Don’t Hurry, Be Happy, Silver Lining Feng Shui Cures

Nature doesn’t hurry yet everything is accomplished. -Lao Tzu

If your last two weeks were like mine you probably wish you could relive them. I wasn’t alone. I heard stories, intense stories, stories of disappointment and upset. So my question is,“While this was happening did you throw your arms up in the air and burst open with, “Enough!”? Did you? Good for you! No matter how disappointing and difficult a situation is, it contains a silver lining. It may not feel like there is one while it is happening but a challenge is a gift, a silver lining of insight, wisdom, growth, a new attitude and most importantly, learning to be better at handling challenges because you really do know they will happen again and again.

Survival of the flexible. Nature encompasses everything–humans, all of God’s creatures and natural disasters. There may always be the seed of drama in conflict but we carry inside our chromosomes the adaptable gene and we can choose to change. Often we forget that it gives us the advantage. A flexible attitude is energy efficient. It creates mental space for more brain power. Clarity to focus. So focus on what makes you happy. If it’s to spin the great American novel, do that; marvel over the Seine in a hot air balloon, find the time; run with the bulls in Pamplona, nothing is stopping you; triumphantly wave your flag at the summit of Mt. Hood, you’re nearly there. If your plan is to live long, prosper and accomplish everything on your bucket list, adaptability is survival of the fittest.

Don’t hurry be happy. Challenges are demanding. When you see one coming offer it your open-mindedness. It will give you leverage and that is half of the challenge. And don’t hesitate to chant, “don’t hurry, be happy”. Giving a volatile situation time will give you the space to formulate your thoughts and look at how you can accommodate all sides and create a win-win. Because life really is about “us”.

Polish the silver lining. Like the characters from the Silver Linings Playbook who run, argue and dance because it makes them feel alive in their heart, the lining shines bright when you live from your heart. Today is the Autumnal Equinox 2014. Day is balanced with night, dark with light. I have included five extraordinary practices that I believe will help you polish your silver lining, feel balanced and in tune with your heart when times are trying.

  • Sound. Karma is the law that past actions create your current reality. You live in the residual of yesterday thoughts. You are not who you are now but what you thought and believed yesterday. When you feel anger or conflict, open to the sounds of the Universe. Empty your heart, chant the Calming Heart Mantra, Gate Gate Para Gate Para Sam Gate Bodhi Swoha nine times and discover peace.
  • Smell. It’s hard to think with an unclear mind. During the day stress and clutter accumulate in your energy. If you have experienced a difficult scene with your partner, take an orange peel bath. Cut nine round circles from the skin of an orange and wash your entire body, even your head. Orange is auspicious. Its clarifying essence uplifts your Ch’i helping you seek your level of balance.
  • Sight. The natural condition of Ch’i is fluid. Our visual surroundings impress upon our eyes and continually influence our Ch’i. Low energy or unhappy emotions breed in a sterile or stuck environment. Increase your vitality with the coloration and luminosity of green plants. Your bedroom is the most important room in the home. Placing nine healthy plants here will help you maintain a positive attitude.
  • Taste. A bitter pill can ruin a good relationship. Before you say something you will regret, step back and “Swallow Your Saliva”, nine times. First create the saliva with the tip of your tongue on the upper palate of your mouth by moving your tongue back and forth 27 times. Then swish the saliva around your gums and teeth. While doing this think whether what you have to say will cause harm. Swallow then speak. It connects all the meridians in the body. Not only will this create positive relations between you and your friend, but strengthen your organs, in particular your stomach and spleen. Setting intention is the motivating factor to positive change. You will experience heart-felt results.
  • Touch. Kindness opens the heart. Giving your friend or family member a twenty-two second hug releases the bonding hormone and neurotransmitter oxytocin, which is nature’s antidepressant and anti-anxiety drug. Acting from a kind heart and performing good deeds daily helps you dial into a benevolent universe that you created yourself. You will find your family, friends and even folks you don’t know will want to join you.

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

Closing The Gap On Joy.

“If you make joy your goal, you are eternally joyful.” – Abraham 

Do you love treasure hunts? Here is a pretty special one about Joy that I am excited to share with you and I think you’ll be excited too. I was searching the internet and came across Abraham and Ester Hicks. Their work is well known but up to now it had been in the background for me. I found one of their Q&A videos. I clicked. Flashes of truth appeared on the screen. Brilliant like a diamond, the talk encapsulated this phrase, “our reason for being is joy”. This time it really came home (literally)! Now at my house, Joy and Happiness have come to play and I am having the most delicious time. Joy is open, receptive, expanding and allowing. Happiness embraces “Yes!” Like Botticelli’s Venus, her presence uplifts. But it is not her emergence from the sea of emotions but from the senses that makes her presence most felt. I recalled H.H. “Professor” Lin’s immortal teaching, “We have 100 hundred senses in our body and Feng Shui helps us to open up to them.” Another piece of the Feng Shui puzzle landed in its rightful place–live your highest potential when you create mirror-like resonance between your senses, space, Feng Shui and Joy. 

Closing the gap. Abraham shares we will always be in a place of wanting. It is our inherent nature. It creates a life of expansion. Our part is to experience joy by matching our energy vibration to the things we want to experience. How do we close the gap? First admit the wanting creates anxiety. You ruminate and worry, “I want it but will I get it? I don’t have it yet but I want it…” relax into the dance until it manifests. But if you cannot and your thoughts are in a spin, know it will create resistance and push your desire away. Quelling your anxiety to receive what you want can be supported when you create a Feng Shui umbrella over your home. Where there is a blocking wall at the front door (limitations), create space with a mirror. Where there is a stairway in the middle of the house, (fluctuating health and finances) lift the Ch’i with a wind chime. Feeling good is the path to your desires. When you take your difficult design details out of the anxiety equation, you are poised to send laser-like focus to what you truly desire and care about and this has joyful side effects.

One more word. Well being flows from Joy and visa versa. A home where the Ch’i has been adjusted expands awareness, creates calm and supports your well being. The interconnectedness of well being, Joy and Feng Shui shine through a beautiful home that delights your senses. What more could you ask for than living in an oasis for Joy to expand.

But if Joy evades you.  Though I would love for you to feel Joy, there may come a time when you don’t quite know how to resolve a problem or you are overwhelmed by a crisis. Go to the Center (of your home). The eight trigrams of the Bagua were created as a representation of the thousands of things in the universe. However they cannot manage to cover everything. So, what is not covered, is in the center. Go there to find what you cannot find anywhere else. If, for example, you are having an issue with your oldest daughter and your not quite certain whether to place an adjustment in Tui (Children) gua or Hsun (Wealth) gua which represents the oldest daughter, remember the following: If you are not sure about the appropriate gua, or if you want to be “totally covered”, adjust the center as well. If something cannot be resolved, the t’ai ch’i also faces outward to all the trigrams. In this way you may find the answer. Herein lies the poetry of Feng Shui and the effectiveness of its wisdom will get you through. 

Happy Treasure Hunting!  

What I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.