan or a sacred site. Or place inside the home a statue of a green or golden dragon (never place a red dragon for the poor fellow is cooked) or a running horse. These animals represent the power of Heaven (from the I-Ching this area is called Tian/Chien/Chyan which translates as Heaven).

Solve Good Luck Problems Calling on abundance from Heaven and Earth. When there is more than one problem to be solved and we do not have the money to do many cures. Turn the Pre-Heaven Ba-gua (flat mirror is preferable but convex will work) upside down; place Earth (three broken lines) at the top, and Heaven (three solid lines) at the bottom and adhere to the door jam or wall over the front door. Heaven is below and Earth is above. This reversal of positions brings Heaven to Earth. This notion of Paradise derives from Hexagram 11 of the I-Ching.

Meditate To Access Your Inner Guidance There is a place within you that is totally connected with the infinite wisdom of the Universe. It has all the answers to all the questions you will ask. You can learn to trust your guidance when you create a consistent practice of meditation. It will keep you safe. Supreme Yoga Section One. (red envelopes requested)

Do One Good Deed A Day Do it with sincerity and wealth will come quickly. Perform one good deed a day for 27 days. Stop for three days and start again. Perform the cures and ceremonies visualize this is helping our neighbors, the community, the city, the state, the country and the world. Performing good deeds daily will help the cures to work more quickly and draw in abundance.

Have you decided this will be your year? “Boldness has genius”… start with one hour of Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

Take Command Of Your Sleep, Start With Feng Shui Design

“By helping us keep the world in perspective, sleep gives us a chance to refocus on the essence of who we are. And in that place of connection, it is easier for the fears and concerns of the world to drop away.”
– Arianna Huffington, The Sleep Revolution

In July I shared with you I will be part of an anthology, Recipes For Living Coloring Journal. It’s no surprise my chapter is devoted to how Feng Shui bedroom design helps you sleep better. I truly believe the bedroom is the most important room in the house. So when I read Arianna Huffington’s account of her “wake up call” in The Sleep Revolution, I knew that the benefits of Feng Shui design need to spread throughout the world.

“We are in a sleep deprivation crisis,” writes Ms. Huffington. “I experienced firsthand the high price we’re paying for cheating sleep when I collapsed from exhaustion.” She goes on to say, “If we look at our lives as a spiritual journey, sleep becomes a key paradox: when we completely identify with our persona in this world–with our job, our appearance, our bank account–we are asleep to life’s deeper dimensions….We are living in a golden age of sleep science–revealing all the ways in which sleep and dreams play a vital role in our decision making, emotional intelligence, cognitive function and creativity. And how lack of sleep is often the culprit behind anxiety, stress, depression and a myriad of health problems.” (Harmony Books, The Sleep Revolution)

Consulting with my clients I have discovered a similar loop. Usually it takes the form of an underlying anxiety that monitors their decision making where their choices are based on a stress response. For nearly everyone of them this stems from an exhaustive bedroom design.

Sleep not only helps you work efficiently but be a productive part of society. Yet productivity is but one piece of the well-being matrix. Living fully and consciously means tapping into your creativity, your rich well of emotions and you soul’s purpose.

Of all the Feng Shui design advice I give on the bedroom, I have found “placing the bed in command position” carries the most weight in addressing productivity (yang) and creativity (yin) of our everyday lives. And for those who constantly deal with anxiety, worry and depression, it is a gift for the soul. Bed placement creates a palpable shift in your emotions and I have seen a positive attitude change as a result. Choices come from confidence rather than the seat of the pants. Clarity eliminates self-sabotaging behavior that cycles into stress. Inspiration flows freely as the brain functions at its optimal capacity rather than run on auto-pilot.

If you’ve had doubts why changing your bed position is a good idea, I’ve included a short list. You may be surprised how it influences your health and peace of mind.

  • Heart troubles. Where your bed is positioned can place stress on your emotional heart. Prolonged stress can develop into physical heart troubles including a murmur and arrhythmia.
  • Illness along the midline. Your major organs from your brain to your kidneys can be affected.
  • Insomnia and restless sleep. Our brain is responsible for our survival. It we’re too close to an entrance, either facing it, to the side of it or behind it, this placement triggers the amygdala (the fight-or-flight mechanism). Our brain never shuts off and this weakens the immune system which depends on releasing toxins and building tissue in sleep.
  • Missed opportunity. If you sleep in line of the door your body never lets down at night to rejuvenate. During the day you may be preoccupied with a low grade headache which will invariably eclipse a chance meeting or being considered for promotion.
  • Mood swings. If your bed is on the door wall, you cannot see who is coming, you may feel a sense of danger and you may be blind-sided.

Command position is based on H.H. ”Professor” Lin’s Theory of Relative Positioning which states, the energy that is closest to you affects you the most. Think of the gunslinger in the old westerns. He always had his back to the wall and his eye on the saloon doors. Never too close and not in line of those swinging doors.

  • Your bedroom door determines command position.
  • The door should be within eyeshot of the bed.
  • The bed placement should allow the widest scope of vision of the door.
  • The best placement when feasible is the farther wall from the bedroom door.

As you lay in bed tonight take a moment and observe your surroundings. What do you see? What do you feel? Self awareness is key to getting a good night’s sleep.

Have you decided this will be your year? “Boldness has genius”…start with one hour of Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.