Feng Shui. The Gift of Helpful People.

“Success is never accidental.”
– Jack Dorsey
21 years ago the Bagua spoke to me about my life’s journey and what it would look like through my home’s design. Its principles spoke of my values, my relationships, my soul’s purpose, my karma, my life story. Like a vision unfolding inside a sorcerer’s crystal ball, it revealed how I would handle situations, lose money, make money, create opportunities, find mentors, fall in love and develop my career. It paved the way for me to learned that intentional decorating with sacred objects generates a vibrational pattern that attracts the people and events that would bring to me satisfaction and success. I discovered I enjoy being a Helpful Person. Giving to others fits seamlessly with my sensibilities, sense of purpose and love of being a conduit for positive change.

Do you wish you could find an expert mechanic? Desire a business network that mirrors your dream for growth? Yearn for a massage therapist who can penetrate to your knotty spots or a wealth advisor who can astutely guide your financial plans? Cultivating the Helpful People sector not only gives you a sense that you will manage life changing events but also create:
• Good timing to grasp opportunities right when they happen.
• Increase synchronicity in your daily activities.
• Know there is help when you falter.
• Confidently pursue what matters to you most.

Let’s explore the meaning of this area which will give clues as to why it will benefit you to activate it. Helpful People/Travel’s domain is Heaven, the Creative Principle, where ideas and desires haven’t yet taken form. The Creative is the underlying energy that initiates momentum. If you have something you wish to manifest like purchasing a new house, it first exists in the subtle realm before it becomes manifest in the physical. When it’s an idea, a dream, it’s intangible and this is where you take it to the Helpful People to initiate what you wish to materialize. This area of the Bagua represents the father, males and in the human body it is the head (look in this area if you experience headaches). It will help you find the experienced realtor, the gentle dentist or the mentor – friends, experts and professionals who make life easier. When you immerse yourself in this energy, flow, serendipity, synchronicity and luck are ever present. Reasons enough to add a sacred object here to set this principle into motion.   

What is in the front right corner of your home? What do you see? Is it even there? Could be missing? Is there a bathroom? Is there a garage? Are there stairs? Do you see clutter or calm?

Design Details
Missing area
There is no place to draw Helpful People into your sphere. You are not able to access all their benefits. No one may come to your aid.
• The color of the gua (gray for Helpful People), painted on the wall adjacent to the missing piece, can push the wall out to give back the missing piece.
• Or if you live in a home, then make the adjustment on the lot. Install a light pole or add a water fountain, bird bath or tall rock at the intersection of the missing corner.
• Or place a convex mirror and like the paint, push the wall out to give back the missing piece.

Folks would call you lucky and fortunate. You can invite more Helpful People to shape your life as you see fit with an adjustment.
• Hang an image of a place you love to travel or have traveled, a deity, a mentor, a time piece like a large clock (do not accept a clock as a gift or if you given one, do the following). When the giver gives a clock it sounds like “to bid farewell” – to see someone to his or her death. Collect a red envelope with money in it if you give a clock as a gift.

One of four inauspicious places in the home. The bathroom is symbolic of our expenses and our internal plumbing. As a result it affects the luck, health and wealth of the occupants of the home. The Helpful People gua is opposite the Wealth gua and the two of them work together. A bathroom in Helpful People gua will deplete that gua. It can drain away the Helpful People in your life. Helpful People bring you money and pay you money for the work you do and help you with your career.
• Mirror outside of the bathroom door. It brings to the bathroom door the reflection of whatever is opposite the mirror. It will appear the bathroom is no longer present and that it has become something else. Even if you leave the door open this adjustment is still effective.
• Or place a round mirror on the ceiling above the toilet. You can use a flat, convex or Sun Moon mirror. Do not use a concave mirror. The mirror counteracts the energy leaving through the drain.
(A bathroom in an extension to a Helpful People gua will deplete or negate all the good fortune of the extension).

Not an issue.
• Enhance this area with a power animal like a five-toed Imperial Dragon (but do not choose a red dragon because that is a cooked Dragon) to draw to your aid the power of Heaven. In ancient times, emperors wore garments with dragons on them. A civilian was not allowed to wear such garments. The leader’s ch’i was infused with the ch’i of the dragon which is symbolic of power. If you use the dragon design in business, you may attain both wealth and power. 

Helpful People represents the Metal element, Fire melts Metal. You may find it difficult getting your ideas off the ground or attracting the right kind of folks who will support your creativity.
• Place a mirror over the fireplace, allowing the Water (symbolized by the mirror) to put out the Fire.
• Add water near the fireplace.
• Add the color black (also symbolic of Water) near the fireplace.
• Add wood, or the color green (symbolic of Wood), so that the fire burns the wood and not the family resources.
• Add an Earth element to put out the Fire. (the color yellow, a square bench, or a potted plant.)

Stairs anywhere are a fluctuating energy. Helpful People could be unreliable. Your father might have an unstable personality. You might manifest opportunities only to have them disappear quickly.
• Lift the Ch’i with a mirror at the top of the stairs, a wind chime or a faceted crystal.

Life Situations
A Run Of Bad Luck
Activate Helpful People in the bed, the bedroom, and the office.

Intangible Stress
If there is something you can’t quite put your finger on, you feel pressure and you can’t quite understand what’s causing it.
• Make an adjustment in Helpful People sector. It could be in the house, the office, the bedroom or any Helpful People gua.

Heavenly Aid
If you are working on a project which requires lots of Helpful People.
• Make an adjustment on the lot, the house and the bedroom (all three). Some of the ancient images associated with the trigram Heaven, the trigram for the Helpful People gua, are: dragons, horses, lions, elephants, geese, fruit trees, meadows and plains with a prominent sky, the famous, the elderly, a dignified ruler, a dome and a clock tower, a skyscraper. For example, where there are horses there is success and a fruit tree displays its bounty in the season of Heaven, autumn (Five Elements).

Allow me to help you arrange your home where you feel fully supported. I am available for a full consultation service or for an hour telephone conversation. Details are at this link Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

Feng Shui Cures That Make A Place For Joy

And Doors Will Open For You!

“The most fearless thing we can do is keep showing up with love, gratitude and joy in our real, right-now lives.”
Sarah Bessey

The winds have let loose and leaves will soon cover the ground. September marks the time of getting everything in order and turning our attention towards eliminating what is unnecessary, simplifying our objectives and refining our surroundings.

As we draw inward the fluctuations in Fall make for a balancing act of minding our discernment, our emotions and our lungs. As we slow down to regain equanimity, big questions may surface. Have I accomplished what I set out to do? Do I have the courage to ask for what I want? Where can I find meaning that will bring me joy? If you’ve sought answers to questions like these but have only been stopped by obstacles, your home may have some answers.

The Children gua (Bagua) is associated with Fall. In the Chinese Five Elements this season relates to Metal. Step over the threshold of your home and turn your body right at a 45 degree angle, look to middle area and there you’ll find Tui/Children. The I-Ching describes Tui like a smiling, clear lake. The quality is joy based on steadfastness. When we harvest what we have sown, it brings happiness, pleasure and satisfaction. However if every autumnal equinox you feel anxious; you cannot complete what you started; there are blocks to reaping the fruit of your labor and there is no spice in your life; what is going on in this area? Are there stairs? Is there a bathroom? Is there a stove out of command? Any one of these design features may inhibit your full expression of joy. Correct the Feng Shui in your home and you will open the doors to your bliss.

Design features in the Children Gua that could be limiting your joy.
Bathroom: energy drain. Adjustment: Program a 3 inch round mirror to collect the energy that is leaving the house via the toilet. Position the mirror on the ceiling over the toilet bowl with the reflective over the toilet. Set your intention that the mirror counteracts the energy that is dissipating through the drain.

Stairs: move up and down. They are a fluctuating energy that creates instability. Cure: Program a wind chime or 40 mm crystal with the intention to lift the inconstant energy of the stairs upwards .

Stove out of command: cannot tell what is going on around you. The experience is limited opportunity; feeling out of control and ill at ease. Correct: Place a mirror the length and height of the tallest person in the house on the wall opposite the stove. Seeing what is going on behind you calms your brain and smooths your senses.

If you have made the adjustments and still feel a lack of courage and childlike wonder, your Metal could be depleted. Add yellow to the Children gua in your home. In the Five Elements, Earth is the mother of Metal and feeds Metal. It is represented by the color yellow. Place an yellow object (your child’s watercolor of the sun, a set of brass candlesticks, silk sunflowers) in Children gua and visualize the Ch’i of joy spreads like a sunbeam over the lake. You can take this down when you have regained your bliss.

Each gua is associated with a body part. With Children it is the mouth. If a family member is critical and harsh or talks, talks, talks all the time to fill the air, this is a Metal excess. Bring in a healthy, lush green plant and set the intention that the Wood’s vitality provides a complementary rising life force to the shrinking, critical, chatty, demanding Metal personality. Or if you have received feedback that you are overly critical, wear a non-metallic ring on your third finger of your right hand if you are a woman and the third finger of your left hand if you are a man. Visualize that you weigh the impact of your words before you speak.

Though white is the color for the Children Gua, you can add light tones of silver, light gray, yellow and light browns. Metal objects or art work by children stimulate joy. Always set your intention for the optimal activation of this gua.

Every season serves a purpose and life will always present you with change. Make a place for joy in your home and know that the right doors will open for you.

Have you decided this will be your year? “Boldness has genius”… start with one hour of Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

Photo credit: @HaywardMedia, Dreamstime

Feng Shui Miracles

“Always throw split salt over your left shoulder, keep rosemary by your garden gate, plant lavender for luck and fall in love whenever you can.”
– Unknown

Eighteen years ago Feng Shui opened my eyes to a world of energy that lies below our awareness yet has the power to impact our environment, our relationships, our attitude and our future. It also produces miracles when nurtured. How do I know? Barbara’s story tells it best.

Barbara had fallen in love with a craftsman style home here in Portland and wanted to get started right away on aligning the energy with her lifestyle. Before the sale was finalized she requested a Feng Shui consultation. I gave her ideas about her home’s design but before I left we stepped into the backyard. I saw the entangled Ch’i from the previous owner’s neglect: the dark, overgrown vegetation; broken, rotting fence and the presence of hungry ghosts.

Aware of how it looked she wasn’t aware of what it meant and when I shared this, her eyes got very big. Instead of reacting Barbara dug in (literally for ten months) to do what she needed to create the paradise she envisioned. Once she moved she asked me to return to perform space blessings. I brought my ceremonial bowl, rituals, mantras, prayers and she supplied the high proof liquor, the rice, the special powders and the intention to bless her property. Together we made what we call in BTB Feng Shui “sacred food” to feed the “hungry ghosts” because Barbara was determined to start on the right foot.

We walked the property, chanted blessings and offered sacred food all the while asking the spirits to be well fed and leave, or stay and be helpful friends. Pretty uneventful until we stepped into the backyard where I tripped on “air”, the bowl flipped out of my hands and the rice went flying. A trickster hungry ghost had no intention of leaving. Fortunately we retrieved most of the rice, I got my composure back and we persevered. It nearly happened a second time. This was definitely a tenacious spirit. After we completed the ceremonies, I suggested that Barbara perform this same one over the next two days to strengthen the work we had done.

Before I continue I believe it’s important to share a synchronous moment prior to my arrival. As I was driving to Barbara’s home a crow flew alongside my car at my head height for a good distance. After I left the consultation, I consulted the I-Ching and shared with Barbara what I had received: Hexagram 27, what Willhelm Baynes calls“The Corners of the Mouth” (Toltec I-Ching calls it “Trusting Intuition”)
The Judgement explained:
The corners of the mouth.
Perseverance brings good fortune.
Pay heed to the providing of nourishment.
And to what a man seeks
To fill his own mouth with. 

Crows are shape shifters, their presence helped us shape shift the land. Barbara replied. “There was a really big energy shift right after I finished the last ceremony yesterday and in the morning crows were in in my front yard eating the rice! I got the sense they were taking it to another dimension, helping to shift and transform the energies.”

Over the months Barbara and her husband nourished the land with blessing ceremonies, cleared gnarly areas, removed invasive species, installed a new fence, met with the neighbors and planted their dream garden. Throughout they resolved to keep their hearts in the right place, be good stewards and be a positive influence for the neighborhood. 

And it worked!
Ten months later here are a few of what Barbara calls her “miracles”and what Feng Shui  would call “good fortune”. “We felt a huge shift once we put the plants in the area where the blueberries are. We met the owner of the apartments and it turns out we have a lot in common and he’s very much on board for cleaning up. During the time we were out of town, he removed the trees along the fence line and cleared out the brambly mess. He thought he might put up a storage shed but also mentioned selling the property. He told us it was his health that has kept him working on it. Another miracle: is before we moved here I wished that a yoga studio would be walking distance from my house. A new yoga studio opened nearby! And so far, I’ve liked every teacher. And it’s a few minutes walk from my house!”

I never underestimate the power of Nature to communicate and that all we need to do is open our hearts to Ch’i and listen with my eyes to discover miracles.

Happy Summer Solstice! May summer hold miracles for you.

Have you decided this will be your year? “Boldness has genius”.. start with one hour of Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

Remembering Mother And A Moment of Love

“We are born of love, love is our mother.”

At what moment did your mom endow you with grace? For me I was in 7th grade. My skirt zipper broke and as my skirt made its descent to the floor, up rose the color in my face. I called Mom to help me. She came with love and safety pens. Presentable again, I kissed her and said how much it meant to me. Though the safety pens eased me into my skirt, it was her coming to my rescue that eased my distress. Feeling loved and in tact, I walked back into the class room with my head held high. At the end of her life she reminded me of this story. I was so touched that this awkward moment for me had such a profound effect on her, it took my breath away. She said with a smile of endearment, “It felt good to help you, darling.” It was a special moment for her, in the school bathroom helping her daughter.

Motheris the essence of love. It was through her openness, patience, yielding and responsiveness that you were conceived. In the nine months that her belly grew round and large so did her dream of you. These same qualities shape the womb of your dreams. They are the pre-requisites that direct your intuition and inspiration to influence outward events, allowing synchronicity to validate your pathway. Mother is there when you make your first sandcastle, write your essay and paint your watercolor. In adulthood it is the memory of this love that could help you dare to do all sorts of things.

Motherin the home is in the far right corner of your house. In the I-Ching it is called K’un. The English translation is The Receptive. In the Bagua this area represents Relationship. If you desire a fulfilling connection with your mother or sisters; wish to build a container of good health for your organs or find a partner, then initiate change in this yielding place. A sacred object here reflects both stillness (yin) and the creative (yang). The complement of energies will birth your dreams.

Mother–lover, creator, nurturer–is the model for all of your relationships. Honor her struggles, forgive her transgressions, appreciate she did the best that she could, understand she gave you what time she had and you will find the world an easier place to live. Be receptive to these ideas like the moon that reflects the sun, and you will move forward with a new sense of ease and power.

Because your Mother is generally the first one to come to your rescue, I want to share this cure with you.
Worried About Someone Cure
When we love someone they are in our thoughts, we want to see them happy, protected and free. Mothers, in particular, have concern for their children. If your child is planning his or her first sleep over with a friend, if they are away at college or married with their own children, you may wonder if they are doing alright. There may be something more serious like an illness or your child expresses they aren’t adjusting to their situation. Whatever their age, relationship or situation, there is something you can do be ease your mind and help. Using this cure, you can hold the person in your heart and see him or her well, strong, safe and protected. You are binding auspicious ch’i to their body.

Red ribbon (or thread), 6”, 9” or 18”; Scissors

Place the ribbon under your mattress for nine nights. On the tenth day, cut the ribbon in half. Give one half to the person about whom you are worried. If necessary mail it and tell them what you are doing. However, they do not have to know about the cure. You can sew the ribbon into a piece of clothing that you send as a gift, or simply wrap the gift with the ribbon. Remember, your intention needs to be pure if you make this decision on your own. The person must simply accept the ribbon (even if he or she does not know about the cure). If the person does know, he or she may be willing to place it under the pillow or mattress, or carry it all the time. Place the second half of the ribbon either under your pillow or your mattress, or carry it with you all the time. Reinforce with a prayer of intention visualize their protection and safety. If you feel a moment of worry, take the ribbon out and wrap it around the finger that is associated with the person about whom you are concerned.

Some examples: If you are worried about your child who is away at school, wrap the ribbon around your little finger. Loosen it, and wrap it again around the little finger. Do this for a total of nine times. Visualize your child safe and well. If you are worried about your husband, wrap the ribbon around your ring finger then loosen and wrap eight more times for a total of nine times. Visualize him safe and well, and perhaps thinking of you. If you are worried about your mother, wrap the ribbon around your thumb, and repeat the process outlined above.

 Happy Mother’s Day! 

Have you decided this will be your year? “Boldness has genius”.. start with one hour of Feng Shui A La Carte. Think of it as a fairy godmother for your house.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.