Eight Lucky Cures for St. Patrick’s Day, Feng Shui Style.

Can we change our surroundings to bring about change for our own good?

Happiness said, “Let’s meet.” Serendipity replied, “In a blink an eye”. How lucky I am. I wear green because it brings me the luck, not of the Irish, but of Feng Shui. It shifts circumstances from bad to good, from stuck to serendipity. Or is that a superstitious belief.

Cindy emailed and said she met a wonderful man. I think back a few months ago when I came to her home. As we talked at her dining room table she said she wanted to get her consulting business up and running again. But as I sat there I felt the white curtains, the white walls in her apartment and the white flowers in her bedroom tell a different story. White symbolizes death for the Chinese. When I told her this she shared how badly she had been burned in her past relationship. She didn’t want to admit she was unhappy and at a crossroads. But then the tears started to flow uncontrollably, there was no hiding how she felt. So when she wrote me a few weeks ago with, Also, since I last saw you, I met a wonderful man. We’ve been having great fun getting to know each other. I’m enjoying myself tremendously.” I was ecstatic for her. It was more powerful, more compelling than any new client prospects she could have told me about. In my mind’s eye I could see her hanging new curtains in her relationship gua with a broad smile beaming over her face. And a sparkle of happiness lift her heart when she hit the nail to place the red and white framed cat drawing that she loved. In the bedroom she arranged a vase of beautiful pink flowers next to her bed; they were robust, bursting with vitality. Bit by bit these secret delights started to reshape her world and her inner confidence bloomed once again. The adjustments helped her to open to the vulnerability that she felt in her heart. 

Building a new life using Feng Shui adjustments, each item that Cindy placed was crafting a future moment of joy. Fate works this way: happiness creates opportunities and serendipity follows.

In honor of St. Patrick’s Day: luck cannot be contained by borders, it’s spread by the currents of love. May the luck you receive be generous like the blessings from heaven above.

From our esteem founder of the Black Sect Tantric Buddhist School of Feng Shui, “Professor” Lin Yun, here are eight lucky cures for St. Patrick’s Day, Feng Shui style. It’s an opportunity for you to change your energy field and change your fate.

Adjust the Feng Shui in your bedroom and office
Professor Lin told the following story: I was recently sick and almost died. I had not been in my office in Berkeley which is my main office for a very long time. It was important for me to be there, to check in and to be sure all was well. It was important for me to:

  • Sit in my office chair.
  • Activate (place a cures like a water fountain in Career and a picture of a beautiful place you’d like to visit in Helpful People). If you do not check in, bad luck may “catch up with you”.
  • Place a crystal ball, or a wind chime, in the center of your office. Visualize that the Feng Shui of your life is positive.

 Changing Your Ch’i Type

  • If you are constantly in a bad mood change this by wearing a solid color of green.

Adjust the Effects Of A Bad Experience

  • Carry nine round pieces of orange peel for twenty-seven days to soften the effects of a bad experience.

Being Taken Advantage Of

  • If you feel you are being taken advantage of, carry the three dimensional zodiac animals.

Refocus Your Energy

  • If your luck is not good, every 9, 18 or 27 days, change some aspect of your furniture arrangement. You are changing the Ch’i using the sense of touch. Your Ch’i will be refocused, and awakened.

Still Encountering Bad Luck

  • If you have completed the Feng Shui above and still encountering bad luck, perform good deeds without expecting a reward. Be sincere, you will never be disappointed.

One thing I have discovered about our homes is that creating a heart healthy space leads to peace and contentment. The bedroom is where it begins. Start with my complimentary pdf: 27 Bedroom Concepts To Maximize Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind. Design your space to your best advantage. Subscribe to my blog and special offers. You’ll receive this valuable Feng Shui Guide as a thank you gift.

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